Domatesin kaldırmış olduğu bitki besin elementleri, bunların taşınması ve azot ve potasyumun verime olan etkileri üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
59 ÖZET Bu araştırma, Rio Grande Sanayi domates çeşidinin Ege Bölgesi koşullarında ihtiyaç duyduğu Azot ve Potasyumlu gübre miktarlarını saptamak, kuru madde oluşumunun seyrini incelemek ve gübre seviyelerinin buna etkisini belirlemek, ayrıca domates bitkisinin kaldırmış olduğu bitki besin elementlerinin miktarını tesbit ederek element alımı ile gübre seviyeleri arasındaki ilişkiyi bulmak amacı ile yürütülmüştür. 1. Gübre Seviyelerinin Verime Etkisi: Fosfor seviyesi 12 kg/da olarak sabit tutulmuş ve azot ile potasyumlu gübrelerin 0-6-12-18-24 kg/da olmak üzere 5 ayrı seviyesi uygulanmıştır. Hem azotlu gübre hem de potasyumlu gübre seviyelerinin verim üzerindeki ? etkileri önemli bulunmuştur. En yüksek verim 6759 kg/da olarak azot denemesindeki Ni2Pl2K12 seviyesinden ve 6815 kg/da olarakta potasyum denemesindeki Ni2Pl2Ki2uy9ulamalarından elde edilmiştir. (Çizelge-2 ve Çizelge-4) 2. Gübre Seviyelerinin Kuru Madde Oluşumuna Etkisi: Fide dikiminden 63 gün, 11 gün ve 99 gün sonra olmak üzere üç kez kuru madde miktarları yaprak, gövde, meyve ve tüm bitkide ayrı ayrı tesbit edilmiştir. Azot denemesinde her üç dönemde de en yüksek kuru madde oluşumu 12 kg N/da seviyesinde gerçekleşmiştir. İlk dönemde en fazla kuru madde yapraklarda oluşurken ikinci ve üçüncü dönemlerde en çok meyvelerde oluşmuştur. Her üç dönemde de en az kuru madde birikimi gövdede meydana gelmiştir. (Çizelge-8, Çizelge-10, Çizelge-12). Potas yum denemesinde de en yüksek kuru madde oluşumları 12 kg K20/da.lık gübre seviyesinde görülmüştür. Ve yine ilk dönemde yapraklar en yüksek kuru madde oluşumunu sağlarken ikinci ve üçüncü dönemlerde meyve kuru madde miktarları gövde ve yapraklardan daha yüksek olmuştur. (Çizelge-15, Çizelge-17ve Çizelge-19) Her iki denemedeki N^2Pl2^12 9übre seviyelerinden elde edilen ortalama değerler incelendiğinde (Çizelge-22) tüm bitki kuru maddesinin %13.4'ü- nün gövdede, % 37' sinin yaprakta, % 49t6isının meyvede oluştuğu görülmektedir. Kuru madde oluşum hızının incelenmesi, domates bitkisinin gereksinme duyduğu bitki besin elementlerinin büyük bir kısmının meyve olgunlaşma döneminde karşılanması gerektiğini göstermektedir. (Seki 1-10)60 3. Gübre Seviyelerinin Bitki Besin Maddeleri Alımına Etkisi: Domates bitkisinin azot alımı, azotlu gübre seviyelerinden ve potasyum alımı potasyumlu gübre seviyelerinden önemli düzeyde etkilenmiştir. Bu etki kuadratik niteliğe sahiptir. Gübre dozlarının artması belirli seviyeye kadar besin maddesi alımını arttırmış daha sonraki seviyelerde ise azaltmıştır. (Çizelge-23 ve Çizelge-29). Her iki gübrenin de en büyük etkisi 12 kg/da. lık seviyelerde görülmüştür. Gel isme dönemi süre since azot ve potasyumun alınma hızları incelenmiş ve her ikisinin de dikimden 11 gün sonra maksimum düzeye ulaştıkları saptanmıştır. (Şekil-12 ve Şekil-14) Bu bulgular domates bitkisinin, besin maddesi alımı ile gübre seviyeleri arasında önemli ilişki bulunduğunu, en iyi gübreleme seviyelerinin 12 kg/da N,P ve K olduğunu, gübrelemeye olan ihtiyacın meyve olgunlaşma döneminde en yüksek düzeye ulaştığını göstermektedir. Azot ve potasyumlu gübre denemelerinin her ikisinde de N,P,K,Ca,Mg,Na, Fe,Zn,Mn ve Cu alımları tespit edilmiş olup bunların alt ve üst seviye leri ile ortalama değerleri Çizelge-28'de ve Çizelge-34'de verilmiştir
61 SUMMARY This study was conducted to find the optimum levels of nitrogen and potassium applied for processing tomato CV. Rio Grande in Ege Region. Also the correlation between dry matter production and fertilizers, the influence of fertilizers applied on nutrient uptake were studied. 1. Effect of Different Levels of Nitrogen and Potassium Applied On Yield of Tomato: Five different levels of nitrogen and potassium (0-6-12-18-24 kg/da) fertilizers applied since the level of phosphorus was fixed at 12 kg/da. A significant positive correlation between the yield and both nutrients was found. The yield of tomato increased with increasing levels of applied nitrogen up to 6759 kg/da at 12 kg/da of nitrogen. The highest yield was 6815 kg/da in potassium trial, obtained from 12 kg K20/da (Table-2 and Table-4). 2. Effect of Levels of Nitrogen and Potassium Applied on Dry Matter Production, Dry matter contents of stems, leaves and fruits were determined at three different states during the growing season (63,77 and 99 days after transplanting). In nitrogen trial at all stages, dry matter content of tomato plants increased with the levels of nitrogen up to 12 kg/da and excessive levels of nitrogen depressed dry matter content. In first period the highest amount of dry matter accumulated in leaves while second and third periods in fruits. The lowest dry matter content was observed in stems in all periods (Table-8,Table-10 and Table-12). The same response of dry matter content to potassium levels was found in potassium trial (Table-15,Table-17 and Table-19). According to the avarage dry matter content for Ni2p12K12 levels of both trials, 13.4 % of dry matter was found in stems, 37 % in leaves and the largest proportion 49.6 % in fruits. 3. Effect of Fertilizer Levels in Nutrients Uptake: Nitrogen uptake was affected by nitrogen fertilizer and potassium uptake by potassium fertilizer significantly. Nutrient uptake increased with an increasing levels of fertilizers up to certain extend and than62 decreased. (Table-23 and Table-29).The amount of nitrogen and potassium uptakes tended to be highest at intermediate levels of N and K fertilizers. The highest N and K uptake by tomato were observed at 12 kg N/da and 12 kg K£0/da fertilizer levels. The rates of N and K uptake calculated for plants were at the highest level 77 days after transplanting. (Figure-12 and Figure-14). As a result the significant correlation between fertilizers applied and nutrient uptake was found and the best levels of fertilizers (12 kg N/da, 12 kg P205/da, 12 kg K20/da) were determined and the best time for application of fertilizers (just before fruit development) was concluded. In both trials N,P,K,Ca,Mg,Na,Fe,Zn and Cu uptake were determined and the highest, lowest, average levels were given in Table-28 and Table-34
61 SUMMARY This study was conducted to find the optimum levels of nitrogen and potassium applied for processing tomato CV. Rio Grande in Ege Region. Also the correlation between dry matter production and fertilizers, the influence of fertilizers applied on nutrient uptake were studied. 1. Effect of Different Levels of Nitrogen and Potassium Applied On Yield of Tomato: Five different levels of nitrogen and potassium (0-6-12-18-24 kg/da) fertilizers applied since the level of phosphorus was fixed at 12 kg/da. A significant positive correlation between the yield and both nutrients was found. The yield of tomato increased with increasing levels of applied nitrogen up to 6759 kg/da at 12 kg/da of nitrogen. The highest yield was 6815 kg/da in potassium trial, obtained from 12 kg K20/da (Table-2 and Table-4). 2. Effect of Levels of Nitrogen and Potassium Applied on Dry Matter Production, Dry matter contents of stems, leaves and fruits were determined at three different states during the growing season (63,77 and 99 days after transplanting). In nitrogen trial at all stages, dry matter content of tomato plants increased with the levels of nitrogen up to 12 kg/da and excessive levels of nitrogen depressed dry matter content. In first period the highest amount of dry matter accumulated in leaves while second and third periods in fruits. The lowest dry matter content was observed in stems in all periods (Table-8,Table-10 and Table-12). The same response of dry matter content to potassium levels was found in potassium trial (Table-15,Table-17 and Table-19). According to the avarage dry matter content for Ni2p12K12 levels of both trials, 13.4 % of dry matter was found in stems, 37 % in leaves and the largest proportion 49.6 % in fruits. 3. Effect of Fertilizer Levels in Nutrients Uptake: Nitrogen uptake was affected by nitrogen fertilizer and potassium uptake by potassium fertilizer significantly. Nutrient uptake increased with an increasing levels of fertilizers up to certain extend and than62 decreased. (Table-23 and Table-29).The amount of nitrogen and potassium uptakes tended to be highest at intermediate levels of N and K fertilizers. The highest N and K uptake by tomato were observed at 12 kg N/da and 12 kg K£0/da fertilizer levels. The rates of N and K uptake calculated for plants were at the highest level 77 days after transplanting. (Figure-12 and Figure-14). As a result the significant correlation between fertilizers applied and nutrient uptake was found and the best levels of fertilizers (12 kg N/da, 12 kg P205/da, 12 kg K20/da) were determined and the best time for application of fertilizers (just before fruit development) was concluded. In both trials N,P,K,Ca,Mg,Na,Fe,Zn and Cu uptake were determined and the highest, lowest, average levels were given in Table-28 and Table-34
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Azotlu gübreler, Nitrogen fertilizers, Bitki besin maddeleri, Plant nutrients, Domates, Tomato, Potasyumlu gübreler, Potassium fertilizers, Toprak, Soil