Göçebe savaşçılığının sosyo-ekonomik kökleri
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
"Her Türk Asker Doğar." Türkiye'de yaşayıp bu deyişi duymayan insan yoktur. Çoğu zaman göğsümüzü kabartan bu cümle Avrasya bozkırlarında göçebe yaşam süren Türkler için çok doğrudur. Fakat günümüzde hâlâ geçerliliğini koruyup korumadığı tartışmaya açıktır. Çetin coğrafi koşullar onları mükemmel savaşçılar olmaya zorlamıştır. Bu çetin şartlar ise bozkırın dayattığı sosyal ve iktisadi şekillerdir. Avrasya'nın zorlayıcı ikliminin yanı sıra yeryüzü şekilleri ve fazla nüfus besleyemeyen iktisadi yapısı farklı meslek gruplarının ortaya çıkmasına müsaade etmemiştir. Bu nedenle bozkırda yaşayan insanlar aynı anda asker, tüccar, çiftçi, balıkçı ve çoban olmak zorunda kalmışlardır. Her mesleği öğrenmek zorunda olan bozkırlılara barbar demeyi çok seven batı dünyasının eski yazarları aslında onlara karşı savaş meydanlarında çoğu zaman mağlup oldukları için onlara bu şekilde adlandırmayı tercih etmişlerdir. Zira medeni olmayan bu insanlar nasıl olurda onlar gibi medeni hayat süren insanlara üstünlük sağlayabilirler? Savaş meydanlarında nasıl bu kadar başarılı olabilirler? Kuşkusuz bu sorunun tek bir cevabı yoktur. Eğer bu soruya cevap aramamız gerekiyorsa bakmamız gereken şeylerden biri kullandıkları silahlardır. Bir diğeri ise savaş sanatlarıdır. Fakat silahta stratejide iyi savaşan askerler olmadan uygulanamayacağı için kendi başlarına yeterli değildir. O yüzden bozkır savaşçılığının bu sorulara tek cevap olmadığını söyleyebiliriz. Lakin temeline koymakta bir problem görmemekteyiz. Bu savaşçılığın kaynağında ise en basit tabirle zor geçim şartları yatmaktadır. Savaşçı olarak yetişen insanlardan oluşan bir toplumda iyi savaşmayanların yer ve söz sahibi olması mümkün değildir. Hayvancılığın bir numaralı geçim kaynağı olduğu bozkırlarda sınırlı sayıdaki hayvanları korumak, meraları ele geçirmek ya da elde tutmak içinde savaşmayı çok iyi bilmek gerekmektedir. Doğal afetlerin yaşandığı yıllarda geçim sağlamak için yerleşik komşulara dosthane olmayan ziyaretlerde bulunmak yine savaşçılığın bir getirisi olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Sosyal ve iktisadi sebeplerin temelini oluşturduğu bozkır savaşçılığı çok uzun yıllar boyunca kendini geliştirmeye devam etmiştir. Bu gelişim din değişimi ya da büyük göçler sonrasında bile durmamış ve bozkırlıların her dönemde tarih sahnesinde bulunmalarına vesile olmuştur.
"Every Turk is born a soldier." There is not a single person who has grown up in Turkey who has not heard this phrase. This sentence that fills our heart with pride is valid for Turks that lived a nomadic life in Eurasia as well. But whether or not it is valid today is a matter that is open to debate. Harsh geographical conditions forced them into becoming excellent fighters. These harsh conditions were social and economic structures imposed by the steppe. Apart from the difficult climate of Eurasia, geographical features and the economic structure that was insufficient in providing conditions to feed large populations prevented the emergence of different professional groups. And so the people of the steppes were forced into becoming soldiers, traders, farmers, fishermen, and shepherds simultaneously. The ancient writers of the western world who liked to call the people of the steppes, who had to learn all trades, barbarians, chose to name them as such because they were defeated by them on many occasions on the field of battle. For how was it possible for these people to be superior to those who lived civilised lives? How could they be so successful in battle? There is no doubt more than one answer to these question. In seeking an answer, one of the factors that must be considered is the weapons that they used. Another is the art of war. But neither weapons nor strategy are sufficient without capable soldiers to use them. Thus, it could be said that the warrior ways of the steppes are not the only answer. It can, however, be placed at the centre of the explanation. The source of this martialism is constrained livelihood conditions, to put it simply. It is not possible for those unskilled at fighting to be prominent in people that are raised as warriors. Protecting livestock, capturing pastures and defending them requires force of arms on the steppe where husbandry is the primary means of livelihood. Hostile visits to settled neighbours in years of natural disasters for subsistence is also another result phenomenon made possible by martialism. The bellicosity of the steppe that was brought about by social and economic reasons continue to develop for a great many years. This advancement did not falter even through religious conversion
"Every Turk is born a soldier." There is not a single person who has grown up in Turkey who has not heard this phrase. This sentence that fills our heart with pride is valid for Turks that lived a nomadic life in Eurasia as well. But whether or not it is valid today is a matter that is open to debate. Harsh geographical conditions forced them into becoming excellent fighters. These harsh conditions were social and economic structures imposed by the steppe. Apart from the difficult climate of Eurasia, geographical features and the economic structure that was insufficient in providing conditions to feed large populations prevented the emergence of different professional groups. And so the people of the steppes were forced into becoming soldiers, traders, farmers, fishermen, and shepherds simultaneously. The ancient writers of the western world who liked to call the people of the steppes, who had to learn all trades, barbarians, chose to name them as such because they were defeated by them on many occasions on the field of battle. For how was it possible for these people to be superior to those who lived civilised lives? How could they be so successful in battle? There is no doubt more than one answer to these question. In seeking an answer, one of the factors that must be considered is the weapons that they used. Another is the art of war. But neither weapons nor strategy are sufficient without capable soldiers to use them. Thus, it could be said that the warrior ways of the steppes are not the only answer. It can, however, be placed at the centre of the explanation. The source of this martialism is constrained livelihood conditions, to put it simply. It is not possible for those unskilled at fighting to be prominent in people that are raised as warriors. Protecting livestock, capturing pastures and defending them requires force of arms on the steppe where husbandry is the primary means of livelihood. Hostile visits to settled neighbours in years of natural disasters for subsistence is also another result phenomenon made possible by martialism. The bellicosity of the steppe that was brought about by social and economic reasons continue to develop for a great many years. This advancement did not falter even through religious conversion
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