Mastektomi ameliyatı olmuş kadınların sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışı ile öz-bakım gücü arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Sağlıklı Yaşam Biçimi Davranışı, bireyin sağlığını etkileyebilen tüm davranışlarını kontrol ederek, günlük aktivitelerini kendi sağlık statüsüne uygun biçimde düzenlenmesi ve sağlıklı olmak için inandığı bu faaliyetleri yerine getirmesidir. Yaşamı sağlığı ve iyilik halini sürdürmek için birey tarafından başlatılan ve gerçekleştirilen etkinlikleri kapsayan öz-bakım, bireyin kendi sağlık bakımına sürekli katılımıdır. Öz-bakım gücü, öz-bakımı yerine getirebilme kapasitesidir. Bireylerin sağlıkları bozulduğunda öz-bakım faaliyetleri ve SYBD yetersiz olabilir (40, 64, 79, 87). Meme kanseri, tanı aşamasından itibaren uzun ve yorucu bir tedavi ve ağır yan etkilerin gelişebileceği zorlu bir süreçtir. Kişi böyle zorlu bir süreçte öz-bakım faaliyetlerini ve SYBD' nı yerine getirmede yetersiz kalabilir. Bu durumda profesyonel düzeyde bir hemşirelik bakımına gereksinim duyulur. Bu araştırma, mastektomi ameliyatı olmuş kadınların sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışı ile öz-bakım gücü arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Hastanesi Genel Cerrahi A.D.'nın meme polikliniğinde ve Radyasyon Onkolojisi A.D.'nın polikliniğinde 15 Nisan -15 Eylül 2001 tarihleri arasında tedavi ve kontrole gelen 3 ayını doldurmuş, radyoterapi, kemoterapi ve hormon tedavilerinden bir veya bir kaçını almakta olan 150 mastektomi ameliyatı olmuş kadınla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veriler anket formu aracılığı ile hastalarla yüz yüze görüşülerek toplanmıştır. Kullanılan anket formu; sosyodemografık özelliklerin belirlenmesine yönelik sorulardan oluşan anket formu, SYBD ölçeği, ÖBG ölçeği olmak üzere üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Araştırma verilerinin değerlendirilmesinde, yüzdelik, ortalama, korelasyon teknikleri ve Tek Yönlü Çok Değişkenli Varyans Analizinde (Tek Yönlü MANOVA, TYMANOVA) "çok değişkenli testler" başlığı altında "Pillai's Trace", "Wilk's Lambda", "Hotelling's Trace", "Roy's Largest Root" test istatistikleri kullanılmıştır. Mastektomi ameliyatı olmuş kadınların SYBDÖ ve ÖBGÖ puan ortalamaları oldukça yüksek bulunmuştur ( 162 ± 13.81; 118.2 ± 12.52). Mastektomi ameliyatından sonra geçen süre ile SYBD arasında, eğitim ile beslenme arasında, ekonomik durumla kendini gerçekleştirme ve stres yönetimi arasında anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmıştır. 113Ameliyat sonrası geçen süre arttıkça sağlık sorumluluğu ve beslenme düzeyi arttığı belirlenmiştir (F=44.599, p<0.05; F= 12.935, p<0.05). Öz-bakım gücü ile sosyodemografik değişkenler arasında bir ilişki saptanmamıştır.SYBD ile ÖBG'nün birbirinden etkilendiği, aralarında anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir. 14
ABSTRACT Health Promotion Life-Style is that the individuals organizes his daily activities in proper of his self health status and realize those activities for being healthy by controlling all that attitudes those can effect his health. Self-Care, that includes the activities those being started and realized by individual to continue his life, health and goodness situation, is the permanent participation of the individuals to the health care of his self. The power of Self- Care is the capacity to realize the Self-Care. If the individual's health fails, the Self-Care and Health Promotion Life-Style may be insufficient. Breast cancer is a violent process that requires as from the definition phase a long and a tiring treatment and may accuse heavy near effects. Individual may be insufficient by realizing the Self-Care activities and Health Promotion Life-Style in such a process. In that case, a nurse care professional stage is required. This investigation is a descriptive and analytical study, realized by the aim to define the relationship between Health Promotion Life-style and Self-Care Agency (SCA) of the mastectomy operation undergone women. The investigation is completed by the 150 women, those who came to the General Surgical Department, Breast Polyclinic and Radiation Oncology Department Polyclinic of the Ege University Medical Faculty Research and Application Hospital between 15 April and 15 September 2001 for treatment and control, filled up her 3 month, taking one or a couple of the radiotherapy, chemotherapy or hormone treatments, and had a mastectomy operation. The data are collected from the patients face to face by questionnaire. The used forms are made up of the 3 questionnaire forms, that constituted from the questions to fix the socio-demographic characteristics, Health Promotion Life-style Profile (HPLP), Exercise of Self -Care Agency Scala(ESCA). 'Pillai's Trace', 'Wilk's Lambda', 'Hotelling's Trace', 'Roy's Largest Root' test statistics are used for utilizing the investigation's data's under the titles; percentage, average, correlation techniques and many variable tests by the One Way Many Variant Analysis (one way MANOVA, TYMANOVA). The average points of HPLP and ESCA by the women, who had a mastectomy operation, were extreme high (162 + 13. 81; 118 + 12.52). A positive relationship is utilized between the time spend after the mastectomy operation and HPLP, education and nutrition; self develop by economic situation and stress management. 115It has been disclosed, that as more time had passed after the operation, as much more increased the health responsibility and the level of nutrition (F=44.599. P<0, 05: F=l 2.935. PO.05). No relationship between ESCA and socio-demographic variants had been found. A significant relationship between HPLP and ESCA is cleared. 116
ABSTRACT Health Promotion Life-Style is that the individuals organizes his daily activities in proper of his self health status and realize those activities for being healthy by controlling all that attitudes those can effect his health. Self-Care, that includes the activities those being started and realized by individual to continue his life, health and goodness situation, is the permanent participation of the individuals to the health care of his self. The power of Self- Care is the capacity to realize the Self-Care. If the individual's health fails, the Self-Care and Health Promotion Life-Style may be insufficient. Breast cancer is a violent process that requires as from the definition phase a long and a tiring treatment and may accuse heavy near effects. Individual may be insufficient by realizing the Self-Care activities and Health Promotion Life-Style in such a process. In that case, a nurse care professional stage is required. This investigation is a descriptive and analytical study, realized by the aim to define the relationship between Health Promotion Life-style and Self-Care Agency (SCA) of the mastectomy operation undergone women. The investigation is completed by the 150 women, those who came to the General Surgical Department, Breast Polyclinic and Radiation Oncology Department Polyclinic of the Ege University Medical Faculty Research and Application Hospital between 15 April and 15 September 2001 for treatment and control, filled up her 3 month, taking one or a couple of the radiotherapy, chemotherapy or hormone treatments, and had a mastectomy operation. The data are collected from the patients face to face by questionnaire. The used forms are made up of the 3 questionnaire forms, that constituted from the questions to fix the socio-demographic characteristics, Health Promotion Life-style Profile (HPLP), Exercise of Self -Care Agency Scala(ESCA). 'Pillai's Trace', 'Wilk's Lambda', 'Hotelling's Trace', 'Roy's Largest Root' test statistics are used for utilizing the investigation's data's under the titles; percentage, average, correlation techniques and many variable tests by the One Way Many Variant Analysis (one way MANOVA, TYMANOVA). The average points of HPLP and ESCA by the women, who had a mastectomy operation, were extreme high (162 + 13. 81; 118 + 12.52). A positive relationship is utilized between the time spend after the mastectomy operation and HPLP, education and nutrition; self develop by economic situation and stress management. 115It has been disclosed, that as more time had passed after the operation, as much more increased the health responsibility and the level of nutrition (F=44.599. P<0, 05: F=l 2.935. PO.05). No relationship between ESCA and socio-demographic variants had been found. A significant relationship between HPLP and ESCA is cleared. 116
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing