Hemodiyaliz hastalarında venöz katetere heparin kilidi uygulama sıklığının tıkanıklığın önlenmesine etkisinin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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98 ÖZET HEMODİYALİZ HASTALARINDA SANTRAL VENÖZ KATETERE HEPARÎN KİLİDİ UYGULAMA SIKLIĞININ TIKANIKLIĞIN ÖNLENMESİNE ETKİSİNİN İNCELENMESİ Bu çalışma, hemodiyaliz hastalarında santral venöz katetere heparin kilidi uygulama sıklığının tıkanmayı önlemede etkisini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmış, deneysel ve analitik bir çalışmadır. Araştırma, Sosyal Sigortalar Kurumu İzmir Tepecik Eğitim Hastanesi Hemodiyaliz Ünitesi'nde Nisan 2003 - Mart 2004 tarihleri arasında yürütülmüştür. Araştırma kapsamına; Sosyal Sigortalar Kurumu İzmir Tepecik Eğitim Hastanesi Hemodiyaliz Ünitesi'nde hemodiyaliz tedavisi programına alman, yeni geçici santral venöz kateter yerleştirilen, kanama diyatezi olmayan ve antiagregan ilaç kullanmayan 30 hasta alınmıştır. Olasılıksız örneklem yöntemiyle seçilen 15 hasta uygulama grubunu, 1 5 hasta ise kontrol grubunu oluşturmuştur. Geçici santral venöz kateter takılan hastalardan kontrol grubundakilere araştırmacı tarafından kateterizasyonun ilk gününden başlayarak diyaliz ünitesinde haftanın 3 günü katetere heparin kilidi uygulanmıştır. Uygulama grubundaki hastalara ise kateterizasyonun ilk gününden başlamak üzere, diyaliz tedavisi aldığı günlerde hemodiyaliz ünitesinde, diyaliz tedavisi yapılmayan günlerde hastanede, taburcu olduktan sonra ise evinde araştırmacı tarafından haftada 6 kez heparin kilidi uygulanmıştır. Hastaların izlemleri geçici santral venöz kateterleri çıkartılıncaya kadar devam etmiştir. Verilerin analizi Ki-kare, Fisher's Kesin Ki-kare ve Mann-Whitney U testi kullanılarak yapılmıştır.99 Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; haftada 6 kez heparin kilidi uygulama ile, yaygın kabul görmüş uygulama olan haftada 3 kez diyaliz günlerinde heparin kilidi uygulaması karşılaştırıldığında, haftada 6 kez heparin kilidi uygulamanın kateterin tıkanmasını önlemede etkili olmadığı saptanmıştır. Ancak bu yöntemin; kateterden serum flaşı güçlüğünü (kateter içi trombüs birikimi) azaltmada, kateter aspirasyon güçlüğünün (kateter ucu/çevresi trombüs oluşumu) ilk ortaya çıkma zamanını geciktirmede dolayısıyla diyaliz makinesi akım hızını daha yüksek seviyede tutmada etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. Haftada 3 kez yerine 6 kez katetere heparin kilidi uygulamak pratik bir yöntem gibi gözükmese de, daha kesin bulgular ve öneriler elde etmek için bu uygulamanın daha çok sayıda hasta üzerinde yapılması, hastalara hastanede yattıkları sürece haftada 6 kez heparin kilidi uygulaması önerilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: hemodiyaliz, santral venöz kateter, heparin kilidi, tıkanma
100 SUMMARY IMPACT OF HEPARIN LOCKING FREQUENCY ON PREVENTING CENTRAL VENOUS CATHETER OCCLUSION IN HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS This is an experimental and analytic study carried out to investigate the effects of frequency of heparin-lock on preventing catheter occlusion in dialysis patient with central venous catheters. This research was carried out in hemodialysis unit of Social Insurance Service Izmir Tepecik Education Hospital between the dates of April 2003-March 2004. Total 30 patients who started hemodialysis treatment program in the hemodialysis unit of Social Insurance Service İzmir Tepecik Education Hospital, who were, implanted a new temporary central venous catheter, who had no bleeding disorders, and who were not under high-dose antiaggregent therapy were included in the scope of research. By using non-random sampling technique, 15 selected patients constituted the experiment group, and other 15 patients constituted the control group. In the control group heparin-lock was applied in the temporary dialysis catheter by the researcher starting in the same day with the catheter implantation, 3 days a week in the hemodialysis unit. In the experiment group, heparin-lock was applied by the researcher starting in the same day with the catheter implantation, 6 days a week of which 3 days in the hemodialysis unit, and remaining 3 days in the hospital bed or after discharge from hospital in the patient's home. The analysis of dala was done by using Chi-square, Fisher's Exact Chi-square and Mann-Whitney U tests.101 According to the results of research, comparing the application of heparin-lock 6 days a week and the widely accepted mode of heparin-lock application 3 days a week, it was found that the heparin locking 6 days a week is not effective in preventing catheter occlusion. This technique, on the other hand, was found to be effective in lowering the difficulty in catheter flushing (which means thrombus accumulation in the catheter), prolonging the time at which difficulty in catheter aspiration was encountered first (which means thrombus accumulation in the tip/around the catheter), thus keeping the dialysis flow rates high. Although the heparin locking in the dialysis catheter 6 days a week instead of 3 days a week does not seem to be practical, it is advisable to re-examine the technique in many patients in order to obtain more accurate findings and advices, and to apply heparin locking 6 days a week during the patients' hospital stay. Key Words: hemodialysis, central venous catheter, heparin-lock, occlusion
100 SUMMARY IMPACT OF HEPARIN LOCKING FREQUENCY ON PREVENTING CENTRAL VENOUS CATHETER OCCLUSION IN HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS This is an experimental and analytic study carried out to investigate the effects of frequency of heparin-lock on preventing catheter occlusion in dialysis patient with central venous catheters. This research was carried out in hemodialysis unit of Social Insurance Service Izmir Tepecik Education Hospital between the dates of April 2003-March 2004. Total 30 patients who started hemodialysis treatment program in the hemodialysis unit of Social Insurance Service İzmir Tepecik Education Hospital, who were, implanted a new temporary central venous catheter, who had no bleeding disorders, and who were not under high-dose antiaggregent therapy were included in the scope of research. By using non-random sampling technique, 15 selected patients constituted the experiment group, and other 15 patients constituted the control group. In the control group heparin-lock was applied in the temporary dialysis catheter by the researcher starting in the same day with the catheter implantation, 3 days a week in the hemodialysis unit. In the experiment group, heparin-lock was applied by the researcher starting in the same day with the catheter implantation, 6 days a week of which 3 days in the hemodialysis unit, and remaining 3 days in the hospital bed or after discharge from hospital in the patient's home. The analysis of dala was done by using Chi-square, Fisher's Exact Chi-square and Mann-Whitney U tests.101 According to the results of research, comparing the application of heparin-lock 6 days a week and the widely accepted mode of heparin-lock application 3 days a week, it was found that the heparin locking 6 days a week is not effective in preventing catheter occlusion. This technique, on the other hand, was found to be effective in lowering the difficulty in catheter flushing (which means thrombus accumulation in the catheter), prolonging the time at which difficulty in catheter aspiration was encountered first (which means thrombus accumulation in the tip/around the catheter), thus keeping the dialysis flow rates high. Although the heparin locking in the dialysis catheter 6 days a week instead of 3 days a week does not seem to be practical, it is advisable to re-examine the technique in many patients in order to obtain more accurate findings and advices, and to apply heparin locking 6 days a week during the patients' hospital stay. Key Words: hemodialysis, central venous catheter, heparin-lock, occlusion
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing