15-49 Yaş evli kadınlarda aile planlaması yöntemlerini kullanma durumu ve etki eden faktörlerin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Bu çalışma 4 Temmuz 3 Ağustos 2001 yılında Sosyal Sigortalar Kurumu Ege Doğum Evi ve Kadın Hastalıkları Eğitim Hastanesi Aile Planlaması Polikliniğinde "15-49 Yaş arası Evli Kadınlarda Aile Planlaması Yöntemlerini Kullanma Durumu Ve Etki Eden Faktörlerin İncelenmesi" amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın yapılabilmesi için Ankara SSK Genel Müdürlüğünden gerekli izinler alınmıştır. Veriler, araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilmiş anket formu kullanılarak 200 kadın üzerinde görüşme yolu ile toplanmıştır. Anket formu üç bölümden oluşmuştur. Birinci bölüm kadınların sosyo-demografik özellikleri,ikinci bölüm kadınların doğurganlık özellikleri,üçüncü bölüm gebeliği önleyici yöntem kullanma özelliklerini içermektedir. Verilerin değerlendirmesinde yüzdelik ve Ki-kare testi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre kadınların; yaş ortalaması 30.86,%66.5'inin ilkokul mezunu,%75.'inin ev hanımı olduğu, ilk evlilik yaş ortalamasının 19.81 ve ilk gebelik yaşı ortalamasının 20.76 yaş, gebelik sayısı ortalamasının 3.07 gebelik, doğum sayısı ortalamasının 2.06 doğum, çocuk sayısı ortalamasının 1.96 çocuk, kürtaj sayısı ortalamasının 1.43 kürtaj olduğu saptanmıştır. Kadınların tümüne, yakınının gebeliği önleyici yöntem kullandıkları saptanmıştır.Kadınların yaş, eğitim, meslek, ekonomik durum, ilk evlilik yaşı, ilk gebelik yaşı, gebelik sayısı, doğum sayısı, çocuk sayısı, kürtaj olma durumu, korunma yöntemi seçimine eşin katılımı ile kullanılan gebeliği önleyici yöntem arasında istatistiksel açıdan incelendiği zaman anlamlı ilişki bulunamamıştır. Gebeliği önleyici yöntem konusunda verilen eğitimlerde sadece yöntemler ve yöntemlerin teknik özellikleri hakkında değil, aynı zamanda yöntemlerin yan etkileri, kürtajın yan etkileri, eşlerin(erkeklerin) eğitimi gibi konuların göz ardı edilmemesi ve bu konuların kadınları nasıl sınırladığı ve etkilediği düşünülerek çiftlere eğitim verilmesi ve yönlendirilmesi önerilebilir. 95
SUMMARY This study was carried out in order to investigate " The status of married women between 15-49 years of age in practicing the family planning methods and the factors affecting them" within the Family Planning Polyclinic of Ege Maternity and Gynecology Education Hospital of Social Security Institution. For this research required permission was granted from General Directorate of S.S.K. Ankara. The data were collected by using a survey form developed by the researcher through interviewing 200 women. The survey form consists of three sections; first section is sociodemographic characteristics of women; second section is prolificacy features of women; and third section is features of women related to use of conception preventive methods. During evaluation of data percentage and chi-square test were used. According to the results of research it was determined that; mean age of women was 30. 86 years, 66.5 % of them were elementary school graduates, 75 % were housewives and mean age of the first marriages was 19. 81 years and mean age of the first pregnancy was 20.76 years, mean number of pregnancies was 3.07, mean number of delivery was 2.06, mean number of children was 1.96 and mean number of abortions was 1.43. It was detected that approximately all of the women were using conception preventive methods. When the followings were evaluated any significant relationships were not found between them; age, education, proficiency, economical status, age of first marriage, age of first pregnancy, number of pregnancy, number of children, number of abortion, husband' s involvement in selection of preventive method and conception preventive methods used. It may be suggested that in the trainings provided for conception preventive methods not only methods and technical specifications of the methods should be explained but also side effects of methods and abortion, training of husbands should not be neglected and also further trainings should be planned for couples. 96
SUMMARY This study was carried out in order to investigate " The status of married women between 15-49 years of age in practicing the family planning methods and the factors affecting them" within the Family Planning Polyclinic of Ege Maternity and Gynecology Education Hospital of Social Security Institution. For this research required permission was granted from General Directorate of S.S.K. Ankara. The data were collected by using a survey form developed by the researcher through interviewing 200 women. The survey form consists of three sections; first section is sociodemographic characteristics of women; second section is prolificacy features of women; and third section is features of women related to use of conception preventive methods. During evaluation of data percentage and chi-square test were used. According to the results of research it was determined that; mean age of women was 30. 86 years, 66.5 % of them were elementary school graduates, 75 % were housewives and mean age of the first marriages was 19. 81 years and mean age of the first pregnancy was 20.76 years, mean number of pregnancies was 3.07, mean number of delivery was 2.06, mean number of children was 1.96 and mean number of abortions was 1.43. It was detected that approximately all of the women were using conception preventive methods. When the followings were evaluated any significant relationships were not found between them; age, education, proficiency, economical status, age of first marriage, age of first pregnancy, number of pregnancy, number of children, number of abortion, husband' s involvement in selection of preventive method and conception preventive methods used. It may be suggested that in the trainings provided for conception preventive methods not only methods and technical specifications of the methods should be explained but also side effects of methods and abortion, training of husbands should not be neglected and also further trainings should be planned for couples. 96
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum, Obstetrics and Gynecology