Ege Üniversitesi'nde kanser kayıt analizleri: 34134 olgunun değerlendirmesi
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AMAÇ Ege Üniversitesi Kanserle Savaş Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi 1991'de başlatılan “İzmir Kanser İnsidansı ve Veri Toplama Projesi” dahilinde Ege Üniversitesi Hastanesi kanser verilerini toplamaktadır. Hastanemizde 1992-2004 yıllarında kanser tanısı ile tedavileri yapılan olguların cinsiyet, tümör tipi ve evresinin, yaşam yeri ile ilişkisi değerlendirildi. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM Çalışmaya katılan 34134 olgunun %56.6'sı erkek, %43.4'ü kadındı. Lokal hastalık %31.6, lokal ileri hastalık %43 ve metastatik hastalık %25.4 oranında saptandı. BULGULAR Erkeklerin kadınlara (p=0.00), İzmir dışında yaşayan olguların ise İzmir içinde yaşayanlara göre daha ileri evrede hastaneye başvurdukları görüldü (p=0.00). Yaşadığı il, evre ve cinsiyet değerlendirildiğinde İzmir'de yaşayan kadın (p=0.011) ve erkek (p=0.04) olguların daha erken evrede tanı aldıkları belirlendi. Tümör tiplerine göre; larenks, prostat, meme kanserli olgular İzmir içinde daha erken evrede tanı alırken (sırasıyla p=0.05, p=0.008, p=0.000), akciğer, kolorektal, serviks ve endometriyum kanserlerinde anlamlı belirginlik saptanmadı. SONUÇ Gelişmiş tanı ve tedavi merkezlerine yakınlık şehir merkezinde yaşayanlar, kadınlara yönelik tarama ve tanıtım programları ise kadınlar üzerinde etkili olmaktadır. Kanser tanıtım programlarının kırsal alan yanı sıra erkeklere yönelik olarak genişletilmesi uygun olacaktır.
OBJECTIVES Ege University Cancer data is being collected by Ege University Cancer Fight against Cancer, Practice and Research Center within the “İzmir Cancer Incidence and Data Collection Project“ which initiated in 1991. Gender, tumor type, stage and their relationship with residence place were analyzed in 34134 cases that was diagnosed cancer and treated in our hospital between 1992-2004. METHODS of the patients, 56.6% were male and 43.4% were women. Stage distribution was as following: 31.6% local, 43% local advanced and 25.4% metastatic disease. RESULTS It was observed that men compared to women (p=0.00), patients who live outside İzmir compared to patients living in İzmir (p=0.00) presented to the hospital with more advanced disease. When residence area, stage and gender were evaluated together, it was determined that women (p=0.011) and men (p=0.04) who were living in İzmir have been diagnosed at early stage. According to tumor groups, while patients with larynx, prostate or breast cancer who were living in İzmir has been diagnosed at early stage (p=0.05, p=0.008, p=0.000, respectively), no significant correlation could be detected among patients with lung, colorectal, cervix and endometrial cancer. CONCLUSION People who live in cities benefit from proximity to developed diagnose and medical centers and the effects of screening and training programmes are observed over women. Cancer training programmes should be enlarged for men besides rural areas.
OBJECTIVES Ege University Cancer data is being collected by Ege University Cancer Fight against Cancer, Practice and Research Center within the “İzmir Cancer Incidence and Data Collection Project“ which initiated in 1991. Gender, tumor type, stage and their relationship with residence place were analyzed in 34134 cases that was diagnosed cancer and treated in our hospital between 1992-2004. METHODS of the patients, 56.6% were male and 43.4% were women. Stage distribution was as following: 31.6% local, 43% local advanced and 25.4% metastatic disease. RESULTS It was observed that men compared to women (p=0.00), patients who live outside İzmir compared to patients living in İzmir (p=0.00) presented to the hospital with more advanced disease. When residence area, stage and gender were evaluated together, it was determined that women (p=0.011) and men (p=0.04) who were living in İzmir have been diagnosed at early stage. According to tumor groups, while patients with larynx, prostate or breast cancer who were living in İzmir has been diagnosed at early stage (p=0.05, p=0.008, p=0.000, respectively), no significant correlation could be detected among patients with lung, colorectal, cervix and endometrial cancer. CONCLUSION People who live in cities benefit from proximity to developed diagnose and medical centers and the effects of screening and training programmes are observed over women. Cancer training programmes should be enlarged for men besides rural areas.
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