Stoma bakım eğitimi alan ve almayan hemşirelerin izlediği hastaların ameliyattan sonra yaşama uyum durumlarının karşılaştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Bu araştırma, stoma bakımı konusunda eğitim almış hemşirelerle almamış hemşirelerin izledikleri hastaların yaşama uyum durumlarının karşılaştırılması amacıyla ileriye yönelik yarı deneysel bir alan çalışması olarak planlanmıştır. Araştırma Sosyal Sigortalar Kurumu (SSK) Bozyaka ve Tepecik Eğitim Hastaneleri ile Sağlık Bakanlığ Atatürk Eğitim Hastanesi Genel Cerrahi Kliniklerinde Nisan 1996 - Eylül 1998 tarihleri arasında yürütülmüştür. Araştırmanın deney grubundaki hemşireler (SSK Hastaneleri) Stoma Bakım Eğitimi kursuna katılmış, kontrol grubundaki hemşireler (SB Hastanesi) katılmamışlardır. Eğitim alan hemşirelerin izlediği 20 hasta deney grubunu, eğitim almayan hemşirelerin izlediği 20 hasta kontrol grubunu oluşturmuştur. Hastalardan veriler taburcu olmadan önce, taburcu olduktan 1 ay sonra ve 3 ay sonra olmak üzere 3 aşamada toplanmıştır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde sayı ve yüzde, Kki-kare Testi, Fisher Testi, t testi ve Varyans analizi kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak;. Stoma bakımı konusunda eğitilmiş hemşirelerin bakım verdikleri hastalar ile eğitim almamış hemşirelerin bakım verdikleri hastaların yaşama uyum durumları arasında fark olmadığı,. Her iki gruptaki hastaların stoma bakımlarını yapabilme konusunda benzer bilgilere sahip oldukları, ancak deney grubundaki hastaların ayrıca beslenme ve stoma problemlerine çözüm bulma konularında da bilgi sahibi oldukları, 195. Hemşiresinden stoma bakımı konusunda eğitim alan hastaların %65'nin torbasını kendisinin değiştirdiği, bu anlamda hemşirelik hizmetinin etkili olduğu,. Hastaların durumluk ve sürekli kaygı puan ortalamaları arasında anlamlı bir fark olmadığı,. Hastaların günlük yaşam aktivitelerini yerine getirmede gruplar arsında fark olduğu, deney grubundaki hastaların kontrol grubuna göre kendi kendine banyo yapma ve giyinebilmede zorluk yaşadıkları, kontrol grubunun ise deney grubuna göre ağır taşımada zorluk yaşadıkları,. Sosyal uğraşlarını yerine getirebilmede deney ve kontrol grubu arasında anlamlı bir fark olmadığı,. Stomalı kadın hastalar için ev işleri yapamama, erkek hastalar için istediği gibi hareket edememe ve işe başlayamamanın en belirgin sorun olduğu,. Deney grubuna katılan hemşirelerin stoma bakımını bir hemşirelik hizmeti olarak gördüğü, ancak kontrol grubundaki hemşirelerin bu fikre katılmadığı görülmüştür. ı%
SUMMARY This study has been conducted to compare the adaptation of stoma patients who received care by those nurses trained in stoma care and those not. The study is planned as a quasi - experimental research. The study has been carried out in the hospitals of Institution of Social Security and State Hospital between April 1 996 and September 1 998. The nurses who work at Social Security Hospitals complied the experimental group ant the nurses work at State Hospital complied comparison group. The 20 patients who had been cared by nurses at the experimental group composed the patient experimental group, and the 20 patients who had been cared by nurses at the comparison group composed the patient comparison group. The data has been collected from patients in three phases; before discharge from hospital, 1 month after discharge and 2 months after discharge. The data analysed by chi-square test, Fisher Test, t Test and Analysis of Variance. The results has demonstrated that ;. There has been no variance between experimental and comparison groups in terms of adaptation to life with a stoma,. There has been no difference between groups in the care of their stoma. However, the experimental group showed a better knowledge of nutrition and prevention of stoma problems in contrast to comparison group, 197. The experimental patient group accomplished their stoma care by themselves in 65 % which can be evaluated as a result of effective nursing care and patient education,. There was been no difference between groups in terms of anxiety levels,. There has been contrast between groups in the activities of daily life. The patients in the experimental group had had difficulties in taking bath and dressing, whereas the patients in the comparison group had faced difficulties in carrying weight.. There has been no variation between groups in carrying out social life,. The experimental nurse group agreed that stoma care is a part of nursing service, whereas the comparison nurse group did not. 198
SUMMARY This study has been conducted to compare the adaptation of stoma patients who received care by those nurses trained in stoma care and those not. The study is planned as a quasi - experimental research. The study has been carried out in the hospitals of Institution of Social Security and State Hospital between April 1 996 and September 1 998. The nurses who work at Social Security Hospitals complied the experimental group ant the nurses work at State Hospital complied comparison group. The 20 patients who had been cared by nurses at the experimental group composed the patient experimental group, and the 20 patients who had been cared by nurses at the comparison group composed the patient comparison group. The data has been collected from patients in three phases; before discharge from hospital, 1 month after discharge and 2 months after discharge. The data analysed by chi-square test, Fisher Test, t Test and Analysis of Variance. The results has demonstrated that ;. There has been no variance between experimental and comparison groups in terms of adaptation to life with a stoma,. There has been no difference between groups in the care of their stoma. However, the experimental group showed a better knowledge of nutrition and prevention of stoma problems in contrast to comparison group, 197. The experimental patient group accomplished their stoma care by themselves in 65 % which can be evaluated as a result of effective nursing care and patient education,. There was been no difference between groups in terms of anxiety levels,. There has been contrast between groups in the activities of daily life. The patients in the experimental group had had difficulties in taking bath and dressing, whereas the patients in the comparison group had faced difficulties in carrying weight.. There has been no variation between groups in carrying out social life,. The experimental nurse group agreed that stoma care is a part of nursing service, whereas the comparison nurse group did not. 198
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing, Cerrahi stomalar, Surgical stomas, Hemşireler, Nurses