Glutatyon tayinine yönelik biyosensör geliştirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET GLUTATİYON TAYİNİNE YÖNELİK BİYOSENSÖR GELİŞTİRİLMESİ SEZGİNTÜRK,Mustafa Kemal Yüksek Lisans Tezi,Biyokimya Anabilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi:Prof.Dr.Erhan DİNÇKAYA 79 sayfa Bu tezde,glutatiyon'un tayinine yönelik doku homojenatı temelli bir biyosensör geliştirildi.Biyolojik materyal olarak askorbat oksidaz içeren salatalık dokusu kullanıldı. Salatalık doku homojenatı,oksijen tayini amacıyla kullanılan çözünmüş oksijen probu yüzeyinde,glutaraldehit yardımıyla jelatin ile çapraz bağlanarak biyosensör hazırlandı. Ölçümlerin temel prensibi,enzimatik reaksiyon uyarınca L-askorbik asit konsantrasyonu ile orantılı olarak tüketilen oksijen miktarının ortama ilave edilen ve askorbat oksidaz'ın inhibitörü olan GSH (glutatiyon)konsantrasyonuyla orantılı olarak azalmasıdır. Tüketilen oksijen miktarındaki azalmanın GSH konsantrasyonuyla doğru orantılı olarak değiştiği standart grafikler yardımıyla sonuca ulaşıldı. Hazırlanan inhibitor biyosensörü için öncelikle optimum koşullar belirlendi. Optimizasyon çalışmaları sonunda en uygun salatalık dokusujelatin miktarı ve glutaraldehit yüzdesi sırasıyla ; 141,7 ul salatalık doku homojenatı/cm2, 7,1 mg jelatin/cm2 ve % 2,5 olarak bulundu. Yapılan optimizasyon çalışmaları sonucunda çalışma tamponunun pH 7,5,50 mM'lık fosfat tamponu olmasına ve ölçümlerin 35 °C sıcaklıkta gerçekleştirilmesine karar verildi.Karakterizasyon çalışmalarında,600 uM askorbik asit substrat olarak kullanıldığında,0,1-2 uM konsantrasyon aralığında GSH için doğrusal sonuçlar alınabildiği belirlendi. Geliştirilen biyosensörün tekrarlanabilirliğine yönelik yapılan çalışmalarda; 1,5 luM'lık glutatiyon standardı (n=7) ileortalama değer, x=l,517 uM,standart sapma,S.SM,72.10"5 ve varyasyon katsayısı, V.K=% 3,11 olarak bulundu. Ayrıca biyosensörün termal stabilite, depo kararlığı,inhibitör spesifikliği gibi parametreleri belirlendi. Anahtar Sözcükler :Askorbat oksidaz,glutatiyon tayini,GSH,GSSG,inhibitör biyosensörleri
vn ÖZET BIOSENSOR DEVELOPMENT FOR THE DETERMINATION OF GLUTATHIONE SEZGİNTÜRK, Mustafa Kemal M.Sc in Biochemistry Supervisor: Prof.Dr.Erhan DİNÇKAYA 79 pages In this thesis, an amperometric biosensor based on tissue homogenate was developed for the determination of glutathione. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) tissue homogenate was used as the biological material. The cucumber tissue homogenate was crosslinked with gelatine by using glutaraldehyde and fixed on pretreated teflon membrane. The principle of the measurements based on the determination of consumed oxygen level by the activity of ascorbate oxidase in biological material and decrease in the consumed oxygen level related to glutathione concentration injected reaction cell. Determinations were carried out by standard curves which were obtained by the measurement of decrease in the consumed oxygen level related to glutathione concentration. Firstly, the optimum conditions for the inhibitor biosensor were established. In the optimisation studies of the biosensor, the most suitable cucumber tissue and gelatine amounts and glutaraldehyde ratio were determined as*.14 1/7 ul tissue/cm2, 7.1 mg gelatine/cm2 and 2.5 %, respectively.Phosphate buffer(50 mM, pH 7.5) and 35 °C were established as providing the optimum working conditions.In the characterization studies, a linearity in the GSH concentration range 0.1-2 uM was obtained, when 600 uM ascorbic acid was used as a substrate. The repeatibility experiments (n=7) revealed that for 1.5 uM GSH, the average value ( x ) was 1.517 uM, standard deviation (S.D.) was4.72. 10"5 and variation coefficient (C.V.) was 3.11 %.Besides, thermal stability, inhibitor specification and storage stability of the biosensor were investigated. Keywords :ascorbate oxidase, glutathione determination,GSH, GSSG,inhibitor biosensors.
vn ÖZET BIOSENSOR DEVELOPMENT FOR THE DETERMINATION OF GLUTATHIONE SEZGİNTÜRK, Mustafa Kemal M.Sc in Biochemistry Supervisor: Prof.Dr.Erhan DİNÇKAYA 79 pages In this thesis, an amperometric biosensor based on tissue homogenate was developed for the determination of glutathione. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) tissue homogenate was used as the biological material. The cucumber tissue homogenate was crosslinked with gelatine by using glutaraldehyde and fixed on pretreated teflon membrane. The principle of the measurements based on the determination of consumed oxygen level by the activity of ascorbate oxidase in biological material and decrease in the consumed oxygen level related to glutathione concentration injected reaction cell. Determinations were carried out by standard curves which were obtained by the measurement of decrease in the consumed oxygen level related to glutathione concentration. Firstly, the optimum conditions for the inhibitor biosensor were established. In the optimisation studies of the biosensor, the most suitable cucumber tissue and gelatine amounts and glutaraldehyde ratio were determined as*.14 1/7 ul tissue/cm2, 7.1 mg gelatine/cm2 and 2.5 %, respectively.Phosphate buffer(50 mM, pH 7.5) and 35 °C were established as providing the optimum working conditions.In the characterization studies, a linearity in the GSH concentration range 0.1-2 uM was obtained, when 600 uM ascorbic acid was used as a substrate. The repeatibility experiments (n=7) revealed that for 1.5 uM GSH, the average value ( x ) was 1.517 uM, standard deviation (S.D.) was4.72. 10"5 and variation coefficient (C.V.) was 3.11 %.Besides, thermal stability, inhibitor specification and storage stability of the biosensor were investigated. Keywords :ascorbate oxidase, glutathione determination,GSH, GSSG,inhibitor biosensors.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry, Askorbat oksidaz, Ascorbate oxidase, Biyosensörler, Biosensors, Glütatyon tayini, Glutatione determination, İnhibitör, Inhibitor