Bodrum yöresi süngerciliği ve sünger yetiştiriciliği
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Ege Üniversitesi
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23 7. ÖZET önemli deniz canlı kaynaklarından olan ticari süngerler antik çağlardan beri denizlerden avlanmakta ve işlen dikten sonra çeşitli amaçlarla kullanılmaktadırlar. Bentik ve sesil deniz omurgasızlarından olan süngerler çok hücreli hayvanların en ilkel grubundan; Poriferaf il umundandırlar. Ticari süngerler Demospongia klasısine ait Dictyoceratida ordusunun iskeleti sponjin liflerden ibaret bireylerini kapsayan spongjidae familyasında yer alırlar. süngerler filter-feeding hayvanlar olup hücre içi sindirim ve solunum özelliği gösterirler. Eşeyli ve eşeysiz yöntemlerle üreyebilen süngerlerden alınan parçalar rejenerasyonla; ayrıştırılan canlı hücreler ise reorganizasyonla yeni bireyler oluşturabilirler. süngerlerin yetiştirilmesine yönelik çalışmalar uzun yıllardır sürdürülmektedir. 1986 yılında baş gösteren ve Akdeniz'in tümünü etkileyen salgın sünger hastalığından sonra 1785' ten beri üzerinde çalışılmakta olan süngerlerin yapay yollarla, ve ekonomik amaçlarla yetiştirilebiliri iğinin araştırılması konusu günceli esmiştir. Bu çalışmanın gerçekleştirildiği Bodrum ve yöresi dünyanın en kaliteli süngerlerinin yetiştiği yataklara sahiptir. Aynı zamanda da ülkemizin süngercilik merkezi konumundadır. Bu nedenle hastalığın doğal sünger yataklarımızı tahrip etmesi en çok Bodrum yöresinde sıkıntı yaratmıştır, Hippospongia communis (Lam.) türü kaynak süngerler SCUBA yöntemiyle dalınarak toplanmış ve hava ile temas ettirilmeksizin deniz suyu doldurulmuş özel taşıma kabı içinde Güvercinlik Köfezindeki dikim bölgesine götürü 1 muş tür. Bu yetiştiricilik çalışmasında kesilen parçaların dikimi yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Sünger parçaları dikey sistemde naylon halatlar; yatay sistemde zemine yerleştirilen beton diskler ü- zerine krom-nikel tellerle bağlanarak dikilmişlerdir. Büyüme periyodik olarak dalınarak ve süngerler kumpasla ölçülerek izlenmiştir. Diskler üzerine dikilen süngerler zemine gömülme; halatlardan birinin üzerindeki süngerlerden bazıları halat ile yüzdürücü bağlantısının kopması sonucunda kaybolmuşlardır. Dikey sistemde hayatta kalan süngerler üzerinde 1.5 yıl sürdürülen ölçüm çalışmalarından elde edilen değerler sünger parçalarının büyüme hızının literatürde bildirilenden düşük olduğunu göstermiştir. Büyüme hızının düşüklüğü başlıca iki faktöre bağlanmış; fakat hangisinin ne oranda etkili olduğu24 tespit edilememiştir. Bunlardan birisi dikim bölgesinin yoğun bir balık yet iştir i alanı yakınında olmasından kaynaklanan ve süngerlerin üzerinin örtülmesine yol açan aşırı yosunlanmadır, oluşan fouling makroalg örtüsü süngerlerin su alış-verişini; dolayısıyla beslenmesini ve solunumunu engellemek suretiyle etkili olmuştur. Su sıcaklığının bir süre için mevsim normallerinin altında seyretmesi de büyümeyi engelleyen diğer bir etken olmuştur. Literatür verileri ve çalışma sonucunda elde edilen veriler göstermektedir ki daha geniş kapsamlı ve çok yönlü çalışmalarla karanlıkta kalmış bazı soruların cevaplandırılarak sünger yetiştiriciliğinin pratiğe geçirilmesi mümkün olabilecektir. örneğin bu çalışma ile dikey taşıyıcı sistem için taşıyıcı olarak naylon halatların; bağlama materyali olarak da krom-nikel tellerin elverişli olduğu sap tanmış bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca literatürde yatay sistem için bildirilen dezavantajlara disklerin zemine gömülmesi şeklin de bir yenisi daha eklenmiştir. Bu arada " hat chery " teknolojisindeki son gelişmeler göz önüne alındığında ; sünger larvalarından yola çıkarak yetiştiricilik yöntemine de ileriki çalışmalarda mutlaka yer verilmesi gerektiği ortaya çıkmaktadır
8. SUMMARY Sponge Fishery in Bodrum Area and sponge culture commercial sponges which are important marine liv ing products are fished from the seas and. are used, after- processing for different purposes since ancient times. sponges are bent hie and sessile mvertabratas from phylum Forifera is most primitive group of multicellular an imals. Commercial sponges are accepted in famiiia which belongs to ordo Dictyoceratida of class i s Demospongia contains individuals with spongin skeletons. They are filter- feeding animals. Their types of respiration and. digestion are intracellular character.They show sexual and asexual repro duction. Pieces which have been obtained from them can give new sponges due to their regeneration ability. Dissociated alive sponge cells can give new individuals with reorganiza tion of the cells too. Experiments on sponge culture had been carrying on for years. After an epidemic sponge disease appeared, in Medi terranean in1?36 research subject on possibility of sponge cultivation for economical purposes was been topical. The experiment has been made in Bodrum area has got natural sponge beds where grow first quality sponges in the world. On the other hand Bodrum area is sponge fishery center of Turkey. So destruction of the beds because of the epidemic has caused crisis mostly in this area. in the experiment, seed sponges individuals from species Hippospongia communis (Lam.) have been collected diving with SCUBA method; then they nave been put into a special transportation tank which has already been filled with sea water. During collection, transportation and adapta tion to put into the sea in planting area is in Güvercinlik Bay; the seed sponges have not connected with air. The method which has been practised, in the experi ment is planting of cuttings. Sponge cuttings have been plan ted with chromic-nickeiferous wires on nylon ropes in ver tical system and on concrete discs in horizontal system. Then growth of them has been monitored diving and measuring peri odically with a calliper rule. Sponges which had been planted on the discs have been lost because of into bottom. Some sponges which had been planted on one of the nylon ropes have been lost because of breaking of connection between the rope and itsfloater. Measurement data which have been obtained along 1,5 years have showen that growth rates of alive sponges on the nylon ropes are lower than the literature data. This event have been attached to two reasons. But levels of their ob structive effects on growth rate couldn't be determined. one of these reasons which has resulted, from presence a nearby fish-farm in planting area has caused over reproduction of fouling macroaigae covering the sponges. The cover of fouling macroalgae has been effective due to obstruction of nutri tion and. respiration by reason of obstruction of water cir culation of sponges.water temperature which has decreased under normalities of season for a certain period, has been other obstructive factor on growth rates. Literature data and. data belonging to the experi ment show that it is possible to answer to certain questions by making more comprehensive exper i merits and. in this manner- it will be possible to put into practice the sponge culture. For instans, suitability of nylon ropes as supports for ver tical system and. suitability of chromic-nickelferous wires as attaching material for both system have been fixed by means of the experiment.On the other hand, one more disad vantage for horizontal system that is embed i ng of concrete discs into the bottom has been fixed, in addition to literat ure data. in the meanwhile if recent improvements in hatchery technology are considered, necessity of giving place to met hod of sponge culture from larvae in prospective experiments arises.
8. SUMMARY Sponge Fishery in Bodrum Area and sponge culture commercial sponges which are important marine liv ing products are fished from the seas and. are used, after- processing for different purposes since ancient times. sponges are bent hie and sessile mvertabratas from phylum Forifera is most primitive group of multicellular an imals. Commercial sponges are accepted in famiiia which belongs to ordo Dictyoceratida of class i s Demospongia contains individuals with spongin skeletons. They are filter- feeding animals. Their types of respiration and. digestion are intracellular character.They show sexual and asexual repro duction. Pieces which have been obtained from them can give new sponges due to their regeneration ability. Dissociated alive sponge cells can give new individuals with reorganiza tion of the cells too. Experiments on sponge culture had been carrying on for years. After an epidemic sponge disease appeared, in Medi terranean in1?36 research subject on possibility of sponge cultivation for economical purposes was been topical. The experiment has been made in Bodrum area has got natural sponge beds where grow first quality sponges in the world. On the other hand Bodrum area is sponge fishery center of Turkey. So destruction of the beds because of the epidemic has caused crisis mostly in this area. in the experiment, seed sponges individuals from species Hippospongia communis (Lam.) have been collected diving with SCUBA method; then they nave been put into a special transportation tank which has already been filled with sea water. During collection, transportation and adapta tion to put into the sea in planting area is in Güvercinlik Bay; the seed sponges have not connected with air. The method which has been practised, in the experi ment is planting of cuttings. Sponge cuttings have been plan ted with chromic-nickeiferous wires on nylon ropes in ver tical system and on concrete discs in horizontal system. Then growth of them has been monitored diving and measuring peri odically with a calliper rule. Sponges which had been planted on the discs have been lost because of into bottom. Some sponges which had been planted on one of the nylon ropes have been lost because of breaking of connection between the rope and itsfloater. Measurement data which have been obtained along 1,5 years have showen that growth rates of alive sponges on the nylon ropes are lower than the literature data. This event have been attached to two reasons. But levels of their ob structive effects on growth rate couldn't be determined. one of these reasons which has resulted, from presence a nearby fish-farm in planting area has caused over reproduction of fouling macroaigae covering the sponges. The cover of fouling macroalgae has been effective due to obstruction of nutri tion and. respiration by reason of obstruction of water cir culation of sponges.water temperature which has decreased under normalities of season for a certain period, has been other obstructive factor on growth rates. Literature data and. data belonging to the experi ment show that it is possible to answer to certain questions by making more comprehensive exper i merits and. in this manner- it will be possible to put into practice the sponge culture. For instans, suitability of nylon ropes as supports for ver tical system and. suitability of chromic-nickelferous wires as attaching material for both system have been fixed by means of the experiment.On the other hand, one more disad vantage for horizontal system that is embed i ng of concrete discs into the bottom has been fixed, in addition to literat ure data. in the meanwhile if recent improvements in hatchery technology are considered, necessity of giving place to met hod of sponge culture from larvae in prospective experiments arises.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Su Ürünleri, Aquatic Products, Muğla-Bodrum, Muğla-Bodrum, Su ürünleri, Aquatic products, Sünger yetiştiriciliği, Sponge culture, Üretim, Production