Tavuk gübresinin mısır ve çim bitkilerinin gelişimi üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
IV ÖZET TAVUK GÜBRESİNİN MISIR VE ÇİM BİTKİLERİNİN GELİŞİMİ ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİNİN ARAŞTIRILMASI ERKAN, Refia Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Toprak Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi : Prof. Dr. İzzet Zeki ATALAY Mayıs 1998, 95 sayfa Bu araştırma, tavuk gübresinin mısır ve çim bitkisinin gelişmesi üzerindeki etkisini incelemek ve ileride yapılabilecek tarla denemelerine temel teşkil edecek sonuçlar elde etmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu denemede olgunlaştırılmış tavuk gübresi, dekara 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 ton'a eşdeğer gelecek şekilde, İçerisinde 5 kg toprak bulunan Mitcherlich saksılarına uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca denemeye tavuk gübresini mineral gübre (NPK) uygulaması ile karşılaştırma açısından 100 mg/kg azot, 30 mg/kg fosfor, 100 mg/kg potasyum'un uygulandığı saksılarda mısır ve çim bitkileri yetiştirilmiştir. Çim bitkisi yetiştirilen saksılarda iki aylık vegetasyon sonunda bir biçim yapılmış ve daha sonra her ay bir biçim yapılmak suretiyle, toplam dört biçim elde edilmiştir. Mısır bitkisinde ise sekiz haftalık bir vegetasyon süresi uygulanmıştır.Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre, dekara 0.5-2 ton arasında artan dozlarda uygulanan tavuk gübresi, gerek mısır ve gerekse çim bitkisinin verimini arttırmıştır. Ayrıca mısır ve çim bitkisine 0.5-2 ton arasında artan dozlarda uygulanan tavuk gübresi saksıdan kaldırılan makro ve mikro besin elementi miktarlarını da arttırmıştır. Gerek mısır ve gerekse çim bitkisinin verimi ve saksıdan kaldırılan makro ve mikro besin elementi miktarları dekara 2 ton tavuk gübresi uygulanmasıyla en yüksek düzeye ulaşmıştır. Mısır ve çim bitkisinde artan dozlarda uygulanan tavuk gübresi ile mineral gübre (NPK) uygulaması karşılaştırıldığında, mineral gübre uygulamasının dekara 1.5-2 ton tavuk gübresi uygulaması arasında yer aldığı belirlenmiştir. Artan dozlarda uygulanan tavuk gübresinin, hem mısır bitkisinin hem de çim bitkisinin verimini ve saksıdan kaldırılan makro ve mikro besin element miktarım arttırması, bu gübrenin yararlı bir organik gübre olduğu sonucunu ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bu nedenle, tarla denemeleri ile pekiştirildikten sonra çiftçi tarafından, belirtilen dozlar dikkate alınarak kullanılması önerilmektedir
VI ABSTRACT A STUDY ON THE IMPACTS OF POULTRY MANURE ON GROWTH OF MAIZE AND LOLIUM PERENNE ERKAN, Refıa Postgraduate Work, Department of Soil Supervisor : Prof. Dr. İzzet Zeki ATALAY May 1998, 95 pages This research has been carried out to examine the impact of poultry manure on growth of maize and lolium perenne and to get some basic information for future field experiments. In this experiment different amount of poultry monure were placed in to Mitherlich pots containing 5 kg of sail. The treatments were performed as 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2 ton/da. In order to compare poultry manure results with mineral fertilization (NPK), maize and lolium perenne have been grown in different pots, where 100 mg/kg N, 30 mg/kg P, 100 mg/kg K had been supplied. At the end of 2 months, lolium perenne was harvested for the first cut. Three more cuttings were realized, one month intervals. As regards the maize, vegetation term for this plant was eight week. According to the results of the research, poultry manure,VII which has been suplied increasingly between 0.5-2 tones Per decare, has increased the yield of both maize and lolium perenne. Besides, poultry manure has increased the uptake of macro and micro nutrient. Yield of both crops and the amount of macro and micro nutrient taken up have been highest in pots that received 2 tons of poultry manure per decare. Since increasing amount of poultry manure application has increased the yield of both maize and lolium perenne and the amount of macro and micro nutrient elements, this manure appeared to be an useful organic fertilizer as a consequence. When yield results of both crops are compared in term of treatments, it was concluded that yield obtained by mineral fertilization was closely near to the yield obtained by 1.5-2.0 tons/da poultry manure. For this reason, taking the determined above mentioned doses into consideration and after confirming it with field experiments, the use of this fertilizer is recommended.
VI ABSTRACT A STUDY ON THE IMPACTS OF POULTRY MANURE ON GROWTH OF MAIZE AND LOLIUM PERENNE ERKAN, Refıa Postgraduate Work, Department of Soil Supervisor : Prof. Dr. İzzet Zeki ATALAY May 1998, 95 pages This research has been carried out to examine the impact of poultry manure on growth of maize and lolium perenne and to get some basic information for future field experiments. In this experiment different amount of poultry monure were placed in to Mitherlich pots containing 5 kg of sail. The treatments were performed as 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2 ton/da. In order to compare poultry manure results with mineral fertilization (NPK), maize and lolium perenne have been grown in different pots, where 100 mg/kg N, 30 mg/kg P, 100 mg/kg K had been supplied. At the end of 2 months, lolium perenne was harvested for the first cut. Three more cuttings were realized, one month intervals. As regards the maize, vegetation term for this plant was eight week. According to the results of the research, poultry manure,VII which has been suplied increasingly between 0.5-2 tones Per decare, has increased the yield of both maize and lolium perenne. Besides, poultry manure has increased the uptake of macro and micro nutrient. Yield of both crops and the amount of macro and micro nutrient taken up have been highest in pots that received 2 tons of poultry manure per decare. Since increasing amount of poultry manure application has increased the yield of both maize and lolium perenne and the amount of macro and micro nutrient elements, this manure appeared to be an useful organic fertilizer as a consequence. When yield results of both crops are compared in term of treatments, it was concluded that yield obtained by mineral fertilization was closely near to the yield obtained by 1.5-2.0 tons/da poultry manure. For this reason, taking the determined above mentioned doses into consideration and after confirming it with field experiments, the use of this fertilizer is recommended.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Hayvan gübresi, Animal manures, Mısır, Maize, Tavuk gübresi, Poultry manure, Çim, Turf