İzmir metropolündeki sağlıklı çocukların (6-14 yaş) kantitatif kalkaneal ultrason (stifnes indeks) normatif verileri; Fiziksel özellikler ve yaşam tarzı özelliklerinin stifnes indekse etkileri
Küçük Resim Yok
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Cilt Başlığı
Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Giriş ve Amaç: Çocuklarda kemik mineral yoğunluğu konusu, osteoporozda nispeten yeni bir ilgi alanıdır. Çocuklarda kemik kütlesini etkileyen hastalıkların değerlendirilmesinde, kemik mineral yoğunluğu ölçümü çok önemlidir. Kantitatif US'un çocuklardaki avantajı; düşük maliyetinde, portatifliğinde, kullanım kolaylığında ve iyonizan radyasyon içermemesinde yatmaktadır. Yük bindirici fiziksel aktivite ve kalsiyum alımı, kemik sağlığı açısından bireye bağımlı olan oldukça önemli etkenlerdir. Bu kesitsel çalışmanın amacı; öncelikle kalkaneal ultrason parametrelerinden stiffness indeksin (SÎ) sağlıklı Türk çocuklarında yaşa bağımlı referans aralığını belirlemektir, ikinci amacı ise; kilo, boy, BMİ, puberte evresi, fiziksel aktivite ve süt ve süt ürünlerinden alman kalsiyumun stiffness indekse olan etkilerini saptamaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Katılımcılar 51 ilköğretim okulundan seçildi. Kemik metabolizmasına etki eden ilaç kullanan veya kemik metabolizmasını etkileyen hastalığı olan olan öğrenciler çalışmaya dahil edilmedi. Tanner evrelemesine göre hazırlanan kartlar çocuklara gösterilerek, kendilerine uyan evreyi göstermeleri istendi. Tüm katılımcılara süt ve süt ürünlerinden alman kalsiyum ve fiziksel aktivite miktarını sorgulayan 7 günlük anket formu dolduruldu, izmir metropolünden (Türkiye) randomize olarak seçilen 6-14 yaş arasındaki 1617 (811 erkek, 806 kız) sağlıklı öğrencinin Sİ' i, LUNAR marka cihazla nondominant topuktan ölçüldü. Yaş, kilo, boy, BMİ, puberte evresi, kalsiyum alımı ve fiziksel aktivite miktarı ile stiffness indeks arasındaki ilişki değerlendirildi. İstatistiksel analizler SPSS (9.0 versiyon) kullanılarak yapıldı. Sonuçlar: Fiziksel özelliklere göre düzeltilmiş stiffness indeks (SID) değerleri her iki cinste yaş ve puberte evresiyle anlamlı artış gösteriyordu. Erkeklerde yaş ve kilonun, kızlarda ise sadece kilonun Sİ' i en iyi belirleyen değişkenler olduğu saptandı. Her iki cinste de, fazla peynir tüketen çocuklarda SID değerleri az tüketenlere göre yüksek saptandı. Erkeklerde fazla ayran tüketenlerde SId değerleri, daha az tüketenlere göre anlamlı yüksek saptandı. Tüm çocuklarda Sİ değerleri; fiziksel aktivite puanı, total gıda puanı, süt ve süt ürünlerinden alman günlük kalsiyum miktarı ile pozitif korelasyon gösteriyordu.. Tartışma: Bu çalışmanın sonuçlan, bu konuda araştırma yapan araştırmacılara, kendi verilerini kıyaslama açısından yararlı olabileceği gibi 6-14 yaş grubu Türk çocuklarının referans verisi olarak da kullanılabilecektir.Anahtar kelimeler :Çocuk, Puberte, Stifhes, Ultrason, Normal değerler, Kalsiyum, Fiziksel aktivite III
Objectives: Bone density in children is a relatively new topic of interest within the field of osteoporosis. In children, bone density measurements are important for the assessment of disease on bone mass.Quantitative ultrasonometry is attractive for children, since the technique is radiation-free, and the devices used are portable and cheaper than radiation-based equipment. Weight-bearing physical activity and calcium intake are two important behavioral influences for bone health. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was first to establish an age-dependent refference range for stiffness index (SI) at the calcaneus in the healty Turkish children and second to determine the influence of body weight, height, body mass index (BMI), pubertal stage, physical activity and Ca intake from milk and milk product on stiffness index . Methods: The participitans were recruited from 51 primary school. All children who suffered from diseases or used any drugs known to affect bone metabolism were excluded from the study. Tanner stages were evaluated through self-assesment method. For all subjects, a 7- day questionnaire containing physical activity scores and amount of Ca intake from milk and milk product were recorded. SI of the nondominant heels were measured with the LUNAR sonometer in 1617 healty schoolchildren (811 boys, 806 girls) between 6 and 14 years old randomly selected from the Izmir Metropol (TURKEY). The relation of age, body weight, height, BMI, pubertal stage, Ca intake and physical activity to stiffness index was assessed. The statistical analyses were performed using SPSS (9.0 version) for Windows. Results: Adjusted Stiffness Index (SID) increased significantly with age and pubertal stage in both sexes. In boys, age and weight were independent predictor for SI. In girls, weight was only independent predictor for SI. Children with high intake of cheese had higher SIq values than low intake group, in both sexes. In boys, children taken ayran with higher amounts, had higher SId values than low intake group. For all subjects, physical activity score, total food score, daily calcium intake from milk and milk products were found to significant positive correlation with SI. Conclusions: The results of this study could be useful as a guide for comparing the data of individual studies and may serve as refence normative data for Turkish children between 6 and 14 years of age.Keywords :Children, Puberty, Stiffness Index, Ultrasound, Normal values, Calcium, Physical activity. IV
Objectives: Bone density in children is a relatively new topic of interest within the field of osteoporosis. In children, bone density measurements are important for the assessment of disease on bone mass.Quantitative ultrasonometry is attractive for children, since the technique is radiation-free, and the devices used are portable and cheaper than radiation-based equipment. Weight-bearing physical activity and calcium intake are two important behavioral influences for bone health. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was first to establish an age-dependent refference range for stiffness index (SI) at the calcaneus in the healty Turkish children and second to determine the influence of body weight, height, body mass index (BMI), pubertal stage, physical activity and Ca intake from milk and milk product on stiffness index . Methods: The participitans were recruited from 51 primary school. All children who suffered from diseases or used any drugs known to affect bone metabolism were excluded from the study. Tanner stages were evaluated through self-assesment method. For all subjects, a 7- day questionnaire containing physical activity scores and amount of Ca intake from milk and milk product were recorded. SI of the nondominant heels were measured with the LUNAR sonometer in 1617 healty schoolchildren (811 boys, 806 girls) between 6 and 14 years old randomly selected from the Izmir Metropol (TURKEY). The relation of age, body weight, height, BMI, pubertal stage, Ca intake and physical activity to stiffness index was assessed. The statistical analyses were performed using SPSS (9.0 version) for Windows. Results: Adjusted Stiffness Index (SID) increased significantly with age and pubertal stage in both sexes. In boys, age and weight were independent predictor for SI. In girls, weight was only independent predictor for SI. Children with high intake of cheese had higher SIq values than low intake group, in both sexes. In boys, children taken ayran with higher amounts, had higher SId values than low intake group. For all subjects, physical activity score, total food score, daily calcium intake from milk and milk products were found to significant positive correlation with SI. Conclusions: The results of this study could be useful as a guide for comparing the data of individual studies and may serve as refence normative data for Turkish children between 6 and 14 years of age.Keywords :Children, Puberty, Stiffness Index, Ultrasound, Normal values, Calcium, Physical activity. IV
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation