Kronik şizofreni tanısı alan hasta eşleri ile kronik böbrek yetmezliği tanısı alan hasta eşlerinin stresle başetme tarzlarının incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
102 SUMMARY The research, a descriptive one, has been done to examine how the spouses of patients cope with stress. The patients have been diagnosed of schizophrenia, a chronic psychological illness, and of chronic kidney deficiency, a chronic physical illness. The research was carried out in the psychiatry clinics and poilyclinics and Hemodialysis units of Antalya Devlet Hastanesi, Antalya Sigorta Hastanesi and Akdeniz Üniversitesi Hastanesi. The research covers the spouses of the patients who we're consulted to these centres to be cured and checked between 1st April and 31st September, 1997. The married patients and their spouses who are at the age of adults and live toget her with their patients were chosen as sample groups. Those who were chosen in to the group are literate enough to understand and evaluate what they read and also who accep ted participating in the study. The number of chronic schizophrenia patients' spouses is 45 and the number of chronic kidney deficient patients' spouses is 56. Data has been obtained through the application of info- collecting form that included knowledge about the patient and spouse and the "Scale of the Ways to Cope With Stress" which comprises 30 items and 5 sub-scales. In the evaluation of data collected, number and percentage distributions, arithmetic mean (x), standart deviation (SD), student T-test and the X- squared (x2) analysis have been applied. The results of the research are as follows: That one of the spouse» suffers from chronic psychological illness or chronic physical illness affect the psychological and physiological health of both patients' spouses negatively. It has been determined that spouses of the patients suffering from above mentioned illnesses have sleeping and sexual problems. However no big difference was observed between those two. It has also been determined that spouses of chronic kidney deficient patients, when compared to the spouses of chronic schizophrenia patients, are much better at coping with patient care at hospital and at home.103 The spouses of the kidney deficient patients use non-medical methods with the higher rate than the spouses of the chronic schizophrenia patients. Also, in both cases, it's the responsibility of the health spouse to look after the patient. As for the case of being dissatisfied to be married with a patient, chronic schizo- phrenia patients5 spouses are much unhappier than the spouses of kidney deficient patients. The demans of kidney deficient patient's spouses are met highly and more satis- factoraly by the health staff than the demands of chronic schizophrenia patients' spous- es. The total score of "The Ways of Coping With Stress Scale" of the spouses of kid- ney deficient patients is higher than those of chronic schizophrenia patients so the former group makes a high use of self- confident and optimistic approach. The women spouses of kidney deficient patients cope with stress much better than the women spouses of chronic schizophrenia patients. Between the age groups of 21-35 the rate of coping with stress is higher for the spouses of kidney deficient patients than the spouses of chronic schizophrenia patients. The chronic kidney deficient patients' spouses, with small family, cope with stress better than the schizophrenia patients' spouses who also have a small family. The situa- tion is the same for the spouses who posses a large family. In the case of having a large family, the spouses of the former patients do better with the stress than the spouses of lat- ter patients. Those spouses of chronic kidney deficient patients, who do not work, cope with stress better than the spouses, who do not work either, of chronic schizophrenia patients. Some suggestions have been made in accordance with the results of the research
102 SUMMARY The research, a descriptive one, has been done to examine how the spouses of patients cope with stress. The patients have been diagnosed of schizophrenia, a chronic psychological illness, and of chronic kidney deficiency, a chronic physical illness. The research was carried out in the psychiatry clinics and poilyclinics and Hemodialysis units of Antalya Devlet Hastanesi, Antalya Sigorta Hastanesi and Akdeniz Üniversitesi Hastanesi. The research covers the spouses of the patients who we're consulted to these centres to be cured and checked between 1st April and 31st September, 1997. The married patients and their spouses who are at the age of adults and live toget her with their patients were chosen as sample groups. Those who were chosen in to the group are literate enough to understand and evaluate what they read and also who accep ted participating in the study. The number of chronic schizophrenia patients' spouses is 45 and the number of chronic kidney deficient patients' spouses is 56. Data has been obtained through the application of info- collecting form that included knowledge about the patient and spouse and the "Scale of the Ways to Cope With Stress" which comprises 30 items and 5 sub-scales. In the evaluation of data collected, number and percentage distributions, arithmetic mean (x), standart deviation (SD), student T-test and the X- squared (x2) analysis have been applied. The results of the research are as follows: That one of the spouse» suffers from chronic psychological illness or chronic physical illness affect the psychological and physiological health of both patients' spouses negatively. It has been determined that spouses of the patients suffering from above mentioned illnesses have sleeping and sexual problems. However no big difference was observed between those two. It has also been determined that spouses of chronic kidney deficient patients, when compared to the spouses of chronic schizophrenia patients, are much better at coping with patient care at hospital and at home.103 The spouses of the kidney deficient patients use non-medical methods with the higher rate than the spouses of the chronic schizophrenia patients. Also, in both cases, it's the responsibility of the health spouse to look after the patient. As for the case of being dissatisfied to be married with a patient, chronic schizo- phrenia patients5 spouses are much unhappier than the spouses of kidney deficient patients. The demans of kidney deficient patient's spouses are met highly and more satis- factoraly by the health staff than the demands of chronic schizophrenia patients' spous- es. The total score of "The Ways of Coping With Stress Scale" of the spouses of kid- ney deficient patients is higher than those of chronic schizophrenia patients so the former group makes a high use of self- confident and optimistic approach. The women spouses of kidney deficient patients cope with stress much better than the women spouses of chronic schizophrenia patients. Between the age groups of 21-35 the rate of coping with stress is higher for the spouses of kidney deficient patients than the spouses of chronic schizophrenia patients. The chronic kidney deficient patients' spouses, with small family, cope with stress better than the schizophrenia patients' spouses who also have a small family. The situa- tion is the same for the spouses who posses a large family. In the case of having a large family, the spouses of the former patients do better with the stress than the spouses of lat- ter patients. Those spouses of chronic kidney deficient patients, who do not work, cope with stress better than the spouses, who do not work either, of chronic schizophrenia patients. Some suggestions have been made in accordance with the results of the research.
102 SUMMARY The research, a descriptive one, has been done to examine how the spouses of patients cope with stress. The patients have been diagnosed of schizophrenia, a chronic psychological illness, and of chronic kidney deficiency, a chronic physical illness. The research was carried out in the psychiatry clinics and poilyclinics and Hemodialysis units of Antalya Devlet Hastanesi, Antalya Sigorta Hastanesi and Akdeniz Üniversitesi Hastanesi. The research covers the spouses of the patients who we're consulted to these centres to be cured and checked between 1st April and 31st September, 1997. The married patients and their spouses who are at the age of adults and live toget her with their patients were chosen as sample groups. Those who were chosen in to the group are literate enough to understand and evaluate what they read and also who accep ted participating in the study. The number of chronic schizophrenia patients' spouses is 45 and the number of chronic kidney deficient patients' spouses is 56. Data has been obtained through the application of info- collecting form that included knowledge about the patient and spouse and the "Scale of the Ways to Cope With Stress" which comprises 30 items and 5 sub-scales. In the evaluation of data collected, number and percentage distributions, arithmetic mean (x), standart deviation (SD), student T-test and the X- squared (x2) analysis have been applied. The results of the research are as follows: That one of the spouse» suffers from chronic psychological illness or chronic physical illness affect the psychological and physiological health of both patients' spouses negatively. It has been determined that spouses of the patients suffering from above mentioned illnesses have sleeping and sexual problems. However no big difference was observed between those two. It has also been determined that spouses of chronic kidney deficient patients, when compared to the spouses of chronic schizophrenia patients, are much better at coping with patient care at hospital and at home.103 The spouses of the kidney deficient patients use non-medical methods with the higher rate than the spouses of the chronic schizophrenia patients. Also, in both cases, it's the responsibility of the health spouse to look after the patient. As for the case of being dissatisfied to be married with a patient, chronic schizo- phrenia patients5 spouses are much unhappier than the spouses of kidney deficient patients. The demans of kidney deficient patient's spouses are met highly and more satis- factoraly by the health staff than the demands of chronic schizophrenia patients' spous- es. The total score of "The Ways of Coping With Stress Scale" of the spouses of kid- ney deficient patients is higher than those of chronic schizophrenia patients so the former group makes a high use of self- confident and optimistic approach. The women spouses of kidney deficient patients cope with stress much better than the women spouses of chronic schizophrenia patients. Between the age groups of 21-35 the rate of coping with stress is higher for the spouses of kidney deficient patients than the spouses of chronic schizophrenia patients. The chronic kidney deficient patients' spouses, with small family, cope with stress better than the schizophrenia patients' spouses who also have a small family. The situa- tion is the same for the spouses who posses a large family. In the case of having a large family, the spouses of the former patients do better with the stress than the spouses of lat- ter patients. Those spouses of chronic kidney deficient patients, who do not work, cope with stress better than the spouses, who do not work either, of chronic schizophrenia patients. Some suggestions have been made in accordance with the results of the research.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing, Nefroloji, Nephrology, Psikiyatri, Psychiatry, Aile, Family, Böbrek yetmezliği-kronik, Kidney failure-chronic, Kronik hastalık, Chronic disease, Stres, Stress, Şizofreni, Schizophrenia