Çarlık Rusyası'nın bir kolonizasyon modeli olarak Mozdok hattı (1735-1832)
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Çalışmamızın konusu XVI.-XIX yüzyıl tarih aralığında Rus Kazakları’nın
bölgeye iskânı ve sosyo-ekonomik hayatın incelenmesidir. Rus Kazaklarının ilk iskânının
gerçekleştiği XVI. yüzyılın ikinci yarısı, Mozdok Hattının oluşumu hat üzerindeki sosyoekonomik
faaliyetler, eğitim faaliyetleri, açılan kiliseler ve elbette nüfus hareketleri sorularına
cevap aranmıştır. Bölgedeki ilk Kazak stanitsaları olan Çervlennaya (1567) ve
Şedrinskaya (1569) stanitsalarının kurulmasına bağlı olarak belirlenmiştir. XVIII.
yüzyılın ilk yarısında 2 farklı Kazak grubu (Greben Kazakları (1711) ve Semeyni - (1735)
Kazakları) hat üzerindeki boşlukları doldurarak hattı Mozdok’a doğru ilerletmiştir. 1763
yılında Mozdok’un kurulması ile Kızılyar - Mozdok arasında hat çizilmiş, 1770 yılında
Mozdok Kazakları’nın kurduğu stanitsalarla hat tamamlanmıştır. Stanitsaların sosyal
hayatını ise atamanlar yönetmiştir.
Kutsal Haç Kalesi ardından Kızılyar Kuzey Doğu Kafkasya için ekonomik ve
politik merkezi olmuştur. Kızılyar uygun iklimi ile şarap ve brendy üretimine ev sahipliği
yapmıştır. Moskova konuya profesyonel yaklaşmış ve bölgede Kafkasya Şarapçılık
Okulu adı verilen bir okulun açılmasını uygun görmüştür. Bölgedeki diğer bir önemli
adım Safar Vasiliev tarafından açılan ipek fabrikası olmuştur.
Çarlık Rusya’nın Kuzey Doğu Kafkasya’daki önemli bir organizasyonu da Kafkas
Dağlıları arasında Hıristiyanlığı yaymak için 1744 yılında Oset Ruhanî Komisyonu adıyla
ortaya çıkan oluşumdur.
Mozdok’un kuruluşu bölgenin tarihinde bir dönüm noktası olmuştur. Mozdok bu
süreçte misyonerlerin, feodaliteden kaçan Kabardey ve Osetlerin, Ermeni ve Gürcülerin
şehri olmuştur. Şehir kapıları herkes için, sosyal statü ve etnik kimliğine bakılmaksızın,
hiçbir belgeye gerek olmadan açılmış Hıristiyanlığı kabul eden herkes özgür ilân
edilmiştir. Çarlık’ın Kafkasya’da attığı tüm bu politikaları bağlamında Mozdok Hattının
Rus kolonizasyonundaki yeri incelenmiştir.
The subject of our study is the socio-economic life and the settlement of the Russian Cossacks in the region between 16-19 centuries. The first settlement of the Russian Cossacks in the second half of the 16th century, the formation of the Mozdok Line, socioeconomic activities on the line, educational activities, establishment of churches and of course population movements were searched for answers. The first Cossack stanitsas in the region, Chervlennaya (1567) and Shedrinskaya (1569) were determined by the establishment of the stanitsas. In the first half of the 18th century, two different Cossack groups (Greben Cossacks - 1711 and Semeini Cossacks - 1735) filled the gaps on the line and advanced the line towards Mozdok. In 1763, the line were drawn between Kizlyar and Mozdok after the establishment of the Mozdok, and the line was completed with the Mozdok Cossack stanitsas, which were established in 1770. The social life of the stanitsas were directed by the atamans. Kizilyar has been an economic and political centre for the North East Caucasus immediately after the Holy Cross Castle. Kizlyar has hosted the production of wine and brandy with its favourable climate. Moscow approached the issue professionally and it was deemed appropriate to open a school called Caucasus Winery School in the region. Another important step in the region was the silk factory which was opened by Safar Vasiliev. Another important organization of Tsarist Russia in the North East Caucasus was the formation of the Ossetian Spiritual Commission in 1744 to spread Christianity among the Caucasus Mountains. The foundation of Mozdok was a turning point in the history of the region. In this process, Mozdok became the city of missionaries, Kabardians, Ossetians, Armenians and Georgians who escaped from feudalism. The city gates were opened to all, regardless of their social status and ethnic identity, and everyone who accepted Christianity without any documents was declared free. In the context of all these policies of Tsarist Russia in Caucasus, the place of Mozdok Line in Russian colonization was examined.
The subject of our study is the socio-economic life and the settlement of the Russian Cossacks in the region between 16-19 centuries. The first settlement of the Russian Cossacks in the second half of the 16th century, the formation of the Mozdok Line, socioeconomic activities on the line, educational activities, establishment of churches and of course population movements were searched for answers. The first Cossack stanitsas in the region, Chervlennaya (1567) and Shedrinskaya (1569) were determined by the establishment of the stanitsas. In the first half of the 18th century, two different Cossack groups (Greben Cossacks - 1711 and Semeini Cossacks - 1735) filled the gaps on the line and advanced the line towards Mozdok. In 1763, the line were drawn between Kizlyar and Mozdok after the establishment of the Mozdok, and the line was completed with the Mozdok Cossack stanitsas, which were established in 1770. The social life of the stanitsas were directed by the atamans. Kizilyar has been an economic and political centre for the North East Caucasus immediately after the Holy Cross Castle. Kizlyar has hosted the production of wine and brandy with its favourable climate. Moscow approached the issue professionally and it was deemed appropriate to open a school called Caucasus Winery School in the region. Another important step in the region was the silk factory which was opened by Safar Vasiliev. Another important organization of Tsarist Russia in the North East Caucasus was the formation of the Ossetian Spiritual Commission in 1744 to spread Christianity among the Caucasus Mountains. The foundation of Mozdok was a turning point in the history of the region. In this process, Mozdok became the city of missionaries, Kabardians, Ossetians, Armenians and Georgians who escaped from feudalism. The city gates were opened to all, regardless of their social status and ethnic identity, and everyone who accepted Christianity without any documents was declared free. In the context of all these policies of Tsarist Russia in Caucasus, the place of Mozdok Line in Russian colonization was examined.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kafkasya, Kazaklar, Kolonyalizm, Mozdok, Stanitsa, Caucasus, Cossacks, Colonialism, Mozdok, Stanitsa