Çocuk yoğun bakım ünitesinde beyin ölümü gerçekleşen olguların değerlendirilmesi ve çocuklarda organ bağışı sıklığının belirlenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Giriş ve Amaç: Beyin ölümü; tanısı klinik olarak konulan, beyin tüm fonksiyonlarının geri dönüşümsüz kaybı ile sonuçlanan ölüm biçimidir. Tanıda, nörolojik muayene altın standart olup, destekleyici testlerin doğrulamada yardımcı olma duyarlılığı hala çalışmaların konusudur. Çocuklarda beyin ölümü tanısı koymak erişkinlerle karşılaştırıldığında birçok zorluğa sahiptir. Sağlık bakanlığı beyin ölümü organ ve doku nakli yönetmeliğince; 1 yaş altında tanı için destekleyici test olarak beyin kan akımının değerlendirilebileceği bir tetkik önerilmektedir. Ayrıca tanı konulması zor vakalar arasında, dekompresif kraniektomi uygulanan olgularda tanı süreci daha da zorlaşmaktadır. Dekompresif kraniektomili vakalarda beyin kan akımının değerlendirildiği testler ile yalancı pozitiflik saptanma sıklığı yüksektir. Ülkemiz gibi kronik organ nakil listesinde bekleyen hasta sayısı yüksek olan ülkelerde, beyin ölümü tanısından şüphelenilmesi, tanı konulması aşamalarında oldukça dikkatli ve hassas olunmalıdır. Klinik olarak beyin ölümü tanısını alan hastalarda tanısal testlerin en hassas ve en duyarlı testler uygulanarak kesinleştirilmesi ile organların en uygun koşullarda donasyon sürecini tamamlamasına olanak sağlanabilir. Ayrıca gelişmekte olan ülkelere ait veriler, tanıdaki gecikmeler ile bağış oranını azalttığını göstermektedir. Çalışmada amacımız, çocuk yoğun bakım ünitesinde beyin ölümü tanısı alan olguların demografik ve klinik olarak değerlendirilmesi, donasyon oranının saptanmasıdır. İkincil sonuçlarda tanı öncesi dekompresif kraniektomi uygulanmasının beyin ölümü tanı sürecine etkilerinin araştırılması hedeflenmiştir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamız Ege Üniversitesi Çocuk Yoğun Bakım Ünitesi 'nde Ocak 2009- Aralık 2020 tarihleri arasında tanı alan 70 beyin ölümü vakasının arşiv dosyaları ve elektronik dosyaları taranarak yapılmıştır.1 ay altında ve 18 yaşın üzerinde tanı alan olgular çıkarılmıştır. Demografik veriler, laboratuvar sonuçları, tanı alma zamanları, tanı yöntemleri, tanı koyma aşamasındaki zorluklar, organ bağışı sıklığı araştırılmıştır. Veriler oluşturulmuş olgu rapor formuna göre doldurulmuştur. İstatistiksel açıdan P <0,05 değeri olan veriler anlamlı kabul edilmiştir. Bulgular: Olguların 29 'u (%41,4) kız, 41'i (%58,6) erkek, ortalama yaş 82 (± 68) aydır. Beyin ölümü saptanan hastaların yatış nedenleri değerlendirildiğinde, travmatik beyin hasarı 36 olgu (%51,4)ile en sık, kardiyak arrest sonrası beyin ölümü tanısı ise 17 olgu (%24,3) ile ikinci en sık neden olarak saptanmıştır. Hastaların ortalama PRISM skoru 28,6 (±5,98) olup, altta yatan kronik hastalığa sahip 9 (%12,8) vaka ile daha önce sağlıklı vakaların PRISM ve beklenen ölüm oranları karşılaştırıldığında fark saptanmamıştır (p=0,36). Dekompresif kraniektomi uygulanan 37 olgunun tanı için test sayısı ortalama 2,6 (±1,1), ortalama yatış 3,7 (± 3,25) gün, opere olmayan 33 olguda ortalama 1,5 (±0,6) tanısal test uygulanmış, ortalama yatış 3,66 (± 4,79) gündür. En çok kullanılan yardımcı görüntüleme yöntemi %94,3 ile transkranial doppler USG'dir. Beyin ölümü tanısı konulma süresi 37,6 (± 37,6) saat, donasyonu kabul edilmeyenlerin beyin ölümü tanısı ile kardiyak arrest zamanı arasındaki geçen süre 3,7 (± 3,9) gün, yoğun bakımda yatış ortalama 5,9 (±3,8) gündür. Sağlık Bakanlığı'nın 2014 yılında yaptığı değişiklik ile 2 uzman değerlendirilmesi ile beyin ölümü tanısı konulabilmektedir. 2014 yılı öncesi beyin ölümü tanı süresi 52,7 (± 47,1) saat, 2014 yılı sonrası beyin ölümü tanı süresi 32 (± 31,2) saat saptanmıştır. Bu değişikle, uzman sayısındaki azalma tanı süresi kısaltmıştır. (P=0,021) Beyin ölümü gerçekleşenlerin %30 (n:21) 'unun ailesi organ bağışını kabul etmiştir. Organ bağışı koordinatörlüğü tarafından 3'ü uygun görülmemiştir. Organ bağışı oranı %25,7 olarak saptanmıştır Sonuçlar: Ülkemizde, organ bekleyenlerle bağışlanan organ sayısı arasındaki fark giderek açılmaktadır. Klinik olarak beyin ölümü düşünülen vakalarda, duyarlı davranılması, tanı koyma süresini olumsuz etkileyen faktörler açısından değerlendirilmesi, uygun yardımcı tetkik yöntemlerinin kullanılması donör olarak kullanılacak organ sayısını ve kalitesini olumlu yönde etkilemektedir. Dekompresif kraniektomili vakalar, çocuk ve erişkinlerde tanıyı zorlaştıran ve tanının gecikmesine sebep olan bir durumdur. Bu hastalara yönelik uygun tetkik yöntemlerinin belirlendiği çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Tanı sürecinin uygun tetkikler ile tamamlanması, olabilecek en kısa sürede tanının doğruluğunun kesinleşmesi ile organ bağışı oranını artırması beklenmektedir.
Introduction and Purpose: Brain death; is a form of death that is diagnosed clinically and results in irreversible loss of all brain functions. Neurological examination is the gold standard in diagnosis, and the sensitivity of supportive tests to assist in confirmation is still the subject of study. Diagnosing brain death in children has many difficulties compared to adults. According to the brain death organ and tissue transplant regulation of the Ministry of Health; A test in which cerebral blood flow can be evaluated is recommended as a supportive test for diagnosis under 1 year of age. In addition, it poses an important problem in cases with decompressive craniectomy among difficult-to-diagnose cases. When the cerebral blood flow is evaluated, false positivity can be detected in cases with decompressive craniectomy. In countries with a high number of patients waiting on the chronic organ transplant list, such as our country, one should be very careful and sensitive in the stages of suspecting the diagnosis of brain death and making the diagnosis. It is possible to complete the donation process of organs under the most appropriate conditions by finalizing the diagnostic tests by applying the most sensitive and sensitive tests in patients who are clinically diagnosed with brain death. In addition, it has been found that in developing countries, delays in diagnosis reduce the donation rate. Our aim in the study is to evaluate the patients diagnosed with brain death in the pediatric intensive care unit, demographically and clinically, and to determine the donation rate. The secondary outcomes aimed to investigate the effects of pre-diagnostic decompressive craniectomy on the brain death diagnosis process. Materials and Methods: Our study was conducted by scanning the archive files and electronic files of 70 brain death cases diagnosed in the Ege University Pediatric Intensive Care Unit between January 2009 and December 2020. Cases diagnosed under 1 month and over 18 years of age were excluded. Demographic data, laboratory results, diagnosis times, diagnostic methods, difficulties in diagnosis, frequency of organ donation were investigated. The data were filled in according to the created case report form. Data with a P-value of <0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: 29 (41.4%) of the cases were female, 41 (58.6%) were male, mean age was 82 (± 68) months. When the hospitalization reasons of patients with brain death were evaluated, 36 cases (51.4%) of traumatic brain injury) was the most common cause, and the diagnosis of brain death after cardiac arrest was found to be the second most common cause with 17 cases (24.3%). The mean PRISM score of the patients was 28.6 (±5.98). The delay in the diagnosis of brain death was 37.6 (± 37.6) hours, the time between the diagnosis of brain death and the time of cardiac arrest in those whose donation was not accepted 3.7 (± 3.9) days, the mean stay in the intensive care unit was 5.9 (± 3.8) days. The mean number of tests for diagnosis in 37 cases who underwent decompressive craniectomy was 2.6 (±1.1), mean hospitalization was 3.7 (± 3.25) days, an average diagnostic test was applied in 33 cases who were not operated,1.5 (±0.6), mean hospitalization was 3.66 (± 4.79) days. The most used assistive imaging method is transcranial Doppler USG with 94.3%. The time to be diagnosed with brain death was 37.6 (± 37.6) hours, the time between the diagnosis of brain death and the time of cardiac arrest for those whose donation was not accepted was 3.7 (± 3.9) days, the mean stay in the intensive care unit was 5.9 (±3,8) days. With the change made by the Ministry of Health in 2014, brain death can be diagnosed with the evaluation of 2 specialists. Brain death diagnosis time before 2014 was 52.7 (± 47.1) hours, and after 2014 brain death diagnosis time was 32 (± 31.2) hours. With this change, the number of specialists decreased the diagnosis time. (P=0.021) The families of 30% (n:21) of those with brain death accepted organ donation. 3 of them were not approved by the organ donation coordinator. The organ donation rate was determined as 25.7% Conclusions: In our country, the gap between the number of organs waiting for organs and the number of donated organs is getting wider. In cases where brain death is thought clinically sensitive, evaluating the factors that negatively affect the diagnosis time, using appropriate auxiliary examination methods positively affects the number and quality of organs to be used as donors. Cases with decompressive craniectomy are a condition that complicates the diagnosis in children and adults and causes a delay in diagnosis. There is a need for studies in which appropriate examination methods are determined for these patients. It is expected that the diagnosis process will be completed with appropriate examinations and the accuracy of the diagnosis will be finalized as soon as possible, thereby increasing the rate of organ donation.
Introduction and Purpose: Brain death; is a form of death that is diagnosed clinically and results in irreversible loss of all brain functions. Neurological examination is the gold standard in diagnosis, and the sensitivity of supportive tests to assist in confirmation is still the subject of study. Diagnosing brain death in children has many difficulties compared to adults. According to the brain death organ and tissue transplant regulation of the Ministry of Health; A test in which cerebral blood flow can be evaluated is recommended as a supportive test for diagnosis under 1 year of age. In addition, it poses an important problem in cases with decompressive craniectomy among difficult-to-diagnose cases. When the cerebral blood flow is evaluated, false positivity can be detected in cases with decompressive craniectomy. In countries with a high number of patients waiting on the chronic organ transplant list, such as our country, one should be very careful and sensitive in the stages of suspecting the diagnosis of brain death and making the diagnosis. It is possible to complete the donation process of organs under the most appropriate conditions by finalizing the diagnostic tests by applying the most sensitive and sensitive tests in patients who are clinically diagnosed with brain death. In addition, it has been found that in developing countries, delays in diagnosis reduce the donation rate. Our aim in the study is to evaluate the patients diagnosed with brain death in the pediatric intensive care unit, demographically and clinically, and to determine the donation rate. The secondary outcomes aimed to investigate the effects of pre-diagnostic decompressive craniectomy on the brain death diagnosis process. Materials and Methods: Our study was conducted by scanning the archive files and electronic files of 70 brain death cases diagnosed in the Ege University Pediatric Intensive Care Unit between January 2009 and December 2020. Cases diagnosed under 1 month and over 18 years of age were excluded. Demographic data, laboratory results, diagnosis times, diagnostic methods, difficulties in diagnosis, frequency of organ donation were investigated. The data were filled in according to the created case report form. Data with a P-value of <0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: 29 (41.4%) of the cases were female, 41 (58.6%) were male, mean age was 82 (± 68) months. When the hospitalization reasons of patients with brain death were evaluated, 36 cases (51.4%) of traumatic brain injury) was the most common cause, and the diagnosis of brain death after cardiac arrest was found to be the second most common cause with 17 cases (24.3%). The mean PRISM score of the patients was 28.6 (±5.98). The delay in the diagnosis of brain death was 37.6 (± 37.6) hours, the time between the diagnosis of brain death and the time of cardiac arrest in those whose donation was not accepted 3.7 (± 3.9) days, the mean stay in the intensive care unit was 5.9 (± 3.8) days. The mean number of tests for diagnosis in 37 cases who underwent decompressive craniectomy was 2.6 (±1.1), mean hospitalization was 3.7 (± 3.25) days, an average diagnostic test was applied in 33 cases who were not operated,1.5 (±0.6), mean hospitalization was 3.66 (± 4.79) days. The most used assistive imaging method is transcranial Doppler USG with 94.3%. The time to be diagnosed with brain death was 37.6 (± 37.6) hours, the time between the diagnosis of brain death and the time of cardiac arrest for those whose donation was not accepted was 3.7 (± 3.9) days, the mean stay in the intensive care unit was 5.9 (±3,8) days. With the change made by the Ministry of Health in 2014, brain death can be diagnosed with the evaluation of 2 specialists. Brain death diagnosis time before 2014 was 52.7 (± 47.1) hours, and after 2014 brain death diagnosis time was 32 (± 31.2) hours. With this change, the number of specialists decreased the diagnosis time. (P=0.021) The families of 30% (n:21) of those with brain death accepted organ donation. 3 of them were not approved by the organ donation coordinator. The organ donation rate was determined as 25.7% Conclusions: In our country, the gap between the number of organs waiting for organs and the number of donated organs is getting wider. In cases where brain death is thought clinically sensitive, evaluating the factors that negatively affect the diagnosis time, using appropriate auxiliary examination methods positively affects the number and quality of organs to be used as donors. Cases with decompressive craniectomy are a condition that complicates the diagnosis in children and adults and causes a delay in diagnosis. There is a need for studies in which appropriate examination methods are determined for these patients. It is expected that the diagnosis process will be completed with appropriate examinations and the accuracy of the diagnosis will be finalized as soon as possible, thereby increasing the rate of organ donation.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Beyin Ölümü, Pediatrik Beyin Ölümü, Çocuk Yoğun Bakım, Dekompresif Kraniektomi, Organ Bağışı, Brain Death, Pediatric Brain Death, Pediatric Insensitive Care, Decompressive Craniotomy, Organ Donation