Mono-multi ve multi flament fanyalı uzatma ağlarının av verimliliği üzerine araştırma
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada 28, 30, 32 mm göz genişliğine sahip mono-mmti ve multi filament fanyalı uzatma ağlanmn av verimleri araştırılmıştır. Çalışma İzmir ili, Urla İlçesi sınırlan içinde yer alan Karantina Adası ile Muğla İli, Milas İlçesi sınırları içinde yer alan Kazıklı Koyun'da gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu amaçla, çalışma sahalarında iki gruba ait eşit göz genişliğine sahip ağlar ile avcılık denemeleri yapılmıştır. Çalışmada dönek yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Yakalanan türlerin biyometrik analizleri yapılmış ve her 3d ağ grubunun av verimleri incelenmiştir. Avcılık çalışmalarında elde edilen verilerden Isparoz Balığı ( Diplodus annularis) avcılığında kullanılan bu iki ağ grubunun av verimleri ve en verimli ağ grubutespit edilmiştir. Ağ grublannın verimlilikleri herbir gruba ait eşit göz genişliğinde ağlar ile avlanan balık miktarlarının oranlanmasıyla bulunmuştur. Araştırma bulgularına göre, yakalanan balık sayısı açısından mono-multifilament fanyalı uzatma ağları multifilament fanyalı uzatma ağlarından 1,2 kat daha etkin olduğu sonucu ortaya çıkmaktadır. Yakalanan balıkların ağırlıklarına göre ise, her iki ağ grubunun av verimleri eşittir. Farklı ağ göz genişliklerine sahip ağlar arasmda en verimli ağ %40 av verimi ile 28 mm ağ göz genişliğine sahip ağlardır. Isparoz Balıkları'nda da en verimli ağlar 28 mm ağ göz genişliğindeki ağlardır. Bulgulara göre; her iki sahada yakalanan balıkların ağırlıkları açısından, mono-multifilament fanyalı uzatma ağlarının av verimleri ilemultifilament uzatma ağlarının av verimleri arasında bir fark yoktur. Ancak sahalar ayrı ayrı incelendiğinde önemli arkların olduğu saptanmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Mono Filament. Ağ, Multi Filament Ağ, Fanyalı Uzatma Aği, Av Verimliliği
In this study, the catching efficiency with monofilament and multifilament trammel nets having 28, 30, 32 mm bar mesh size were investigated. This study was carried out in Kazıklı Inlet in the border of Milas City of Muğla Prefecture and in fisheries areas in Karantina Island in border of Urla City of Izmir Prefecture. For this aim, fishing with the trammel nets having the equal bar mesh size that belong to two groups were experimented in these study areas. In this study, the nets have been casted on the sea during the sundown by night and collected during the sunrise by day. Biometric analyses of species that were caught by nets have been made and efficiencies of both net groups were examined. Beside, the most efficient net group to catch Annular Sea Bream (Diplodus annularis) and catching efficiency of both net groups has been determined. The catching efficiency of all net groups has been found by compairing each equal bar mesh size net with numbers of fish that were caught. As a determination, it was observed that the efficiency rate of monofilament trammel nets were found more effective than multifilament ones as a rate of 1.2, according to number of fish caught. However,catching efficiency of both net groups has been equal according to weights offish caught. The most efficient net group that has got different bar mesh size was 28 mm bar mesh size nets with 40 % catching efficiency. Also, these nets were found the most efficient net group for fishing Annular Sea Bream. Considering the results of the study, there isn't any different between catching efficiency of the monofilament trammel nets and of multifilament ones according to fish weights in working areas. Keywords: Mono Filament Net, Multi Filament Net, Trammel Net, Catching Efficiency.
In this study, the catching efficiency with monofilament and multifilament trammel nets having 28, 30, 32 mm bar mesh size were investigated. This study was carried out in Kazıklı Inlet in the border of Milas City of Muğla Prefecture and in fisheries areas in Karantina Island in border of Urla City of Izmir Prefecture. For this aim, fishing with the trammel nets having the equal bar mesh size that belong to two groups were experimented in these study areas. In this study, the nets have been casted on the sea during the sundown by night and collected during the sunrise by day. Biometric analyses of species that were caught by nets have been made and efficiencies of both net groups were examined. Beside, the most efficient net group to catch Annular Sea Bream (Diplodus annularis) and catching efficiency of both net groups has been determined. The catching efficiency of all net groups has been found by compairing each equal bar mesh size net with numbers of fish that were caught. As a determination, it was observed that the efficiency rate of monofilament trammel nets were found more effective than multifilament ones as a rate of 1.2, according to number of fish caught. However,catching efficiency of both net groups has been equal according to weights offish caught. The most efficient net group that has got different bar mesh size was 28 mm bar mesh size nets with 40 % catching efficiency. Also, these nets were found the most efficient net group for fishing Annular Sea Bream. Considering the results of the study, there isn't any different between catching efficiency of the monofilament trammel nets and of multifilament ones according to fish weights in working areas. Keywords: Mono Filament Net, Multi Filament Net, Trammel Net, Catching Efficiency.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Su Ürünleri, Aquatic Products, Av verimi, Hunt performance, Balıkçılık, Fisheries, Fanyalı ağlar, Trammel nets, Uzatma ağları, Gill nets