Nadir bir mekanik barsak tıkanıklığı nedeni: İntestinal miyeloid sarkom
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Miyeloid sarkom ekstramedüller immatür miyeloid hücrelerden kaynaklanan, nadir görülen agresif seyirli bir tümördür. Akut miyeloid lösemili hastaların relapsı olarak karşımıza çıkabilir. Bazen lösemi tanısı olmaksızın solid bir tümör olarak da görülebilmektedir. Mekanik barsak tıkanıklığı semptomları ile başvuran 44 yaşında erkek hasta opere edildi. Operasyonda ince barsak tıkanıklığına neden olan bir tümör saptandı. Tümör rezeke edilerek uç uca anastomoz uygulandı. Patoloji sonucu miyeloid sarkom olarak rapor edildi. Postoperatif dönem sorunsuz seyretti ve hastaya adjuvan tedavi uygulandı. Bu olgu sunumunda ince barsak miyeloid sarkomunun klinik bulguları ve tedavisinin irdelenmesi amaçlandı
Myeloid sarcoma is a rare aggressive tumour that originates from immature extramedullary myeloid cells. It can be seen as a relapse in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia. Sometimes it can be seen in the form of a solid tumour without any evidence of leukaemia. A case of a 44-year-old male patient who was admitted with symptoms and signs of mechanical intestinal bowel obstruction was operated on. The operation findings showed small bowel obstruction due to a mass. The mass was then resected with end-to-end intestinal anastomosis. The resected mass pathology results were consistent with myeloid sarcoma. The post-operative period was uneventful and adjuvant therapy was applied. In this case report we aimed to evaluate the clinical signs and treatment modalities of small intestinal myeloid sarcoma.
Myeloid sarcoma is a rare aggressive tumour that originates from immature extramedullary myeloid cells. It can be seen as a relapse in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia. Sometimes it can be seen in the form of a solid tumour without any evidence of leukaemia. A case of a 44-year-old male patient who was admitted with symptoms and signs of mechanical intestinal bowel obstruction was operated on. The operation findings showed small bowel obstruction due to a mass. The mass was then resected with end-to-end intestinal anastomosis. The resected mass pathology results were consistent with myeloid sarcoma. The post-operative period was uneventful and adjuvant therapy was applied. In this case report we aimed to evaluate the clinical signs and treatment modalities of small intestinal myeloid sarcoma.
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