Basında Türk Bulgar ilişkileri (1950-1960)
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET İzmir Milli Kütüphanesi arşivinde bulunan gazeteler arasından seçilen Ulus, Vatan ve Zafer gazetelerindeki haberlere dayanılarak yapılan Basında Türk-Bulgar İlişkileri (1950-1960) adlı tez çalışmasının giriş bölümünde genel olarak iki devlet arasındaki ilişkilerden bahsedilmiştir. Çeşitli tarihi kaynaklardan, Bulgarların ve Bulgaristan'daki Türk azınlığın geçmişleri araştırılarak kökenleri bulunmuştur. Zafer, Ulus ve Vatan gazetelerinin taranmasıyla elde edilen bilgiler mevcut tarihi kaynaklar ile karşılaştırılarak değerlendirilmiş, ve çeşitli sonuçlara varılmıştır. İki ülke arasındaki ilişkiler bu dönemde daha çok göçmenlerle ilgili olarak geliştiğinden dolayı; yapılan tezin büyük bir bölümünü Bulgaristan'dan Türkiye'ye yapılan göçler ve bu göçlerin yarattığı çeşitli sorunların çözümüyle ilgili bilgiler oluşturmaktadır. İki ülke arasındaki diğer ilişkilerin yer aldığı son bölümde ise bütün sorunlara rağmen ticaretin; kültürel ve sportif faaliyetlerin devam ettiği de görülmektedir. Sonuç kısmında ise elde edilen bilgilerin genel bir özeti verilerek bu dönemdeki Türkiye ve Bulgaristan Devletleri arasındaki ilişkilerin nasıl olduğu belirtilip öneriler getirilmiştir. 236
ABSTRACT This study named "The Relationships Between Turks and Bulgarian at the Press (1950-1960)" has been done referring to the news that took place in the newspapers called Ulus. Vatan and Zafer, found in the Archive of İzmir National Library. In the introduction chapter, generally the relationships between these two states are mentioned. From various literature, the origins of Bulgarian and the Turkish minority living in Bulgaria are found by examing their historical background. The data collected by reading the Zafer, Ulus and Vatan newspapers, is compared by the existing historical bibliography and the results are discussed in the thesis. Because of the relations between the two states are mostly related with immigrants in this period; the migration from Bulgaria to Turkey and the solutions to the problems created by this migration covers most of the thesis. In the last chapter that the other relations between these two states are handled, it has been observed that, trade as well as cultural and sport facilities has been going on against all the problems. In the conclusion, a summary of the collected data is given, mentioning how the relations between the states of Turkey and Bulgaria took place and also proposals are enclosed in this chapter. 237
ABSTRACT This study named "The Relationships Between Turks and Bulgarian at the Press (1950-1960)" has been done referring to the news that took place in the newspapers called Ulus. Vatan and Zafer, found in the Archive of İzmir National Library. In the introduction chapter, generally the relationships between these two states are mentioned. From various literature, the origins of Bulgarian and the Turkish minority living in Bulgaria are found by examing their historical background. The data collected by reading the Zafer, Ulus and Vatan newspapers, is compared by the existing historical bibliography and the results are discussed in the thesis. Because of the relations between the two states are mostly related with immigrants in this period; the migration from Bulgaria to Turkey and the solutions to the problems created by this migration covers most of the thesis. In the last chapter that the other relations between these two states are handled, it has been observed that, trade as well as cultural and sport facilities has been going on against all the problems. In the conclusion, a summary of the collected data is given, mentioning how the relations between the states of Turkey and Bulgaria took place and also proposals are enclosed in this chapter. 237
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Tarih, History, Uluslararası İlişkiler, International Relations, Azınlıklar, Minorities, Balkanlar, Balkans, Bulgaristan, Bulgaria, Türk-Bulgar ilişkileri, Turkish-Bulgarian relations, Türkiye, Turkey