İç Anadolu ophisops elegans (sauria: lacertidae) populasyonlarının taksonomik durumu

Küçük Resim Yok



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Ege Üniversitesi

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-17- alduğumuz incelemeler sonucunda BDDENHEIMER (19^0'in belirtmiş olduğu gibi Drta Anadolu'ya ait sadece Kayseri, Niğde ve Ankara populasyonlarının değil, ÖKTEM (1963)'in de değinmiş olduğu üzere Konya populasyonlarının da D. e. centralanatoliae ' nın d
SUMMARY In this present work, the toxonamic features of the 0. elegans were studied comparatively among the populations collected from Konya, Kayseri and Ankara regions of Central Anatolia. Not any prominent differences were observed among these populations at subspecies level. According to the previous know ledge of literature, the samples of these three populations, however, were considered similar in their pattern and colouration, to the populations of Eastern Anatolia. Besides, the number of scales both covering whole body and only temporal region, and the number of femoral pores were found in accordance with the previous results of other investigators. Because of the great similarity between the samples of D. elegans of Konya region and the samples of Ankara and Kayseri regions, they were included in the distribution area of 0. e. centralanatoliae.


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Anahtar Kelimeler

Zooloji, Zoology


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