Fare lenfoid organlardaki özel venüllerin (HEV'lerin) ince yapılarının, glikozaminoglikanlarının ve lenfosit göçünün karşılaştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
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IV ÖZET FARE LENFOID ORGANLARDAKİ ÖZEL VENÜLLERİN (HEV'lerin) İNCE YAPILARININ, GLİKOZAMİNOGLİKANLARININ VE LENFOSİT GÖÇÜNÜN KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI BALCAN, Erdal Doktora Tezi, Biyoloji Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Sabire KARAÇALI Ocak 1999, 87 sayfa Bu çalışmada, BALB/c tip farelerde, periferal lenf düğümü ve Peyer plaklarmdaki özel venüller (HEV'ler) ile timustaki HEV benzeri venüllerin ince yapılan, uranil asetat-kurşun sitrat ile boyanmış epon kesitlerde elektron mikroskobu ile çalışılmıştır. İncelenen her üç lenfoid dokudaki HEV'ler, yapısal olarak benzer sitolojik özellikler gösterir ve kübik endotel hücreler ile açık renk sitoplazmalı hücrelerden oluşur. Periferal lenf düğümü HEV'lerindeki endotel hücreleri kübik şekillidir. Diğer HEV'lerde bulunan endotel hücrelerinin yüksekliği daha azdır. Peyer plakları HEV'lerin endotel hücrelerinde, içinde septat desmozom benzeri köprülerin şekillendiği özel tip gedoplazmik retikulum keseleri bulunur. Açık renk sitoplazmalı hücreler, karakteristik şekilde bol olarak elektronca az yoğun kesecikler içerirler. Gelişmiş sitoplazmik uzantılarının yayılışı, HEV'lerin dışmda bulunan ve göçetme yeteneğine sahip olan antijen sunan hücrelere benzer. Her üç HEV'in lümeninde de lenfositler bulunur. Lenfositlere ek olarak, periferal lenf düğümü HEV'lerin lümenlerinde polimorfonüklear lökositler, timus HEV benzeri venüllerde ise lenfoblastlar yer alır. HEV ler, içlerinde destek hücrelerinin bulunduğu bir dış tabaka ile kuşatılır. Glikozaminoglikanlar (GAG' lar), pH 5.8 de çeşitli MgCİ2 konsantrasyonlanndaki aldan blue ile histokimyasal olarak, rutenyum red ile sitokimyasal olarak gösterilmiştir. Aldan blue ile HEV'lerin lümene bakan kısımları ve dış tabakaları koyu boyanır. Boyanma sonuçları, sulfatlanmış ve karboksillenmiş GAG'larm en fazla periferal lenf düğümünde olduğunu işaret eder. Peyer plakları ve timus HEV'leri daha az yoğun boyanırlar. Genel olarak hepsinde, karboksillenmiş GAG' lar sulfatlanmış olanlardan daha yoğun boyanır. Sitokimyasal olarak rutenyum red, fare periferal lenf düğümü HEV duvarı hücrelerinin yüzeyinde ve lümen içindeki lenfositlerin yüzeylerinde pozitif reaksiyon verir. HEV'lerden lenfosit geçişi, her üç tip venülde de aynı yolla olmaktadır. HEV duvarındaki endotel hücreleri ve açık renk sitoplazmalı hücreler, lenfositleri kuşatarak göçe yardımcı olurlar. Geçiş sırasında hücreler şekil değiştirirler. Lenfositler, GAG içeriği bakımından zengin olan dış tabakadan da geçerler ve HEV dışına çıkarlar Anahtar kelimeler: Lenfoid dokular, özelleşmiş venül, glikozaminoglikan, lenfosit göçü
VI ABSTRACT THE COMPARISON OF ULTRASTRUCTURES, GLYCOSAMTNOGLYCANS AND LYMPHOCYTE MIGRATION OF SPECIALIZED VENULES (HEVs) OF THE MOUSE LYMPHOID TISSUES BALCAN Erdal Ph.D. in Biology Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sabire KARAÇALI January 1999, 87 pages In this study the ultrastmcture of specialized venules (HEVs) within the peripheral lymph node and Peyer's patches, and HEV-like vessels in the thymus of BALB/c type mice were searched in epon sections, stained with uranyl acetate-lead citrate, by electron microscope. All of the examined three HEVs have structuraly similar cytological properties which were composed of cuboidal endothelial cells and cells with cleared cytoplasm. Endothelial cells of peripheral lymph node HEVs are cuboidal shaped. However, endothelial cells of other HEVs were lesser in height. Within the Peyer's patches HEVs, it has been found that the specialized endoplasmic reticulum sacs, contained septate desmosome-like bridges. In addition, characteristically, cells with cleared cytoplasm contained abundant electron lucent sacs. In these cells, spreading of well developed cytoplasmic extensions resembled theVII antigen presenting cells, having migrating abilities, where found outside of HEV's. Lymphocytes have been found within the lumens of all the three HEV's. In addition to lymphocytes polymorphonuclear leukocytes in lumens of peripheral lymph node HEV's and lymphoblast in HEV-like vessels of thymus were found. HEV's were surrounded with an external laminae, containing supporting cells. Glycosaminoglycans (GAG's) were investigated histochemically using Alcian Blue at different MgCİ2 concentrations at pH 5.8 and cytochemically with Ruthenium Red. With the Alcian Blue, luminal surfaces and external laminaes of HEV's were densely stained The results of the staining showed that the sulfated and carboxylated GAG's were mostly found in the peripheral lymph nodes. Peyer's patches and thymus HEV's were stained in lesser extent with Alcian Blue. Generally, in the all of the samples, the carboxylated GAG's were denser than sulphated ones. Ruthenium Red, cytochemically, reacted positively on the surfaces of the mouse peripheral lymph node HEV wall cells and on the luminal lymphocytes. In all three venules, lymphocyte passing from HEV's occurs by same way. Endothelial cells and cells with cleared cytoplasm in the HEV's walls accompanied the migration by surrounding the lymphocytes. During the passage through the HEV's, cells changed their shapes. Finally, lymphocytes also pass through external laminae which is rich in GAG content and emerge outside of HEV. Key words: Lymphoid tissues, high endothelial venule, glycosaminoglycan, lymphocyte migration
VI ABSTRACT THE COMPARISON OF ULTRASTRUCTURES, GLYCOSAMTNOGLYCANS AND LYMPHOCYTE MIGRATION OF SPECIALIZED VENULES (HEVs) OF THE MOUSE LYMPHOID TISSUES BALCAN Erdal Ph.D. in Biology Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sabire KARAÇALI January 1999, 87 pages In this study the ultrastmcture of specialized venules (HEVs) within the peripheral lymph node and Peyer's patches, and HEV-like vessels in the thymus of BALB/c type mice were searched in epon sections, stained with uranyl acetate-lead citrate, by electron microscope. All of the examined three HEVs have structuraly similar cytological properties which were composed of cuboidal endothelial cells and cells with cleared cytoplasm. Endothelial cells of peripheral lymph node HEVs are cuboidal shaped. However, endothelial cells of other HEVs were lesser in height. Within the Peyer's patches HEVs, it has been found that the specialized endoplasmic reticulum sacs, contained septate desmosome-like bridges. In addition, characteristically, cells with cleared cytoplasm contained abundant electron lucent sacs. In these cells, spreading of well developed cytoplasmic extensions resembled theVII antigen presenting cells, having migrating abilities, where found outside of HEV's. Lymphocytes have been found within the lumens of all the three HEV's. In addition to lymphocytes polymorphonuclear leukocytes in lumens of peripheral lymph node HEV's and lymphoblast in HEV-like vessels of thymus were found. HEV's were surrounded with an external laminae, containing supporting cells. Glycosaminoglycans (GAG's) were investigated histochemically using Alcian Blue at different MgCİ2 concentrations at pH 5.8 and cytochemically with Ruthenium Red. With the Alcian Blue, luminal surfaces and external laminaes of HEV's were densely stained The results of the staining showed that the sulfated and carboxylated GAG's were mostly found in the peripheral lymph nodes. Peyer's patches and thymus HEV's were stained in lesser extent with Alcian Blue. Generally, in the all of the samples, the carboxylated GAG's were denser than sulphated ones. Ruthenium Red, cytochemically, reacted positively on the surfaces of the mouse peripheral lymph node HEV wall cells and on the luminal lymphocytes. In all three venules, lymphocyte passing from HEV's occurs by same way. Endothelial cells and cells with cleared cytoplasm in the HEV's walls accompanied the migration by surrounding the lymphocytes. During the passage through the HEV's, cells changed their shapes. Finally, lymphocytes also pass through external laminae which is rich in GAG content and emerge outside of HEV. Key words: Lymphoid tissues, high endothelial venule, glycosaminoglycan, lymphocyte migration
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Fareler, Mice, Glikozaminoglikanlar, Glycosaminoglycans, Lenfoid doku, Lymphoid tissue, Lenfositler, Lymphocytes