Ayvalık ve Edremit yöresinde yetiştirilen Ayvalık zeytin çeşidinin beslenme statüsü ile kimi kalite öğeleri arasındaki ilişkiler
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Bu araştırma; Körfez yöresi olarak bilinen Ayvalık ve Edremit ilçelerinde tarımı yapılan ve dünyaca iyi kaliteye sahip zeytin yağının elde edildiği Ayvalık zeytin çeşidinin beslenme durumunu saptamak ve beslenme durumu ile yağın kimi kalite öğeleri arasındaki ilişkileri belirlemek üzere Ayvalık ve Edremit yöresi zeytinliklerinden 20'şer adet farklı bahçelerden zeytin için stabil dönem olarak kabul edilen meyvelerin olgunlaştığı Aralık ayında alınan yaprak, meyve ve toprak örneklerinde (0-30 ve 30-60cm) yapılmıştır. Toprak ve bitki örneklerinde yapılan analizler ile belirlenen sonuçlar maddeler halinde özetlenmiştir. 1. Ayvalık yöresi zeytin topraklarının killi tın ile kumlu-killi tın, Edremit yöresinin ise kumlu tın ve kumlu-killi tın bünye özelliğinde olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Ayvalık yöresi toprakları hafif alkalin, Edremit yöresi ise hafif asit ve hafif alkalin reaksiyon özelliğindedir. Ayvalık yöresi toprakları kireççe zengin, Edremit yöresi ise kireç yönü ile %50'si zengin ve%50'si fakir olduğu belirlenmiştir. Her iki yöre topraklarında toplam suda çözünür tuz yönünden sorun yoktur. Organik madde kapsamı, her iki yöre yönünden sorun yoktur. Organik madde kapsamı, her iki yöre topraklarında da fakir düzeyde olduğu belirlenmiş tir. Ayvalık yöresi topraklarının %20'sinde Edremit yöresi topraklarının ise %5'inde toplam azot düşüktür. Değişebilir fosfor içerikleri yönü ile Bingham yöntemine göre Ayvalık yöresi toprakları nı n her iki derinliğinde belirlenen fosfor değerleri düşük düzeyde iken Edremit yöresinde değişebilir fosforun %55'i düşük düzeydebulunmuş tur. Olsen yöntemine göre belirlenen değişebilir P miktarları Ayvalık yöresi topraklarının %35 fakir düzeyde iken, Edremit yöresinde ise %20'sinin fakir olduğu belirlenmiştir. Değişebilir K içerikleri yönü ile. Ayvalık yöresi bahçe topraklarının %45'i Edremit yöresinin ise %15'inin düşük düzeyde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Değişebilir kalsiyum düzeyleri Ayvalı k yöresinde her iki derinlikte de yeterli ve yüksek düzeyde belirlenirken Edremit yöresinde yeterli ve düşük düzeyde bulunmuştur. Ayvalık yöresinden alınan toprak örneklerinde değişebilir demir düşük düzeylerde belirlenmiş, buna karşılık Edremit yöresinde tüm bahçelerde, yeterli düzeyde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çinko kapsamları Ayvalık yöresi topraklarında genelde düşük düzeyde iken, Edremit yöresi topraklarında %35'inin düşük olduğu belirlenmiştir. İki yöre topraklarında da değişebilir bor seviyelerinin düşük olduğu, değişebilir Mn ve Cu düzeylerinin ise yeterli olduğu belirlenmiştir. 2. Toplam beslenme (Global Beslenme) her iki yörenin yaprak örneklerinde de düşük düzeyde bulunmuştur. Ayvalık veEdremit yörelerinin fizyolojik denge değerleri (N-P_0-K_0) 25 2 referans değerlerine göre potasyumun aleyhine olduğu saptanmıştır. Yaprakların K 0+Ca+Mg total beslenme değerleri iki & yörede de düşük olduğu ve dengenin Ayvalık yöresinde K, O ve & Mg aleyhine Edremit yöresinde ise Mg aleyhine oldu-ğu belirlenmiştir. Yaprakların bitki besinleri sınır değerlerine göre iki yörede de genelde N ve P yeterli düzeyde iken; Ca, Mg, Mn ve Cu düzeyleri yeterli ve yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır. İki yöre yapraklarında K ve Zn noksanlığı tesbit edilmiş olmasının yanında Ayvalık yöresindeki bahçelerin bir kısmında. Edremit yöresinin ise yarısında bor noksanlığı belirlenmiştir. 3.Meyve etindeki bitki besinleri, her iki yörede meyvelerde belirlenen Na.Cu ve B'un yapraklara oranla daha fazla olduğu belirlenmiştir. Olgunluk döneminde bu besinlerin yapraklardan meyvelere taşındığı ve burada biriktiği anlaşı imi ştı r. 4.Ayvalık ve Edremit yörelerinin zeytin yağlarının serbest asitlik, peroksit sayısı, iyot sayısı değerleri sınır olarak bildirilen değerler içinde yer almaktadır. Doymuş yağ asitlerinden Palmitik ve Stearik asit değerleri Ayvalı k yöresi yağ örneklerinde, Edremit yöresine göre daha düzeyde olduğu ve bu yağ asitleri Codex sınır değerleri içinde olduğu saptanmıştır. Doymamış yağ asitlerinden oleik, linoleik ve linolenik asit değerleri, iki yörede de Codex sınır değerleri içinde olduğu belirlenmiştir, 5.Topraktaki ve yapraktaki bitki besinleri ile kalite öğeleri arasında genelde önemli ilişkiler saptanmıştır. Meyvedeki bitki besinleri ile kalite öğeler: arasında, Ayvalık yöresinde %yağ, palmitik asit ile meyvedekiN arasında olumlu, peroksit sayısı ile meyvedeki N ve Karasında olumsuz ilişkiler belirlenmiştir. Edremit yöresindede meyvedeki N ile yağdaki serbest asitlik, meyvedeki K ile %yağ ve linoleik asit arasında olumlu ilişkiler belirlenmiştir. Her iki yörede de bu ilişkilerden anlaşılacağı gibi zeytin yağının kalite öğeleri üzerine beslenme durumu kadar ekolojik ve klimatolojik faktörler de etkili olmaktadır
The research was conducted in Ayvalık and Edremit locations whish have repulation with the best quality olive oil production 20 leaf, fruit and soil samples (0-30; 30-60cm) were taken f rom plantations in December durin fruit maturation time which the region f ör olives. The results obtained by soil and plant analysis were summarized as below. 1. The soil texture was clay-silt and sandy-clay-silt in Ayvalık and sandy-silt an sandy-clay-silt in Edremit. The soil reactions were slightly alkaline in Ayvalı k and changed from lightly acid to lightly alkaline in Edremit. While the soils in Ayvalık were detected as rich in lime, the soils, in Edremit were 50 percend rich and 50 percent poor in it. There was not any problem in regords to total water soluble salts in both locations. Organic matter level was poor in the soils of both locations. Total N level was low in 20 percent of Ayvalı k soils where as only f i ve percent of soils in Edremit contained low N. Water extractable (Bingham) contents in both soil dephts were found below in Ayvalık 9oils, however they were low in almost 55 percent of Edremit soils. When evaluations were done according NaHCO 3 extractable (Olsen) method, in 35 percent of soils in Ayvalık P content, was low and was only 20 percent in Edremit. In terms of NH OAC "K" contents, 45 percent of Awali k 4 " soils and 75 percent of Edremit soils were detected to have low level "K". Normal and high levels of calcium were obtained from both soil depth in Ayvalık. Where as calcium levels were normai and low in Edremit. Magnesium contents were measured to be sufficient in both locations. While DTPA extractable Fe contents were low in 22 sapmles taken from Ayvalık, it was observed as sufficient in all plantations in Edremit. Zinc contents were generally low in Ayvalı k and this mineral was low in 35 percent of Edremit soils. In the soil samples of both locations hot water extac table B levels were low and Mn and Cu levels were sufficient. 2. Total Nutrient (Global Nutrient) in take the leaf samples in both locations was found to be sofficient. Physiological balance volues (N,P 0, K_0> in leaves taken from 2 5 2 Ayvalı k and Edremit locations showed a low K 0 when comparied to referance values. In both locations total nutrient in taken was in sufficient while in physiological balances K20 and Mg were low. Similar results were found in Ayvalık location only for Mg in Edremit Location. When nutrients in leaves were taken in consideration as criteria in both locations N and P levels were sufficient, Ca, Mg, Mn and Cu contents were found to be in high levels. In addition to K and Zn defficies in both locations B deficiency was determined in same plantations in Ayvalı k and in half of the plantations in Edremit.3. When plant nutrients were investigated in fruit flesh; Na, Cu and B contents were detected to be higher than those of leaves. From these results, it was understood that at maturation period the nutrients were carried from leaves to fruits and stored there. 4. In both locations free acidity., perokside number, iodine number values were in normal levels as in standards, palmitic acid and stearic acid called as hydronized oil acids were found to be higher in Ayvalık samples than of in Edremit samples. In both locations these oil acids were in normal levels. Un hydronized oil acids such as oleic, linoleic, Linolenic acids were in normal levels as shown in standards. 5. Generally sequificant relationships were determined between quality Criteria and soil and plant nutrients. The relationship between oil percentage and palmitic acid and N content in fruit were found positive where as the relationship between perocside number and N and K content in fruit were negative in Ayvalık location. When the some evaluations were done for Edremit location, positive relationships were detected between N in fruit and free acidity, K content in fruit and oil percentage and linoleic acid. All these observed relationships in both lacotions showed that ecological and climatogical factors had effect an aualitv criteria of olive oil as much as plant nutrients.
The research was conducted in Ayvalık and Edremit locations whish have repulation with the best quality olive oil production 20 leaf, fruit and soil samples (0-30; 30-60cm) were taken f rom plantations in December durin fruit maturation time which the region f ör olives. The results obtained by soil and plant analysis were summarized as below. 1. The soil texture was clay-silt and sandy-clay-silt in Ayvalık and sandy-silt an sandy-clay-silt in Edremit. The soil reactions were slightly alkaline in Ayvalı k and changed from lightly acid to lightly alkaline in Edremit. While the soils in Ayvalık were detected as rich in lime, the soils, in Edremit were 50 percend rich and 50 percent poor in it. There was not any problem in regords to total water soluble salts in both locations. Organic matter level was poor in the soils of both locations. Total N level was low in 20 percent of Ayvalı k soils where as only f i ve percent of soils in Edremit contained low N. Water extractable (Bingham) contents in both soil dephts were found below in Ayvalık 9oils, however they were low in almost 55 percent of Edremit soils. When evaluations were done according NaHCO 3 extractable (Olsen) method, in 35 percent of soils in Ayvalık P content, was low and was only 20 percent in Edremit. In terms of NH OAC "K" contents, 45 percent of Awali k 4 " soils and 75 percent of Edremit soils were detected to have low level "K". Normal and high levels of calcium were obtained from both soil depth in Ayvalık. Where as calcium levels were normai and low in Edremit. Magnesium contents were measured to be sufficient in both locations. While DTPA extractable Fe contents were low in 22 sapmles taken from Ayvalık, it was observed as sufficient in all plantations in Edremit. Zinc contents were generally low in Ayvalı k and this mineral was low in 35 percent of Edremit soils. In the soil samples of both locations hot water extac table B levels were low and Mn and Cu levels were sufficient. 2. Total Nutrient (Global Nutrient) in take the leaf samples in both locations was found to be sofficient. Physiological balance volues (N,P 0, K_0> in leaves taken from 2 5 2 Ayvalı k and Edremit locations showed a low K 0 when comparied to referance values. In both locations total nutrient in taken was in sufficient while in physiological balances K20 and Mg were low. Similar results were found in Ayvalık location only for Mg in Edremit Location. When nutrients in leaves were taken in consideration as criteria in both locations N and P levels were sufficient, Ca, Mg, Mn and Cu contents were found to be in high levels. In addition to K and Zn defficies in both locations B deficiency was determined in same plantations in Ayvalı k and in half of the plantations in Edremit.3. When plant nutrients were investigated in fruit flesh; Na, Cu and B contents were detected to be higher than those of leaves. From these results, it was understood that at maturation period the nutrients were carried from leaves to fruits and stored there. 4. In both locations free acidity., perokside number, iodine number values were in normal levels as in standards, palmitic acid and stearic acid called as hydronized oil acids were found to be higher in Ayvalık samples than of in Edremit samples. In both locations these oil acids were in normal levels. Un hydronized oil acids such as oleic, linoleic, Linolenic acids were in normal levels as shown in standards. 5. Generally sequificant relationships were determined between quality Criteria and soil and plant nutrients. The relationship between oil percentage and palmitic acid and N content in fruit were found positive where as the relationship between perocside number and N and K content in fruit were negative in Ayvalık location. When the some evaluations were done for Edremit location, positive relationships were detected between N in fruit and free acidity, K content in fruit and oil percentage and linoleic acid. All these observed relationships in both lacotions showed that ecological and climatogical factors had effect an aualitv criteria of olive oil as much as plant nutrients.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Balıkesir-Ayvalık, Balıkesir-Ayvalık, Balıkesir-Edremit, Balıkesir-Edremit, Toprak, Soil, Zeytin, Olive