Isparta yöresinde eozinofili saptanan hastalarda fasciolosis
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Isparta bölgesinde fasciolosis varlığını belirlemek için, bu hastalığın en sık saptanan bulgularından biri olan eozinofili saptanan hastalarda fasciolosis serolojik olarak araştırılmıştır. Eozinofili saptanan 756 hasta ve eozinofili saptanmayan 320 hasta çalışma ve kontrol gurubu olarak seçilmiş ve F. hepatica antikorları ES-ELISA ile araştırılmıştır. Çalışmaya alınan eozinofılili kişiler arasında, Fasciolosis antikorları ES ELISA ile %6,1, eozinofili saptanmayan kişiler arasında oran %0,9 olarak saptanmıştır. Her iki grup arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değerlendirilmiştir (x2: 10,841 P<0,001). Seropozitiflik saptanan hastaların 27'sinin kadın, 19' unun erkek olduğu ve her iki grup arasında da istatistiksel fark saptanmamıştır (x2:2,130, p> 0,5). ES ELISA seropozitif hastaların klinik değerlendirmesinde 19 hastadan 18 inde en az bir fasciolosis tipik klinik belirtisine rastlanmıştır. En çok karın ağrısı, kilo kaybı, ateş ve ürtiker yakınması görülmüştür. Yapılan radyolojik inceleme sonucunda, ultrasonografi incelemesi ile 19 hastada 14 ünde, BT inceleme yapılan 9 hastadan 6'sında fasciolosis ile uyumlu bulgular saptanmıştır. Hastaların modifıye formol-etil asetat çöktürme yöntemi ile yapılan 3 kez dışkı incelemesinde 19 hastadan 9 unda (%47,4) dışkıda F. hepatica yumurtası saptanmıştır. Eozinofili saptanan hastalarda Fasciolasis antikorlarının yüksek pozitifliği bu bulgunun önemini belirtmektedir. Klinik belirtiler ve özellikle eozinofili saptanan hastalarda paraziter bir etken düşünüldüğünde fasciolosis serolojik tanısının yanında dışkıda yumurta arama ve radyolojik yöntemlerden de yararlanılması gerektiği kanısına varılmıştır. 73
SUMMARY The aim of this study is to investigate the presence of antibodies against fasciolosis among a group of subjects with eosinophilia, which is considered as a main sign of fasciolosis.. Serum samples of 756 eosinophilic and 320 non eosinophilic patients from İsparta region, were examined for antibodies against Fasciola hepatica using ES-ELISA. Of the 756 eosinophilic patients, 46 (6,1%) were found to be positive for fasciolosis by ES-ELISA, while the rate was only 0,9% among the non eosinophilic group, showing a statistically significant difference between the two groups (x2: 10,841 P<0,001). Seropositivity was determined in 27 female and 19 men, expressing no gender difference in both groups (x2:2,130, p> 0,5). Among the seropositives, 19 cases were evaluated by further investigations. Physical examination revealed at least one clinical sings or symptoms related to fasciolosis. Abdominal pain, weight loss, fever and urticaria were the most abundant symptoms. Radiologically, in 14 of the 19 cases showed ultrasonografic findings related to fasciolsis and the CT scanning of 9 cases presented findings strongly suggesting the infection in 6 cases. Stool samples were examined for F. hepatica eggs by formaline ether concentration procedure in 19 seropositive patients. F. hepatica eggs were found in 9 (47,4%) cases. The higher prevalence of antibodies against F. hepatica among patients with eosinophlia indicated the importance of this sign for this parasitic infection. Serodiagnosis for fasciolosis along with the stool and radiologic examination must be considered, especially among cases with clinical sings and eosinophilia. 74
SUMMARY The aim of this study is to investigate the presence of antibodies against fasciolosis among a group of subjects with eosinophilia, which is considered as a main sign of fasciolosis.. Serum samples of 756 eosinophilic and 320 non eosinophilic patients from İsparta region, were examined for antibodies against Fasciola hepatica using ES-ELISA. Of the 756 eosinophilic patients, 46 (6,1%) were found to be positive for fasciolosis by ES-ELISA, while the rate was only 0,9% among the non eosinophilic group, showing a statistically significant difference between the two groups (x2: 10,841 P<0,001). Seropositivity was determined in 27 female and 19 men, expressing no gender difference in both groups (x2:2,130, p> 0,5). Among the seropositives, 19 cases were evaluated by further investigations. Physical examination revealed at least one clinical sings or symptoms related to fasciolosis. Abdominal pain, weight loss, fever and urticaria were the most abundant symptoms. Radiologically, in 14 of the 19 cases showed ultrasonografic findings related to fasciolsis and the CT scanning of 9 cases presented findings strongly suggesting the infection in 6 cases. Stool samples were examined for F. hepatica eggs by formaline ether concentration procedure in 19 seropositive patients. F. hepatica eggs were found in 9 (47,4%) cases. The higher prevalence of antibodies against F. hepatica among patients with eosinophlia indicated the importance of this sign for this parasitic infection. Serodiagnosis for fasciolosis along with the stool and radiologic examination must be considered, especially among cases with clinical sings and eosinophilia. 74
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Parazitoloji, Parasitology