Küçük Menderes havzasında yer alan eğimli tarım arazilerine ait topraklara yapay yağış altında ve laboratuvar koşullarında poliakrilamid (PAM) uygulamasının erozyon üzerine etkileri
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
54 ÖZET Bu araştırma Küçük Menderes Havzası içinde yer alan tarım yapılan alanlarda PAM (Poliakrilamid) uygulamaları nın erozyona etkilerini ortaya çıkarmayı amaçlamaktadır. PAM'ın farklı miktarlarının yüzey akış ve toprak kaybı üzerine ne kadar etkili olacağının bilinmesi bu konuda yapılacak uygulamalara ışık tutacaktır. Araştırma alanı Türkiye'nin batısında yer almaktadır. 673.079 ha alanı kaplayan araştırma alanı, 38° 41' 05'' ve 37° 53' 08" kuzey enlemleri ile 28°24'36'' ve 26°11,48'' doğu boylamları arasında yer alır. Akdeniz iklim tipinin genellikle hakim olduğu Küçük Menderes havzasında farklı jeolojik zamanlara ait oluşukları görmek mümkündür. Araştırma materyali olan topraklar Küçük Menderes havzasındaki tarım yapılan eğimli alanlardan 14 farklı yerden pulluk derinliğinden alınmıştır. 8 mm'lik elekten geçirilen örnekler 30x45 cm boyutlarındaki parsellere yerleştirilerek erozyon denemesine hazır hale getirilmiş tir. Her toprak örneğinde şahit ve PAM uygulanarak hazır lanan parseller yüzde 9 eğimde yağmurlayıcı yardımıyla yüksek kinetik enerjili yapay yağış yağdırılarak elde edilen yüzey akış ve toprak kayıpları kaydedilmiştir. Yağış uygulaması üç defada yapılmış ve toplam yüzey akış ve toprak kaybı değerleri istatistiksel değerlendirmeler de kullanılmıştır. Toprak örneklerinde ayrıca, bünye, tarla kapasitesi, solma noktası, süspansiyon yüzdesi, dispersiyon oranı, agregat stabilitesi, kil oranı, mil oranı, erozyon oranı, PH kireç ve organik madde tayinleri yapılmıştır. Toprak özelliklerinin direkt etkileri yanında, farklı PAM uygula maları ile birlikte etkileri araştırılmıştır.- 55 Küçük Menderes havzası tarım topraklarında analizlenen toprak örneklerinde yüzde kum 48.88-79.52; yüzde mil 14-35.28; yüzde kil 2.2-15.84; kil oranı 5.31-14.24; mil oranı 1.10-15.29; tarla kapasitesindeki su yüzdesi 5.11-27.24 solma noktasındaki nem yüzdesi 2.33-14.78; dispersiyon oranı 23.75-76.87 ; süspansiyon yüzdesi 8.48-20.72; pH 6.30-7.60; organik madde yüzdesi 0.749-3.69; agregat stabilitesi 7.31-40.50; kireç yüzdesi 0.76-14.39; erozyon oranı ise 12.94-257.89 arasında değişmektedir. Araştırma sonuçları aşağıdaki şekilde özetlenebilir. Toprak özellikleri ile şahit parselden elde edilen yüzey akış ve toprak kayıpları arasında ikili ilişkiler araştırılmıştır. Agregat stabilitesi ile 3. yağmurlamanın yüzey akış (r = - 0. 671 xx), kum yüzdesi ile 2. yağmurlama nın toprak kaybı (r=- 0.585x), dispersiyon oranı ile 2. yağmurlamanın toprak kaybı (r=-0.611x) ve yine disper siyon oranı ile 3. yağmurlamanın toprak kaybı (r=-0.599x) arasında önemli ilişkiler saptanmıştır. Agregat stabilitesi değeri artarken yüzey akış azalmaktadır. Kum yüzdesi ve dispersiyon oranı değerlerinin artmasıyla toprak kayıpları azalma göstermektedir. Yüksek kinetik enerjili yoğun yağışta kumun etkisi, dispersiyon oranı ile bu ilişkilerin ortaya çıkmasına neden olmuştur. Uygulanan PAM konsantrasyonlarıyla yüzey akış ve toprak kayıpları arasında negatif ve önemli ilişkiler saptanmıştır. PAM uygulamaları ile 1. yağmurlama yüzey akış (r = - 0.314x), 2. yağmurlama yüzey akış (r = - 0.320x), top lam yüzey akış (r = - 0.350xx), 1. yağmurlama toprak kaybı (r=-0.633xx), 2. yağmurlama toprak kaybı (r=- 0.537xx), 3. yağmurlama toprak kaybı (r^"0.535xx) ve toplam toprak kaybı (r=-0.688xx) arasında önemli ilişki katsayıları elde edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak PAM uygulaması yüzey akış ve toprak kayıp larının azalmasında çok etkili görülmüştür. Uygulanan PAM konsantrasyonu arttıkça bu etki de artmıştır
56 - SUMMARY The aim of this investigation is to obtain the effects of PAM (Polyacrylamide) on soil loss and runoff on culti vated soils of Küçük Menderes Watershed in the Aegean Region. To investigate the effectiveness of different amounts of PAM on soil loss and runoff, would help on erosion studies to be done on this matter. The research area is 673.079 ha in the western part of Turkey and is located between 38°41 ' 05 " -37o53'08" north latidues and 28°24' 36 ' ' -26°1 1 ' 48 ' ' east longitudes. The structures from different geological periods can be seen in Küçük Menderes Watershed which is under the effect of Mediterranean type climatical conditions. The soil samples, material of investigation, were taken from 14 different places in plow layer depth on surrounding slopping lands devoted to cultivated soils of Küçük Menderes Watershed. To prepare the samples for erosion tests, these soil samples were passed through 8 mm sieve and 30x45 cm size plots were prepared. The simulated rainfall conditions at 9° - slope were applied with a rainfall simulator to each soil sample treated with PAM and check plots. The resulting soil loss and runoff data are obtained. The rainfall application was subjected to three periods of simulated rainfall and total amounts of soil loss and runoff were used in statistical analysis. In order to find some of the physical and chemical properties of the soils; mechanical analysis, field capa city, suspension percent, dispersion ratio, aggregate stability, clay ratio, silt ratio, erosion ratio, PH, carbonates and organic matters were determined.57 - Maximum and minimum values of soil analysis of the soils taken from the cultivated soils in Küçük Menderes Watershed are as below; for sand 48.88-79.52%, silt 14-35.28%, clay 2.2-15.8%, clay ratio 5.31-16.24, silt ratio 1.10-15.29, field capacity 5.11-27.24%, humidity at salination point 2. 33-14. 78%, m dispersion ratio 23.75-76.87, suspension 8.48-20.72%, pH 6.30-7.60, organic matter 0.74-3.69%, aggregate stability 7.31-40.50, CaCOj 0.761-14.391%. The erosion ratio changes between 12.94 and 257.89. The results of this investigation can be summarized as follows: The simple and multiple correlations were found between soil properties and soil loss and runoff which were obtained from check plots. Significant relations were determined between the aggregate stability and surface flow of third rainfall (r = - 0.671 xx) ; sand percent and soil loss of second rainfall (r=-0.585x); dispersion ratio and soil loss of second rainfall (r=- 0.611x); and dispersion ratio and soil loss of third rainfall (r = -0.599x). The runoff decreases as the aggregate stability increases. The soil losses decreases also as the sand percent and dispersion ratio increases. The intensive rainfall with high kinetic energy has caused these relations between the sand and dispersion ratio to occur. Significant and negative relations were also obtained between the runoff and soil loss and applied PAM concent rations. Significant correlation coefficients were deter mined between PAM treatments and first rainfall runoff (r = - 0.320x) ; total runoff (r = - 0.350xx) ; first rainfall soil loss (r = - 0.633xx) ; second rainfall soil loss (r=- 0.537xx); third rainfall soil loss (r=-0.535xx) and total soil loss (r = - 0.688xx).58 As a result, the PAM treatment is found to be signifi cantly effective on decreasing soil loss and runoff. This effectiveness increases as the applied PAM concentration increases.
56 - SUMMARY The aim of this investigation is to obtain the effects of PAM (Polyacrylamide) on soil loss and runoff on culti vated soils of Küçük Menderes Watershed in the Aegean Region. To investigate the effectiveness of different amounts of PAM on soil loss and runoff, would help on erosion studies to be done on this matter. The research area is 673.079 ha in the western part of Turkey and is located between 38°41 ' 05 " -37o53'08" north latidues and 28°24' 36 ' ' -26°1 1 ' 48 ' ' east longitudes. The structures from different geological periods can be seen in Küçük Menderes Watershed which is under the effect of Mediterranean type climatical conditions. The soil samples, material of investigation, were taken from 14 different places in plow layer depth on surrounding slopping lands devoted to cultivated soils of Küçük Menderes Watershed. To prepare the samples for erosion tests, these soil samples were passed through 8 mm sieve and 30x45 cm size plots were prepared. The simulated rainfall conditions at 9° - slope were applied with a rainfall simulator to each soil sample treated with PAM and check plots. The resulting soil loss and runoff data are obtained. The rainfall application was subjected to three periods of simulated rainfall and total amounts of soil loss and runoff were used in statistical analysis. In order to find some of the physical and chemical properties of the soils; mechanical analysis, field capa city, suspension percent, dispersion ratio, aggregate stability, clay ratio, silt ratio, erosion ratio, PH, carbonates and organic matters were determined.57 - Maximum and minimum values of soil analysis of the soils taken from the cultivated soils in Küçük Menderes Watershed are as below; for sand 48.88-79.52%, silt 14-35.28%, clay 2.2-15.8%, clay ratio 5.31-16.24, silt ratio 1.10-15.29, field capacity 5.11-27.24%, humidity at salination point 2. 33-14. 78%, m dispersion ratio 23.75-76.87, suspension 8.48-20.72%, pH 6.30-7.60, organic matter 0.74-3.69%, aggregate stability 7.31-40.50, CaCOj 0.761-14.391%. The erosion ratio changes between 12.94 and 257.89. The results of this investigation can be summarized as follows: The simple and multiple correlations were found between soil properties and soil loss and runoff which were obtained from check plots. Significant relations were determined between the aggregate stability and surface flow of third rainfall (r = - 0.671 xx) ; sand percent and soil loss of second rainfall (r=-0.585x); dispersion ratio and soil loss of second rainfall (r=- 0.611x); and dispersion ratio and soil loss of third rainfall (r = -0.599x). The runoff decreases as the aggregate stability increases. The soil losses decreases also as the sand percent and dispersion ratio increases. The intensive rainfall with high kinetic energy has caused these relations between the sand and dispersion ratio to occur. Significant and negative relations were also obtained between the runoff and soil loss and applied PAM concent rations. Significant correlation coefficients were deter mined between PAM treatments and first rainfall runoff (r = - 0.320x) ; total runoff (r = - 0.350xx) ; first rainfall soil loss (r = - 0.633xx) ; second rainfall soil loss (r=- 0.537xx); third rainfall soil loss (r=-0.535xx) and total soil loss (r = - 0.688xx).58 As a result, the PAM treatment is found to be signifi cantly effective on decreasing soil loss and runoff. This effectiveness increases as the applied PAM concentration increases.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Erozyon, Erosion, Küçük Menderes havzası, Küçük Menderes basin, Poliakrilamid, Polyacrylamide, Toprak, Soil