Postlingual koklear implantlı hastalarda odyovokal geri besleme ile frekans kaymasının koklear implant performansıyla karşılaştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
İşitsel geri besleme normal işiten kişilerde normal bir işitsel ve laringeal sistem gerektirir. Postlingual koklear implantlı hastalarda işitsel performansın analizinde çeşitli subjektif ve objektif testler kullanılmaktadır. Objektif testler genellikle kortikal düzeydeki işitsel potansiyeller üzerine yoğunlaşmaktadır. Ancak işitsel traktın bütünlüğünü net olarak göstermemektedir. Bu çalışmada koklear implantlı hastalarda işitsel-vokal geri besleme analiz edilerek kontrol ve hasta grubunda ortaya çıkan frekans kaymaları karşılaştırıldı. Konuşmayı anlama testleriyle frekans kayma derecelerinin korele olup olmadığı da değerlendirildi. İmplant performansını öngörecek ve işitme yollarındaki işlemlemenin durumunu en sağlıklı olarak gösterecek test bataryaları saptanması amaçlandı. Çalışmaya postlingual işitme kayıplı 9 koklear implantlı erişkin hasta ve benzer yaş grubunda 9 normal işiten kontrol dahil edildi. Özel bir yazılımla deneklerden kaydedilen /a/ sesi özel bir yazılımla analiz edildi ve daha sonra tüm formantlar ve ara frekanslar artı ve eksi yönde 0,5 ve 1 oktav kaydırılarak sentez edilmiş ve hafızada tutulan bu sesler /a/ vokalizasyonu sırasında deneğe 5 sn latansla geri verildi. Frekans kaydırma öncesi ve sonrasında elde edilen fondamental frekans (F0) ve Fx (güçlü formant frekansı) değerleri iki grup arasında karşılaştırıldı. F0 ve Fx değişimleri karşılaştırıldığında kontrol grubu ve hasta grubu arasında yalnızca eksi 0,5 ve eksi 1 oktav grubunda iki grup arasında anlamlı fark saptandı (p=0,040). Eksi 0,5 İGB ile Fx'de iki grup arasında anlamlı fark bulunmasa da p değeri diğer gruplara göre daha düşüktü (p=0,11). Ayrıca konuşmayı ayırdetme skorları ile FK etkisi sonucu oluşan İGB yanıtları arasında fark olup olmadığı araştırıldı. Ayırdetme skorları yüksek olan hastalarda eksi oktav FK ile oranlar kontrol grubuyla istatistiksel olarak anlamlı şekilde farklı bulundu. Ancak artı oktav FK ile kontrol grubu ve performansı düşük hastaların İGB sonuçları farklı bulundu. Veri tabanı küçük olmasına karşın işitsel performansı iyi ve kötü olan hastalar arasında bu açıdan anlamlı bir fark vardı. Bu sonuçlara göre preoperatif değerlendirmelerde hem eksi hem de artı yönde frekans kaydırma ile elde edilen sonuçlar birlikte gözönüne alınırsa daha anlamlı prediktif sonuçlara varılabileceği öngörüldü. Ancak İGB ile formant frekanslarındaki aşağı veya yukarı yönde ortaya çıkan değişimlerin ms'lik kesitlerde zaman ekseninde izlenmesini de gerekmektedir. Bu sırada saptanan objektif verilerin (kortikal potansiyeller, fMRI'de aktivasyon gösteren bölgeler, vb) formant frekanslarında ortaya çıkan yanıtlarla eşzamanlı olarak değerlendirilmesi hem refleks ve hem de istemli vokal yanıtların kökenini daha doğru olarak saptayabilecektir
Auditory feedback requires normal auditory and laryngeal system in normal hearing subjects. Various subjective and objective test are used for determining auditory performance of postlingual cochlear implant patients. Objective tests are generally focused on cortical potentials, but they do not show the integrity of the auditory tractus. In this study, audio-vocal feed-back is analyzed in cochlear implant patients and the difference in frequency response shifts in control and patient group is investigated. It has also been studied, whether there is a correlation between frequency shifts and speech discrimination scores. The aim was to establish a test battery which will anticipate implant performance and show the real condition of central auditory processing systems. Nine postlingually implanted patients and nine controls of similar ages were included in the study. The subjects' /ah/ vocalizations were recorded and processed for through custom software. The recorded voices were pitch-shifted for one octave and half an octave both to lower and higher frequencies and were presented to the subject with a 5 sec delay. Fundamental frequency (F0) and strongest formant (Fx) frequency values before and after pitch-shifting was analyzed and compared between two groups. F0 response to half octave pitch-shifted voice was the only statistically different parameter between two groups (p=0,040). Fx response to half octave pitch-shifted voice was closer to siginificant values than other measurements (p=0,11). It has also been investigated whether there is a difference in auditory feed-back responses with regard to speech discrimination scores (SDS). In patients with SDS over 70%, F0 and Fx responses to minus half octave and minus one octave pitch shifting were siginificantly different than controls. The responses to plus half octave and plus one octave pitch shifted voice were similar to the control group. However, the responses to plus half octave and plus one octave pitch shifted voice were siginificantly different than control group in patients with low SDS. According to these results, it is hypothetised that if responses to pitch-shifted voice in both ways is taken into consideration during preoperative evaluation, more significant predictive results can be obtained. However, changes in formant frequencies should also be evaluated in time axis in miliseconds. Objective data collected in terms of cortical potentials, activated zones in fMRI, etc. and in synchronization with voice analysis will determine the origin of voluntary audio-vocal response more accurately.
Auditory feedback requires normal auditory and laryngeal system in normal hearing subjects. Various subjective and objective test are used for determining auditory performance of postlingual cochlear implant patients. Objective tests are generally focused on cortical potentials, but they do not show the integrity of the auditory tractus. In this study, audio-vocal feed-back is analyzed in cochlear implant patients and the difference in frequency response shifts in control and patient group is investigated. It has also been studied, whether there is a correlation between frequency shifts and speech discrimination scores. The aim was to establish a test battery which will anticipate implant performance and show the real condition of central auditory processing systems. Nine postlingually implanted patients and nine controls of similar ages were included in the study. The subjects' /ah/ vocalizations were recorded and processed for through custom software. The recorded voices were pitch-shifted for one octave and half an octave both to lower and higher frequencies and were presented to the subject with a 5 sec delay. Fundamental frequency (F0) and strongest formant (Fx) frequency values before and after pitch-shifting was analyzed and compared between two groups. F0 response to half octave pitch-shifted voice was the only statistically different parameter between two groups (p=0,040). Fx response to half octave pitch-shifted voice was closer to siginificant values than other measurements (p=0,11). It has also been investigated whether there is a difference in auditory feed-back responses with regard to speech discrimination scores (SDS). In patients with SDS over 70%, F0 and Fx responses to minus half octave and minus one octave pitch shifting were siginificantly different than controls. The responses to plus half octave and plus one octave pitch shifted voice were similar to the control group. However, the responses to plus half octave and plus one octave pitch shifted voice were siginificantly different than control group in patients with low SDS. According to these results, it is hypothetised that if responses to pitch-shifted voice in both ways is taken into consideration during preoperative evaluation, more significant predictive results can be obtained. However, changes in formant frequencies should also be evaluated in time axis in miliseconds. Objective data collected in terms of cortical potentials, activated zones in fMRI, etc. and in synchronization with voice analysis will determine the origin of voluntary audio-vocal response more accurately.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kulak Burun ve Boğaz, Otorhinolaryngology (Ear-Nose-Throat)