Türkiye'de tüketilen yerli ve yabancı sigaralardaki radyoaktif polanyum düzeyinin elektrodepozisyon ve alfa spektroskopisi ile ölçülmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
V-ÖZET Çalışmada Türkiye'de tüketimi fazla olan sigaraların tütün, kül, izmarit ve dumanın Po-210 içeriği Eiektrokimyasal Toplama ve AHa Radyasyonu Dedeksiyonu Tekniği ile saptanmıştır. Denemelerde kullanılan yerli sigaralar TEKEL'den yabancı sigaralar ise piyasadan alınmıştır. Her bir sigaranın tütünü kurutulduktan sonra mineral asitlerle kimyasal çözme işlemine tabi tutulmuştur. Çözme işlemi sonunda elde kalan çözeltideki polonyum eiektrokimyasal toplama tekniğiyle bir bakır disk üzerine toplanmış ve disklerin alfa aktivitesi ZnS (Ag) sintilasyon detektörü ile ölçülmüştür. Sigaralar suni olarak içirilerek elde edilen kül ve izmaritiere de aynı kimyasal çözme ve sayım tekniği uygulanmıştır. Analizlenen 6 farklı marka yerli sigara ve 3 farklı marka yabancı sigaranın tütün, kül ve izmaritindeki ortalama Po-210 aktivitesi, sırasıyla 0.376 pCi/sig, 0.026 pCi/sig.külü ve 0.078 pCi/sig.izm. olarak ölçüldü. Buradan dumandaki aktivite ise 0.272 pCi/sig.dumanı olarak saptanmıştır. Bu sonuçlara göre; Türkiye 'de günde 1 paket sigara içen bir kişi günde 2.72 pCi polonyum soluyacaktır. Solunan bu aktivite, kişinin ard ortamdan aldığından yaklaşık olarak 6-7 kat daha yükseldir ve bu nedenle, sigara içiminin akciğer kanserinin oluşumundaki etkisinin önemli bir kısmı içerdiği radyoaktiviteye dayanmaktadır. 31
Vl-SUMMARY In this study, Po-210 contents of tobacco, ash, butts and smoke of cigarettes much consumed heavily in Turkey have been determined by Electrochemical Deposition and Alpha Detection Tecnique. Domestic cigarettes used in the experiments were teken from TEKEL, and imported cigarettes were bought from the market. The tobacco of each cigarette was dried, and then dissolved with mineral acids (wet-ashing). The polonium in the solution was deposited ona copper disc by the electrochemical deposition tecnique, and the alpha activities of these discs were measured by ZnS (Ag) sintillation detector. The ash and butts remained after the cigarettes artificially smoked, have been analyzed with the same chemical dissolving and counting tecnique. The avarage Po-210 activities in the tobacco, ash, butts of six different brands of domestic and three different brands of imported cigarettes analyzed were measured to be 0.376 pCi/cig., 0.026 pCi/cig.ash and 0.075 pCi/cig.butt, respectively. Thus, Po-210 activity in smoke was determined as 2.72 pCi/cig.smoke. According to these results, a person smoking a pack of cigarettes per day in Turkey, will inhale 2.71 pCi polonium. This activity is about 6 -7 times higher than background, and therefore, an imported fraction of effect of smoking in incidance of lung cancer is due to the radioactivity in tobacco. 32
Vl-SUMMARY In this study, Po-210 contents of tobacco, ash, butts and smoke of cigarettes much consumed heavily in Turkey have been determined by Electrochemical Deposition and Alpha Detection Tecnique. Domestic cigarettes used in the experiments were teken from TEKEL, and imported cigarettes were bought from the market. The tobacco of each cigarette was dried, and then dissolved with mineral acids (wet-ashing). The polonium in the solution was deposited ona copper disc by the electrochemical deposition tecnique, and the alpha activities of these discs were measured by ZnS (Ag) sintillation detector. The ash and butts remained after the cigarettes artificially smoked, have been analyzed with the same chemical dissolving and counting tecnique. The avarage Po-210 activities in the tobacco, ash, butts of six different brands of domestic and three different brands of imported cigarettes analyzed were measured to be 0.376 pCi/cig., 0.026 pCi/cig.ash and 0.075 pCi/cig.butt, respectively. Thus, Po-210 activity in smoke was determined as 2.72 pCi/cig.smoke. According to these results, a person smoking a pack of cigarettes per day in Turkey, will inhale 2.71 pCi polonium. This activity is about 6 -7 times higher than background, and therefore, an imported fraction of effect of smoking in incidance of lung cancer is due to the radioactivity in tobacco. 32
Anahtar Kelimeler
Nükleer Mühendislik, Nuclear Engineering, Kül, Ash, Polonyum, Polonium, Radyoaktivite, Radioactivity, Sigara, Cigarette, Tütün, Tobacco, İzmarit, Fag end