KOAH çadırında ölçülen SFT sonuçları ve KOAH risk faktörlerinin değerlendirilmesi
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Küresel Girişim (GOLD) grubu tarafından tüm dünyada KOAH bilincini artırmak amacıyla organize edilen “Dünya KOAH Günü” 19 Kasım 2003 tarihinde yapıldı. Ülkemizdeki etkinlikler çerçevesinde İzmir’de kurulan çadıra başvuran kişilere solunum fonksiyon testi yapıldı. Olgular, KOAH risk faktörleri ve daha önce KOAH tanısı yönünden sorgulandı. 40 yaş altında olanlar çalışma dışı bırakıldı. Değerlendirmeye alınan 361 kişinin 97’si kadın, 264’ü erkek olup yaş ortalaması 48.00±10.15 idi. 263 kişi 10-100 paket/yıl sigara içmiş veya içmekte idi. 14 olguda tezek maruziyeti saptandı. 31 kişinin mesleği, KOAH yönünden riskli bulundu. 13 olgu daha önce KOAH tanısı almıştı. KOAH tanısı olanların tümü erkek, sigara içen ve FEV1/FVC oranı %70’in altında idi. Bu olguların yaş ve sigara ortalama değerleri KOAH tanısı olmayanlardan daha yüksekti. Tüm olguların %7.8’inde FEV1/FVC %70’in, bunların da 23 ünde FEV1 %80’in altında idi. 73 olguda FEF25-75, %65’in altında bulundu. Yaş ile FEV1, FEV1/FVC ve FEF25-75 arasında ters korelasyon saptandı. Sigara içenlerin %9.7’sinde FEV1/FVC, %24.4’ünde FEF25-75 düşüktü. FEV1/FVC ve FEF25-75 arasında anlamlı ilişki bulunan bu grupta FEF25-75’i düşük olan 58 kişinin sadece 21’inde FEV1/FVC oranı düşüktü. Ayrıca sigara içenlerde FEV1, FEV1/FVC ve FEF25-75 ortalama değerleri içmeyenlerden daha düşüktü. Sonuçta sigara içen 40 yaş üstü kişilerde FEF25-75’in, FEV1/FVC’den daha önce düştüğünü ve bunun KOAH’ın erken tanısı için daha değerli olduğunu düşündük.
COPD day was made in 2003, November 19 which was organized by Global Initiation (GOLD) all around the world to increase the conciousness about COPD. in Izmir, spirometry tests were performed to persons who applied to tent and cases older than 40 were questionnaired for risk factors of COPD and about the former diagnosis of COPD. of 361 cases; 97 were female, 264 were male and mean age was 48.00±10.15. 263 cases were ex-smokers or current smokers. Dried cow dung exposition was present in 14 cases. 31 cases had occupational risk for COPD. 13 cases had diagnosis of COPD formerly. All of the cases who had diagnosis of COPD were male, smoker and ratio of FEV1/FVC lower than 70% and the mean values of age and pack-year were significantly higher. 7.8% of all cases had FEV1/FVC ratio less than 70% and 23 of them had FEV1 less than 80%. FEF25-75 was found less than 65% in 73 cases. There was a reverse relation between the age and the values of FEV1, FEV1/FVC and FEF25-75. Among the smokers, FEV1/FVC ratio was low in 9.7%, FEF25-75 was low in 24.4%. Only 21 cases of 58 cases who had lower FEF25-75 value had FEV1/FVC<70%. Mean values of FEV1, FEV1/FVC and FEF25-75 were lower in smokers than non-smokers. in conclusion, FEF25-75 value decreased before the ratio of FEV1/FVC in cases who were above 40 year old and smoker. We thought, this is more valuable in the early diagnosis of COPD.
COPD day was made in 2003, November 19 which was organized by Global Initiation (GOLD) all around the world to increase the conciousness about COPD. in Izmir, spirometry tests were performed to persons who applied to tent and cases older than 40 were questionnaired for risk factors of COPD and about the former diagnosis of COPD. of 361 cases; 97 were female, 264 were male and mean age was 48.00±10.15. 263 cases were ex-smokers or current smokers. Dried cow dung exposition was present in 14 cases. 31 cases had occupational risk for COPD. 13 cases had diagnosis of COPD formerly. All of the cases who had diagnosis of COPD were male, smoker and ratio of FEV1/FVC lower than 70% and the mean values of age and pack-year were significantly higher. 7.8% of all cases had FEV1/FVC ratio less than 70% and 23 of them had FEV1 less than 80%. FEF25-75 was found less than 65% in 73 cases. There was a reverse relation between the age and the values of FEV1, FEV1/FVC and FEF25-75. Among the smokers, FEV1/FVC ratio was low in 9.7%, FEF25-75 was low in 24.4%. Only 21 cases of 58 cases who had lower FEF25-75 value had FEV1/FVC<70%. Mean values of FEV1, FEV1/FVC and FEF25-75 were lower in smokers than non-smokers. in conclusion, FEF25-75 value decreased before the ratio of FEV1/FVC in cases who were above 40 year old and smoker. We thought, this is more valuable in the early diagnosis of COPD.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kulak, Burun, Boğaz
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