Dikey boyutu düşük tam protez kullanan bireylerde yeni yapılacak protezin okluzal dikey boyutunun sefalometrik analiz yöntemleriyle saptanması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
167 BÖLÜM VI ÖZET Okluzal dikey boyutun saptanması tam protez yapımının en önemli aşamalarından biri olsa da bu saptamanın yapılabilmesi için kesin ve yinelenebilir bir yöntem geliştirilememiştir. Bu nedenle okluzal dikey boyutun saptanması sırasında birkaç yöntem birlikte kullanılmakta ve birbirlerini sağlamaları beklenmektedir. Son yıllarda okluzal dikey boyutun nesnel ölçütlerle belirlenmesi amacıyla kullanımı artan sefalometrik analiz yöntemleri çeşitli regresyon formüllerinin geliştirilmesine neden olmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı; hekimin deneyim ve kararından etkilenmeyecek, nesnel ölçütleri rehber alan ve yinelenebilirle özelliğini taşıyan bir okluzal dikey boyut saptama yöntemi geliştirmektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda yapılan çalışma; ön çalışma ve ana çalışma olmak üzere iki bölümden oluşmuştur. ön çalışmada; bir baş iskeleti ve tam protez kullanan hastaların lateral sefalometrik radyografilerinden elde edilen bulgular tam protezlerin okluzal dikey boyutunun saptanması için bir regresyon formülünün geliştirilmesi konusunda esin kaynağı olmuştur. Ana çalışmanın kontrol grubunu oluşturan doğal dişli bireylerin lateral sefalometrik radyografileri üzerinde yapılan sefalometrik analizlerden elde edilen verilerle istatistiksel olarak şu regresyon formülü geliştirilmiştir. ANS-Me uzunluğu = 46,713 + (0,721 xANS-PNS uzunluğu) - (5,527xcinsiyet) (okluzal dikey boyut) Cinsiyet; erkek X1 kadın X2168 Bu regresyon formülü kullanılarak, okluzal dikey boyutu düşük tam protez kullanan 21 hastada, okluzal dikey boyut yeni tam protezler ile 2-16 mm arasında olmak üzere ortalama 9 mm arttırılmıştır. Okluzal dikey boyutu düşük eski tam protezler, hazırlanan değerlendirme formu ile incelenmiş, stomatognatik sistemin işlevsel değerlendirmesi ise Helkimo anamnestik ve klinik disfonksiyon indeksleri ile yapılmıştır. Ayrıca temporomandibuler eklemdeki yumuşak ve sert dokular altın standart olarak bilinen Manyetik Rezonans Görüntüleme yöntemi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Yeni tam protezde yapılacak okluzal dikey boyut artışını artikülatör yardımıyla gerçekleştirmek amacıyla eski tam protezler Hanau Spring Bow yüz arkı (Hanau Spring-Bow, Teledyne Hanau, USA) ile Hanau H2 artikülatöre (Hanau H2, Teledyne Hanau, USA) aktarılmıştır. Dişli prova aşamasında; maksillo-mandibuler ilişki kontrol edilmiş, estetik değerlendirilmiş; yüz nispetleri cepheden ve profilden incelenmiş; fonetik testler uygulanmıştır. Böylece regresyon formülüyle saptanan okluzal dikey boyuttaki olası hatalar kontrol edilmiştir. Yeni tam protezlerin takılmasından 1 ay sonra; klinik değerlendirme, stomatognatik sistemin işlevsel değerlendirmesi, Manyetik Rezonans değerlendirmesi yeniden yapılarak elde edilen veriler eski tam protezlerle elde edilen veriler ile karşılaştırmıştır. İstatistiksel değerlendirmede; araştırma hipotezi ve değişkenlerin tipine göre (kategorik, sıralı, nümerik); Ki-kare, Fisher'in tam olasılık testi, Mc-Nemar testi, Wilcoxon'in eşleşmiş örnekler testi ve Mann-Whitney U testi kullanılmıştır. Hipotez kontrollerinde önem seviyesi a=0.05 olarak belirlenmiştir.169 Çalışmada yer alan 21 hastanın % 85.7 (18) si tam protezlerini benimsemiş ve kullanmaya devam etmiştir. Yeni tam protezlerin kullanımının 1. ayı sonunda 21 hastanın % 9.5 inde (2) vuruk yakınmasının sürdüğü, %19 unda (4) bazı seslerin telaffuzundaki zorluğun devam ettiği dile getirilmiştir. 21 hastanın % 85.7 si (18), yeni protezlerinin çiğneme işlevinden, %90.5'i (19) estetiğinden hoşnut olduklarını belirtmişlerdir. Hastaların protezlerini benimseyip kullanmaları ile çiğneme işlevinden hoşnut olmaları arasındaki ilişki Ki-kare testine göre anlamlıdır (p<0.05). Yeni tam protezlerin takılmasından 1 ay sonra Helkimo anamnestik indeksi ile değerlendirilen semptomlarda azalma saptanmıştır. Eski ve yeni tam protezlerle belirlenen semptomlar arasındaki fark Wilcoxon'in eşleşmiş örnekler testine göre anlamlıdır (P=0.008). Yeni tam protezlerin takılmasından 1 ay sonra Helkimo klinik disfonksiyon indeksi ile değerlendirilen semptomlarda da azalma olduğu belirlenmiştir. Eski ve yeni tam protezlerle belirlenen semptomlar arasındaki fark Wilcoxon'in eşleşmiş örnekler testine göre anlamlıdır (P=0.005). Eski ve yeni tam protezlerle elde edilen Manyetik Rezonans görüntüleri karşılaştırıldığında temporomandibuler eklem diskinin sinyalinde, formunda ve konumunda ve kemik dokularda herhangi bir değişiklik olmadığı saptanmıştır. Yeni tam protezlerin yapımından sonra glenoid fossa, mandibuler kondil ilişkisinde oluşan değişiklikler McNemar testine göre anlamı değildir. Sonuç olarak; okluzal dikey boyutu ortalama olarak 9 mm yükseltilen 21 tam protez hastasında büyük oranda başarı sağlanmıştır. Helkimo indeksi ile değerlendirilen stomatognatik sistemin işlevlerinde yeni tam protezlerin170 yapılması ile istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir iyileşme sağlanmıştır. Manyetik Rezonans Görüntüleme yöntemi ile yapılan değerlendirmelere göre okluzal dikey boyutun yükseltilmesi ile temporomandibuler eklemin yumuşak ve sert dokularında hiçbir patoloji oluşmamıştır. Bu nedenlerle, tam protezlerin okluzal dikey boyutunun yükseltileceği olgularda, bu yükseltmenin derecesinin belirlenmesi için geliştirilen regresyon formülünün yinelenebilir ve nesnel bir ölçüt olduğu düşünülmektedir
171 ABSTRACT Determination of the vertical dimension of occlusion (OVD) is one of the most important stages in complete denture making. However, still there has not been any scientific and precise method to determine the OVD. For this reason several methods have been used together to corroborate with each other. During the past few years, use of the cephalometric analyses in conjunction with the regression formulas has been proposed to establish the OVD in a more accurate way. The aim of this study was to develop a new OVD determination method which would provide objective and repeatable criteria for the clinicians. The study consisted of the preliminary study followed by the main study. For the preliminary study the data obtained from the assessment of the lateral cephalometric radiographs of a human skull and of the patients wearing complete dentures were utilised to develop a basis for the new regression formula for determination of the OVD. For the main study, dentate 44 subjects were designated as controls. With the analyses of the lateral cephalometric radiographs of the control group, the new regression formula written below was developed: ANS-Me distance= 46.713+ (0.721 X ANS-PNS distance)- (5.527 X Gender) Gender; Male= X 1 Female= X 2173 After 1 month, pressure spots were determined in 9.5% (2) of the patients and speech difficulties were observed in 19% (4) of the patients. 85.7% of the patients stated that they could eat comfortably with their new complete dentures after 1 month use. And 90.5% of the patients explained that the appearance of their new dentures were better than their previous ones. There was a significant relationship between the adaptation of the patients to the new dentures and their comfort in mastication (Chi-square, P<0.05). Symptoms evaluated by Helkimo anamnestic index were reduced after 1 month time interval and the difference was statistically significant (Wilcoxon signed ranks, P<0.05). Additionally, symptoms evaluated by Helkimo clinical dysfunction index were reduced after 1 month time interval and the difference was also statistically significant (Wilcoxon signed ranks, P<0.05). Comparison of the MRI images obtained with the existing and the new ones showed that there was no difference in the signal, shape and the position of the temporomandibular disc and the bony tissues. Also, changes in the disc- condyl relationship with the new dentures were not statistically significant (Mc Nemar, P>0.05). An average of 9mm increase in the vertical dimension of occlusion gave a successful treatment outcome for most of the patients. With the construction of the new complete dentures, functions of the stomatognathic system were improved. Also, MRI evaluations revealed that for this study, increase in OVD did not cause any pathological conditions in the temporomandibular joint area.173 After 1 month, pressure spots were determined in 9.5% (2) of the patients and speech difficulties were observed in 19% (4) of the patients. 85.7% of the patients stated that they could eat comfortably with their new complete dentures after 1 month use. And 90.5% of the patients explained that the appearance of their new dentures were better than their previous ones. There was a significant relationship between the adaptation of the patients to the new dentures and their comfort in mastication (Chi-square, P<0.05). Symptoms evaluated by Helkimo anamnestic index were reduced after 1 month time interval and the difference was statistically significant (Wilcoxon signed ranks, P<0.05). Additionally, symptoms evaluated by Helkimo clinical dysfunction index were reduced after 1 month time interval and the difference was also statistically significant (Wilcoxon signed ranks, P<0.05). Comparison of the MRI images obtained with the existing and the new ones showed that there was no difference in the signal, shape and the position of the temporomandibular disc and the bony tissues. Also, changes in the disc- condyl relationship with the new dentures were not statistically significant (Mc Nemar, P>0.05). An average of 9mm increase in the vertical dimension of occlusion gave a successful treatment outcome for most of the patients. With the construction of the new complete dentures, functions of the stomatognathic system were improved. Also, MRI evaluations revealed that for this study, increase in OVD did not cause any pathological conditions in the temporomandibular joint area.174 As a conclusion, the new regression formula proposed is an accurate and a repeatable method to determine the vertical dimension in complete denture cases where an increase in the OVD is inevitable.
171 ABSTRACT Determination of the vertical dimension of occlusion (OVD) is one of the most important stages in complete denture making. However, still there has not been any scientific and precise method to determine the OVD. For this reason several methods have been used together to corroborate with each other. During the past few years, use of the cephalometric analyses in conjunction with the regression formulas has been proposed to establish the OVD in a more accurate way. The aim of this study was to develop a new OVD determination method which would provide objective and repeatable criteria for the clinicians. The study consisted of the preliminary study followed by the main study. For the preliminary study the data obtained from the assessment of the lateral cephalometric radiographs of a human skull and of the patients wearing complete dentures were utilised to develop a basis for the new regression formula for determination of the OVD. For the main study, dentate 44 subjects were designated as controls. With the analyses of the lateral cephalometric radiographs of the control group, the new regression formula written below was developed: ANS-Me distance= 46.713+ (0.721 X ANS-PNS distance)- (5.527 X Gender) Gender; Male= X 1 Female= X 2173 After 1 month, pressure spots were determined in 9.5% (2) of the patients and speech difficulties were observed in 19% (4) of the patients. 85.7% of the patients stated that they could eat comfortably with their new complete dentures after 1 month use. And 90.5% of the patients explained that the appearance of their new dentures were better than their previous ones. There was a significant relationship between the adaptation of the patients to the new dentures and their comfort in mastication (Chi-square, P<0.05). Symptoms evaluated by Helkimo anamnestic index were reduced after 1 month time interval and the difference was statistically significant (Wilcoxon signed ranks, P<0.05). Additionally, symptoms evaluated by Helkimo clinical dysfunction index were reduced after 1 month time interval and the difference was also statistically significant (Wilcoxon signed ranks, P<0.05). Comparison of the MRI images obtained with the existing and the new ones showed that there was no difference in the signal, shape and the position of the temporomandibular disc and the bony tissues. Also, changes in the disc- condyl relationship with the new dentures were not statistically significant (Mc Nemar, P>0.05). An average of 9mm increase in the vertical dimension of occlusion gave a successful treatment outcome for most of the patients. With the construction of the new complete dentures, functions of the stomatognathic system were improved. Also, MRI evaluations revealed that for this study, increase in OVD did not cause any pathological conditions in the temporomandibular joint area.173 After 1 month, pressure spots were determined in 9.5% (2) of the patients and speech difficulties were observed in 19% (4) of the patients. 85.7% of the patients stated that they could eat comfortably with their new complete dentures after 1 month use. And 90.5% of the patients explained that the appearance of their new dentures were better than their previous ones. There was a significant relationship between the adaptation of the patients to the new dentures and their comfort in mastication (Chi-square, P<0.05). Symptoms evaluated by Helkimo anamnestic index were reduced after 1 month time interval and the difference was statistically significant (Wilcoxon signed ranks, P<0.05). Additionally, symptoms evaluated by Helkimo clinical dysfunction index were reduced after 1 month time interval and the difference was also statistically significant (Wilcoxon signed ranks, P<0.05). Comparison of the MRI images obtained with the existing and the new ones showed that there was no difference in the signal, shape and the position of the temporomandibular disc and the bony tissues. Also, changes in the disc- condyl relationship with the new dentures were not statistically significant (Mc Nemar, P>0.05). An average of 9mm increase in the vertical dimension of occlusion gave a successful treatment outcome for most of the patients. With the construction of the new complete dentures, functions of the stomatognathic system were improved. Also, MRI evaluations revealed that for this study, increase in OVD did not cause any pathological conditions in the temporomandibular joint area.174 As a conclusion, the new regression formula proposed is an accurate and a repeatable method to determine the vertical dimension in complete denture cases where an increase in the OVD is inevitable.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry