Külleme hastalığına (Leveillula taurica) dayanıklı biber hatlarının geliştirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Biber Ülkemizde toplam ekiliş alanı, üretimi ve ticareti açısından sebze grubunun en önemli ürünlerinden birisini oluşturmaktadır. Biber yetiştiriciliğinde üretimi kısıtlayan ve her yıl ciddi ürün kayıplarına neden olan fungal hastalıklar arasında L. taurica' nın neden olduğu külleme hastalığı başta gelmektedir. Geçtiğimiz birkaç on yılda, gerek örtüaltı gerekse açık tarla biber yetiştiriciliğinde L. taurica' nın neden olduğu küllemenin görülme sıklığı artış göstermiştir. Hastalıkla mücadelede yoğun fungusit kullanımı ürünlerde pestisit kalıntısının yanısıra, kullanılan fungusitlere dayanıklı izolatların ortaya çıkmasına neden olmuştur. Kimyasal mücadelede kullanılan tarımsal ilaçların insan sağlığına ve çevreye olumsuz etkileri de düşünüldüğünde dayanıklı çeşit kullanımı en etkin ve çevreci yöntemdir. Bu çalışmada, Klasik ıslah yöntemleri kullanılarak farklı genetik kaynaklardan dayanıklılık genlerinin bu hastalık etmenine karşı duyarlı olan biber saf hatlarına aktarılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla Antalya Tarım Üretim, Danışmanlık ve Pazarlama A.Ş gen havuzunda bulunan Demre sivrisi (2 adet), Çarliston (2 adet) ve Dolma (1 adet) tiplerindeki küllemeye duyarlı biber saf hatlarına küllemeye dayanıklı olduğu bilinen HV-12 ve PI 152225 hatlarından dayanıklılık genleri yapılan melezlemelerle aktarılmıştır. Biber saf hatlarında bulunan ancak melezlemeler sonucunda kaybedilen verim, bitki boyu, bitki gücü, meyve şekli gibi morfolojik ve fizyolojik karakterler yapılan geri melezlemelerle saf hatlara yeniden kazandırılmıştır. Oluşturulan geri melez popülasyonlarındaki bitkiler klasik olarak testlenmiş ve seleksiyonlar bu gözlemlere dayanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda Demre sivrisi tipinde 3 adet Çarliston tipinde 3 adet ve Dolma tipinde 1 adet biber saf hattına külleme dayanıklılığı başarıyla aktarılmıştır. Gelecekte yapılacak ıslah çalışmalarında bu biber saf hatları kullanılarak küllemeye dayanıklı yeni biber hibritlerini geliştirmek mümkün olacaktır.
Pepper is one of the most important products of the vegetables in terms of its total cultivation area, production and trade in our country. Fungal diseases are among the factors that restrict production in pepper cultivation and cause serious crop losses every year, and powdery mildew caused by L. taurica which is the most important of these diseases. In the past few decades, the incidence of powdery mildew caused by L. taurica has increased in both greenhouse and open field pepper cultivation. The intensive use of fungicides against this disease has resulted in the emergence of isolates resistant to the fungicides used, as well as pesticide residue in the products. Considering the negative effects of pesticides used in chemical control on human health and the environment, the use of durable varieties is the most effective and environmentally friendly method. In this study, it was aimed to transfer resistance genes from different genetic sources to pepper pure lines that are susceptible to powdery mildew by using classical breeding methods. For this purpose, the resistance genes of HV-12 and PI 152225 accessions, which are known to be resistant to powdery mildew, to the pure lines susceptible to powdery mildew in Demre sivrisi (2 pieces), Charleston (2 pieces) and Dolma (1 piece) types in Antalya Tarım Üretim, Danışmanlık ve Pazarlama A.Ş.'s gene pool have been transferred by hybridization. Morphological and physiological characters such as yield, plant height, plant vigor, and fruit shape found in the pure pepper lines, but lost as a result of hybridization, were regained to the pure lines by backcrossing. Plants in the backcross populations were biologically tested and selections were made based on these observations. As a result of the study, powdery mildew resistance genes has been successfully transferred to the 3 Demre sivrisi type, 3 Charliston type and 1 Dolma type pure lines. In future breeding studies, it will be possible to develop powdery mildew resistant pepper hybrids by using these pepper pure lines.
Pepper is one of the most important products of the vegetables in terms of its total cultivation area, production and trade in our country. Fungal diseases are among the factors that restrict production in pepper cultivation and cause serious crop losses every year, and powdery mildew caused by L. taurica which is the most important of these diseases. In the past few decades, the incidence of powdery mildew caused by L. taurica has increased in both greenhouse and open field pepper cultivation. The intensive use of fungicides against this disease has resulted in the emergence of isolates resistant to the fungicides used, as well as pesticide residue in the products. Considering the negative effects of pesticides used in chemical control on human health and the environment, the use of durable varieties is the most effective and environmentally friendly method. In this study, it was aimed to transfer resistance genes from different genetic sources to pepper pure lines that are susceptible to powdery mildew by using classical breeding methods. For this purpose, the resistance genes of HV-12 and PI 152225 accessions, which are known to be resistant to powdery mildew, to the pure lines susceptible to powdery mildew in Demre sivrisi (2 pieces), Charleston (2 pieces) and Dolma (1 piece) types in Antalya Tarım Üretim, Danışmanlık ve Pazarlama A.Ş.'s gene pool have been transferred by hybridization. Morphological and physiological characters such as yield, plant height, plant vigor, and fruit shape found in the pure pepper lines, but lost as a result of hybridization, were regained to the pure lines by backcrossing. Plants in the backcross populations were biologically tested and selections were made based on these observations. As a result of the study, powdery mildew resistance genes has been successfully transferred to the 3 Demre sivrisi type, 3 Charliston type and 1 Dolma type pure lines. In future breeding studies, it will be possible to develop powdery mildew resistant pepper hybrids by using these pepper pure lines.
Anahtar Kelimeler
L. Taurica, Dayanıklılık, Islah, Külleme, Biber, L. Taurica, Resistance, Breeding, Powdery Mildew, Pepper