Oxidation of naphthalene on various catalysts in a fixed bed catalytic reactor
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
6.0.ÖZET Bu çalışmada, ftalik anhidrit üretiminde naftalinin gaz fazi reaksiyonunun incelenmesi için deney düzeneği kuruldu. Katalizörlerin hazirlanmasinda Srivastava ve Sharma'nin bir çalişmasi esas alindi. Srivastava ve Sharma, % SO" VgOg, */? 15 promoter, */» 65 fcasiyici karişiminin en iyi dönüşme ve seçimliliği verdiğini bulmuşlardir. Bu çalışmada, taşiyici olarak silikajel ve 5 -alumina, ve promoter olarak KgSO^., NadSO^ ve LigSûy^. kul lanilmiştir. Seçimli katalizc-rü bulmak için, laboratuarda hazırlanan alti katalizörle deneylec yapilmiştir. Bu deneylerde çalişma koşulları, ^dovurucu= l®1-1 ö^' toplam* 34 ml/s> Hcat.' a S ve Treaktör = 330.< 315> 330, 345 °C. Sonuç olarak, */. £0 VgOs, % 15 KgSO^, */. 65 silika.iel karisimi < katalizör no. 1) bu çalismada seçimli katalizör olarak kabul edilmiştir. En iyi çalişma koşullarini bulmak için kataiizör no.l kul lanilmiştir. Bu deneylerde dc-rt parametre dikkate alinmiştir: Katalizör agirliği, hava ve azotun toplam akis hizi, doyurucu sicakliği, reaktör sicakliği. Her deneyde bu parametrelerden birinin etkisi, bu parametreyi değiştirerek, diğer parametreleri en iyi seçilen değerlerde sabit tutarak incelenmiştir. Bu değerler: W^at.* £ g, F Toplanr3^ mi /s, Tdoyurucu= 100 »C, TReaktir= 330 »C, bu çalişma için uygun koşullar olarak bulunmuştur. 63
6.0. SUMMARY In this work, the experimental set-up was installed to investigate a gas phase reaction, namely the oxidation of naphthalene for the production of phthalic anhydride. In the preparation of the catalysts a study of Srivastava and Sharma was taken as the basis. Sharma and Srivastava found that, £0 V, V2O5, 15 % promoter, 65 "Â support mixture would give the best conversion and selectivity. Silicagel and j-alumina were used as support and fcgSQ^, NagSQ^ and LigSQ^ were used as promoter in this work. Experiments were carried out using six catalysts which were prepared in the laboratory, in order to find the selective catalyst. In these experiments, the operating conditions were, Tsa^ura^or = i00 °C, ^Total =^ ml/s, Wj-a^e g and Treactor =300-315-330-345 °C. As a result, SO X VgO^, 15 % fcgSQ^^S % silicagel mixture known as catalyst no. 1 was accepted as selective catalyst in this work. Catalyst no. 1 was used to find best operating conditions. In these experiments four parameters were considered: Catalyst weight, total flow rate of the air and nitrogen, saturator temperature, reactor temperature. In every experiment the effect of the one of these parameters was investigated by changing that parameter while keeping the values of the other parameters constant, namely at the best chosen values. These values were: Wca^.=2 g, ^Total""^ ml/sf Tsaturator=100 °c> Treactor330 °c "found as appropriate conditions for this- study. 6S
6.0. SUMMARY In this work, the experimental set-up was installed to investigate a gas phase reaction, namely the oxidation of naphthalene for the production of phthalic anhydride. In the preparation of the catalysts a study of Srivastava and Sharma was taken as the basis. Sharma and Srivastava found that, £0 V, V2O5, 15 % promoter, 65 "Â support mixture would give the best conversion and selectivity. Silicagel and j-alumina were used as support and fcgSQ^, NagSQ^ and LigSQ^ were used as promoter in this work. Experiments were carried out using six catalysts which were prepared in the laboratory, in order to find the selective catalyst. In these experiments, the operating conditions were, Tsa^ura^or = i00 °C, ^Total =^ ml/s, Wj-a^e g and Treactor =300-315-330-345 °C. As a result, SO X VgO^, 15 % fcgSQ^^S % silicagel mixture known as catalyst no. 1 was accepted as selective catalyst in this work. Catalyst no. 1 was used to find best operating conditions. In these experiments four parameters were considered: Catalyst weight, total flow rate of the air and nitrogen, saturator temperature, reactor temperature. In every experiment the effect of the one of these parameters was investigated by changing that parameter while keeping the values of the other parameters constant, namely at the best chosen values. These values were: Wca^.=2 g, ^Total""^ ml/sf Tsaturator=100 °c> Treactor330 °c "found as appropriate conditions for this- study. 6S
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry, Fitalik anhidritler, Phthalic anhydrides, Naftalin, Naphthalene, Oksitlenme, Oxidation