Piyasada satışa sunulan et ve et ürünlerinden Pseudomonas aeruginosa'nın izolasyonu ve identifikasyonu
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, izmir ili içerisinndeki çeşitli marketlerde satışa sunulmuş et ve et ürünlerinin mikrobiyolojik kalitelerini ortaya koymak amacıyla 70 farklı örnekte Pseudomonas aeruginosa izolasyonu ve identifikasyonu yapılmıştır.İzolasyon aşamasında, Cetrimide Agar ( CA) ve Laborlandfirmasından temin edilen kromogenik besiyerleri kullanılmıştır.Pseudomonas aeruginosa 70 örnekten 10 örnekte bulunmuştur.Buizolatlara basit boyama, gram boyama, hareketlilik testi, kanlı agardahemoliz, jelatin testi, karbonhidrat fermentasyonu, oksidaz testi, nişastahidroliz testi, katalaz testi, metil red-voges proskauer (MR-VP), sitrattesti, indol testi,hidrojen sülfür oluşumu testi,nitrat indirgenmesi testi gibibiyokimyasal testler yapılmıştır. Son olarak da genotipik yöntemleryapılmıştır.Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, incelen et ve et ürünleri örneklerinin% 14.28'lük kısmının Pseudomonas aeruginosa içerdiği bulunmuştur.Anahtar sözcükler: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, et ve et ürünleri,Pseudomonadaceae
In this study, meat and meat products of which were sold in various markets in İzmir province were made Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolation and identification in order to introduce the their microbiyological quality in 70 different samples.In the isolation stage, Cetrimide Agar (CA ) and ChromogenicAgar which ensured from Laborland firm have been used. Pseudomonasaeruginosa has been detected in 10 samples from 70 samples. Theseisolates have been done biochemical tests such as simple staining, gramstaining, mobility, hemolysis in Bloody Agar, gelatin, fermentation ofcarbohydrate, oxidase, hydrolysis of amidine, catalase, methyl red-vogesproskauer (MR-VP), citrat, indole, formation of H2S testing andreduction of nitrate.According to results obtained, it has been found that part of 14.28% meat and meat products samples investigated contained Pseudomonasaeruginosa.Keywords: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, meat and meat products,Pseudomonadaceae.
In this study, meat and meat products of which were sold in various markets in İzmir province were made Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolation and identification in order to introduce the their microbiyological quality in 70 different samples.In the isolation stage, Cetrimide Agar (CA ) and ChromogenicAgar which ensured from Laborland firm have been used. Pseudomonasaeruginosa has been detected in 10 samples from 70 samples. Theseisolates have been done biochemical tests such as simple staining, gramstaining, mobility, hemolysis in Bloody Agar, gelatin, fermentation ofcarbohydrate, oxidase, hydrolysis of amidine, catalase, methyl red-vogesproskauer (MR-VP), citrat, indole, formation of H2S testing andreduction of nitrate.According to results obtained, it has been found that part of 14.28% meat and meat products samples investigated contained Pseudomonasaeruginosa.Keywords: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, meat and meat products,Pseudomonadaceae.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology