Yaşlılarda denge bozukluğunun sıklığı, biyolojik-sosyal nedenleri ve düşme riskindeki rolü
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Yaşlılarda denge bozukluğunun sıklığı, biyolojik-sosyal nedenleri ve düşme riskindeki rolü Yaşlılıkta denge bozukluğu düşmelere neden olan en önemli risk faktörlerinden biridir. Düşmeler ise kırık, sakatlık ve bakıma muhtaçlık ile sonuçlanan, mortalite ve morbidite açısından önemli bir geriatrik sorundur. Bu çalışmanın amacı; yaşlı popülasyonda denge bozukluğu sıklığını tespit etmek, denge bozukluğunun sağlık ve sosyal nedenlerini saptamak ve düşme riskindeki rolünü ortaya koymaktır. Kesitsel tipteki çalışmanın evreni Aydın ili Söke ilçesi merkezinde yaşayan 65 yaş üstü bireylerden oluşmuştur. Yaş ortalaması 73,99 ± 6,6 olan ve tabakalı rastgele örnekleme yöntemi ile seçilen 639 yaşlı birey çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Çalışma yaşlılarla yüz yüze anket çalışması şeklinde ve yaşlıların evlerinde yapılmıştır. Çalışmada yaşlıların sosyodemografik, sağlık ve sosyal verileri Yaşlı Tanıtım Formu ile alınmıştır. Denge bozukluğu varlığı Berg Denge Ölçeği ile tespit edilmiştir. Düşme öyküsü bulunan yaşlılara ise Düşme Değerlendirme Formu uygulanmıştır. Veriler SPSS programında Ki-kare Testi, Fisher'in Kesin Testi, t Testi ve Lojistik Regresyon Analizi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmada toplumda yaşayan yaşlılarda denge bozukluğu sıklığı % 34,6 olarak saptanmıştır. Berg Denge Ölçeği ortalama skoru 43,49 olarak bulunmuştur. Son bir yıl içerisinde düşme sıklığı ise % 39,1 olarak saptanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre denge bozukluğu sıklığını artıran faktörler; ileri yaş (p˂0.001), kadın cinsiyet (˂0.001), görme (=0.001) ve yürüme (˂0.001) engeli varlığı, kronik hastalık sayısında artış (˂0.001), kullanılan ilaç sayısındaki artış (˂0.001), inkontinans ve nokturi varlığı (˂0.001), düzenli yürüyüş yapmamak (˂0.001), yalnızlık (˂0.001) ve serbest zaman aktivitesi yokluğu (˂0.001) olarak tespit edilmiştir. Düşme öyküsü olanlarda olmayanlara göre (˂0.001) ve düşme korkusu olanlarda olmayanlara göre (˂0.001) denge bozukluğu görülme sıklığı anlamlı olarak yüksek bulunmuştur. Çalışmamızda da saptandığı gibi biyolojik ve sosyal birçok nedenin tetiklediği denge bozukluğu durumu, yaşlılarda sık görülen, morbidite ve mortalite oranının artmasına yol açan düşme gibi sonuçları olan önemli bir geriatrik sorundur. Bu sorunun altında yatan nedenleri giderici ulusal sağlık ve sosyal politikaların geliştirilmesi ve koruyucu sağlık hizmetlerinin ön plana çıkarılması yaşlı popülasyonunun giderek arttığı günümüzde birincil adımlar olmalıdır.
The frequency, biological social etiology of balance disorder in the elderly and it's role in falling risk Balance disorder is one of the most important risk factors leading to falls in the elderly. Falls are important geriatric problems which can cause fracture, disability and additional need for care as well as they may increase mortality and morbidity. The purpose of the present study was to determine the frequency, biological and social etiology of balance disorders and their role in falling risk in the elderly. The study design was cross-sectional. Study group included individuals over 65 years of age residing at the center of Aydın/Söke. A total of 639 elderly person with a mean age of 73,99±6,6 who were selected by stratified random sampling were enrolled. The study was performed as face to face survey study at home of the elderly. Sociodemographic, biological and social data of the elderly was obtained by 'Elderly Introduction Form'. Balance disorder was determined by use of 'Berg Balance Scale' (BBS). 'Fall Evaluation Form' was applied to subjects who already had a fall history. Statistical evaluations were performed by Chi-Square Test, Fisher's Exact Test, t Test and Logistic Regression Analysis in SPSS. In this study frequency of balance disorder was determined 34,6% in community-dwelling elderly. The mean of BBS score was determined as 43,49. Frequency of falls in the previous year was determined as 39,1%. Older age, female sex, presence of defect of vision, presence of impaired walking, increase in the number of chronic disease, increase in the number of drugs used, presence of incontinans and nocturia, not walking regularly, loneliness, absence of free time activity were determined to be the factors which increase the balance disorder frequency. Frequency of balance disorder was observed more in elderly who had a history of falls compared to elderly with no-falls and in elderly who had fear of falling compared to elderly with no fear of falling. As shown in our study, balance disorder is seen commonly in the elderly and may be triggered by a variety of biological and social factors. It is an important geriatric problem as it causes falls which increase the morbidity and mortality in this age group. Thus, it is crucial to develop and implement national health and social policies to eliminate the causes of this problem as well as to prioritize preventive health services in the elderly population which increases everyday.
The frequency, biological social etiology of balance disorder in the elderly and it's role in falling risk Balance disorder is one of the most important risk factors leading to falls in the elderly. Falls are important geriatric problems which can cause fracture, disability and additional need for care as well as they may increase mortality and morbidity. The purpose of the present study was to determine the frequency, biological and social etiology of balance disorders and their role in falling risk in the elderly. The study design was cross-sectional. Study group included individuals over 65 years of age residing at the center of Aydın/Söke. A total of 639 elderly person with a mean age of 73,99±6,6 who were selected by stratified random sampling were enrolled. The study was performed as face to face survey study at home of the elderly. Sociodemographic, biological and social data of the elderly was obtained by 'Elderly Introduction Form'. Balance disorder was determined by use of 'Berg Balance Scale' (BBS). 'Fall Evaluation Form' was applied to subjects who already had a fall history. Statistical evaluations were performed by Chi-Square Test, Fisher's Exact Test, t Test and Logistic Regression Analysis in SPSS. In this study frequency of balance disorder was determined 34,6% in community-dwelling elderly. The mean of BBS score was determined as 43,49. Frequency of falls in the previous year was determined as 39,1%. Older age, female sex, presence of defect of vision, presence of impaired walking, increase in the number of chronic disease, increase in the number of drugs used, presence of incontinans and nocturia, not walking regularly, loneliness, absence of free time activity were determined to be the factors which increase the balance disorder frequency. Frequency of balance disorder was observed more in elderly who had a history of falls compared to elderly with no-falls and in elderly who had fear of falling compared to elderly with no fear of falling. As shown in our study, balance disorder is seen commonly in the elderly and may be triggered by a variety of biological and social factors. It is an important geriatric problem as it causes falls which increase the morbidity and mortality in this age group. Thus, it is crucial to develop and implement national health and social policies to eliminate the causes of this problem as well as to prioritize preventive health services in the elderly population which increases everyday.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Yaşlı, Denge Bozukluğu, Sağlık Durumu, Sosyal Aktivite, Düşme, Elderly, Balance Disorder, Biological Situation, Social Activity, Falls