Kanatlı eti ürünleri üretiminde yenilikçi formülasyon yaklaşımları: Farklı teknolojilerle üretilen tavuk eti ürünlerinde fosfat ve gluten alternatifi bileşenlerin kullanımının araştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tez çalışmasında, farklı teknolojiler ile üretilen tavuk eti ürünlerinde inorganik fosfatlar yerine doğal bileşenlerin ve buğday unlu kaplamalar yerine glutensiz bileşenlerin kullanım olanaklarının araştırılarak, sağlıklı ve özel tüketici gruplarına yönelik kanatlı eti ürün formülasyonlarının geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Üç ana denemeden oluşan çalışmada; Deneme-I kapsamında yer elması tozunun (YET) tek başına veya sodyum karbonat ile birlikte emülsifiye tavuk köftesi formülasyonlarında fosfat yerine kullanımının, Deneme-II kapsamında toz veya jel formda inülinin tek başına veya sodyum karbonat ile birlikte yeniden yapılandırılmış tavuk biftek formülasyonlarında fosfat yerine kullanımının ve Deneme-III kapsamında tavuk nugget formülasyonlarında sıvı kaplama hamuru içerisinde gluten içermeyen pirinç unu, nohut unu, yulaf lifi ve yer elması tozunun buğday unu yerine kullanımının kalite üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Deneme-I kapsamında üretilen emülsifiye tavuk köftelerinde YET ve karbonat kullanımının emülsiyon stabilite parametrelerini fosfat içeren örneklere yaklaştırdığı, YET ilavesinin ürünlerin diyet lifi miktarını arttırdığı, tuz ve sodyum miktarını azalttığı, L* ve b* değerlerini düşürdüğü kaydedilmiştir. YET ve karbonat içeren örneklerin kimyasal, duyusal, teknolojik ve mikrobiyolojik kalitesi fosfat içeren örneklere benzerdir. Soğutularak (2℃) ve dondurularak (-18℃) depolama boyunca örneklerde lipit ve protein oksidasyonu ilerlerken, genel olarak diğer kalite parametrelerinin korunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Deneme-II kapsamında üretilen yeniden yapılandırılmış tavuk bifteklerde inülin kullanımının diyet lifi miktarını yükselttiği, tuz ve sodyum miktarını düşürdüğü tespit edilmiş, formülasyonunda inülin ve karbonat bulunan örneklerin kimyasal, duyusal, teknolojik ve mikrobiyolojik kalite bakımından fosfat içeren örneklere eşdeğer olduğu saptanmıştır. Soğutularak ve dondurularak depolamada örneklerin duyusal ve mikrobiyolojik kalitesinin korunduğu, teknolojik kalitenin azaldığı, lipit ve protein oksidasyonunun yükseldiği tespit edilmiştir. Deneme-III kapsamında üretilen tavuk nuggetların kaplanması amacıyla hazırlanan sıvı kaplama hamurlarında kullanılan yer elması tozu ve yulaf lifinin kaplamanın ve son ürünün teknolojik kalitesini yükselttiği kaydedilmiştir. Farklı kaplama bileşenlerinin ürün rengi ve dokusal özelliklerini farklı şekilde etkilediği saptanmıştır. Glutensiz örneklerin duyusal, oksidatif ve mikrobiyolojik kalite bakımından çoğunlukla gluten içeren kontrol gruplarını karşıladığı görülmüştür. Soğutularak ve dondurularak depolamada genel olarak örneklerin fiziksel, duyusal ve mikrobiyolojik kalitesinin korunduğu, lipit ve protein oksidasyonu ve çözünme kaybının yükseldiği tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, farklı teknolojilerle üretilen tavuk eti ürünlerinde fosfat alternatifi olarak doğal bileşenlerin kullanımının fosfatların ürün kalitesi üzerindeki etkilerini karşılama potansiyelinin olduğu, kaplamalı tavuk eti ürünlerinde sıvı kaplama formülasyonlarında glutensiz lifli bileşenlerin kullanımı ile buğday unu içeren standart ürünlere önemli bir alternatif sunulabileceği tespit edilmiş, böylece daha sağlıklı, formülasyonunda fosfat içermeyen veya çölyak hastaları gibi özel tüketici gruplarına yönelik kanatlı eti ürün formülasyonlarının geliştirilmesi sağlanmıştır.
In this thesis, it was objected to investigate the utilization opportunities of natural compounds as inorganic phosphate replacers and the utilization of gluten-free coatings as wheat flour replacers in poultry products manufactured by different technologies and it was aimed to develop healthier and special consumer-oriented poultry product formulations. The study is consisted of three main trials as follows: In Trial-I, the effects of utilization of Jerusalem artichoke powder (JAP), either alone or in combination with sodium carbonate as phosphate replacers on quality of emulsified chicken meatballs was investigated. In Trial-II, utilization of inulin, either alone as powder or gelled form or in combination with sodium carbonate as phosphate replacers on quality of restructured chicken steaks was investigated. In Trial-III, utilization of gluten-free rice flour, chickpea flour, oat fiber and Jerusalem artichoke powder as wheat flour replacers in batter formulations on quality of chicken nuggets was investigated. Results of Trial-I showed that use of JAP and carbonate supplied equivalent emulsion stability to samples with phosphate. Addition of JAP increased dietary fiber content, decreased salt and sodium content and decreased L* and b* values of emulsified chicken meatballs. Samples containing JAP and carbonate had similar chemical, sensory, technological and microbiological quality to samples containing phosphate. During cold (2℃) and frozen (-18℃) storage, lipid and protein oxidation were increased, whist other quality attributes were generally stable. In Trial-II, addition of inulin was effective to increase dietary fiber content and decrease salt and sodium content of restructured chicken steaks. It was showed that samples with inulin and carbonate had equivalent chemical, sensory, technological and microbiological quality to samples with phosphate. During cold and frozen storage, it was found that sensory and microbiological quality was stable, while losses were recorded in technological quality and lipid and protein oxidation were increased. In Trial-III, use of oat fiber and Jerusalem artichoke powder in batters of chicken nuggets increased technological quality of batters and final products. Different coating materials differently affected product colour and texture. It was found that gluten-free samples mostly had equivalent sensory, oxidative and microbiological quality to gluten samples. In general, in cold and frozen storage, physical, sensory and microbiological quality were similar to beginning while lipid and protein oxidation and thaw loss were increased. In conclusion, it was showed that utilization of natural ingredients as phosphate replacers in chicken products manufactured with different technologies offered a potential to supply equivalent quality to standard phosphate products, and it was found that in gluten-free coated chicken products a considerable alternative could be presented by use of fiber-rich ingredients to standard products containing gluten. Thereby, poultry meat product formulations that are healthier, phosphate-free or special consumer-oriented (such as celiac patients) were developed.
In this thesis, it was objected to investigate the utilization opportunities of natural compounds as inorganic phosphate replacers and the utilization of gluten-free coatings as wheat flour replacers in poultry products manufactured by different technologies and it was aimed to develop healthier and special consumer-oriented poultry product formulations. The study is consisted of three main trials as follows: In Trial-I, the effects of utilization of Jerusalem artichoke powder (JAP), either alone or in combination with sodium carbonate as phosphate replacers on quality of emulsified chicken meatballs was investigated. In Trial-II, utilization of inulin, either alone as powder or gelled form or in combination with sodium carbonate as phosphate replacers on quality of restructured chicken steaks was investigated. In Trial-III, utilization of gluten-free rice flour, chickpea flour, oat fiber and Jerusalem artichoke powder as wheat flour replacers in batter formulations on quality of chicken nuggets was investigated. Results of Trial-I showed that use of JAP and carbonate supplied equivalent emulsion stability to samples with phosphate. Addition of JAP increased dietary fiber content, decreased salt and sodium content and decreased L* and b* values of emulsified chicken meatballs. Samples containing JAP and carbonate had similar chemical, sensory, technological and microbiological quality to samples containing phosphate. During cold (2℃) and frozen (-18℃) storage, lipid and protein oxidation were increased, whist other quality attributes were generally stable. In Trial-II, addition of inulin was effective to increase dietary fiber content and decrease salt and sodium content of restructured chicken steaks. It was showed that samples with inulin and carbonate had equivalent chemical, sensory, technological and microbiological quality to samples with phosphate. During cold and frozen storage, it was found that sensory and microbiological quality was stable, while losses were recorded in technological quality and lipid and protein oxidation were increased. In Trial-III, use of oat fiber and Jerusalem artichoke powder in batters of chicken nuggets increased technological quality of batters and final products. Different coating materials differently affected product colour and texture. It was found that gluten-free samples mostly had equivalent sensory, oxidative and microbiological quality to gluten samples. In general, in cold and frozen storage, physical, sensory and microbiological quality were similar to beginning while lipid and protein oxidation and thaw loss were increased. In conclusion, it was showed that utilization of natural ingredients as phosphate replacers in chicken products manufactured with different technologies offered a potential to supply equivalent quality to standard phosphate products, and it was found that in gluten-free coated chicken products a considerable alternative could be presented by use of fiber-rich ingredients to standard products containing gluten. Thereby, poultry meat product formulations that are healthier, phosphate-free or special consumer-oriented (such as celiac patients) were developed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Fosfat, Sodyum Tripolifosfat, Yer Elması, İnülin, Gluten Yulaf Lifi, Pirinç Unu, Nohut Unu, Temiz Etiket, Çölyak, Tavuk Eti, Emülsifiye Tavuk Köftesi, Yeniden Yapılandırılmış Tavuk Biftek, Tavuk Nugget, Sağlıklı Et Ürünü, Phosphate, Sodium Tripolyphosphate, Jerusalem Artichoke, İnulin, Gluten, Oat Fibre, Rice Flour, Chickpea Flour, Clean Label, Celiac, Chicken Meat, Emulsified Chicken Meatball, Restructured Chicken Steak, Chicken Nugget, Healthier Meat Product