Determination of convection heat transfer coefficients over aflat plate
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Ege Üniversitesi
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vn ABSTRACT SEZ AR Muhsin Hasan MSc in Chemical Eng. Tez Yöneticisi: Y. Doç. Dr. Firuz Balkan Eylül 1997, 208 sayfe Bu çalışmada havanın akışkan olarak mühendislik açısından ve enerji transferi bakımından en önemli parametrelerinden biri olan konveksiyonla ısı transfer aktarım katsayısının tayini, uygun matematiksel model ve istatistiksel yaklaşımla birlikte "parameter estimation" metodu İle laboratuvar şartlarında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Deneylerde yüzey olarak, izole edilmiş bir hava kanalının içine yerleştirilmiş ve bir ucundan D.C. elektrik akımı ile ışınlan bir bakır levha ile, akışkan olarak bir ân yardımı ile levhanın üzerinden geçirilen hava kullanılmıştır. Isı transferinin 'Internal turbulence flow convection heat transfefolarak gerçekleştiği ve kullanılan levhanın "one dimensional fin"modeline uyduğu kabul edilmiştir.Bakır levha üzerindeki çeşitli noktalarda sıcaklık ölçümleri, ince levhanın alt yüzeyine yerleştirilmiş ısılçiftler vasıtasıyla yapılmış olup,dijitaI bir termometre kullanılmıştır.vm Deneylerde amaçlanan, havanın konvektif ısı aktarını katsayısını istatistiksel açıdan olası en az belirsizlikle saptamak olduğundan bunu gerçekleştirecek optimum sensor aralığı araştırılmıştır. Deneylerde 0.6 m/s ile 9.1 m/s arasında 10 farklı hız ve 20 mm, 30 mm, 40 mm, 50 mm olmak üzere 4 ayrı sensor aralığı kullanılmıştır. Havarim konveksiyonla ısı transfer katsayısının tayininde sıcaklık ölçüm sensörleri arasındaki mesafenin "dopt" çok önemli olduğu gözlenmiştir. Ege üniversitesi Kimya Mühendisliği Bölümünde daha önce yapılan teorik araştırma sonucunda ısılçiftler arasındaki en uygun aralığın z = mnd ifadesini 1.692 yapan aralık olduğu saptanmıştır. Burada "m" tanımlanmış olan matematiksel modeldeki parametrelerden bir tanesi, "n" kullanılan sensör sayısı, "d" ise kanal içindeki levha altına monte edilmiş sensörler arasındaki mesafedir. Matematiksel model seçildikten sonra elde edilen deneysel sonuçlar ile "nonlinear regression"tekniği kullanılarak ve gerekli bilgisayar yazılımı ile modeldeki parametreler bulunup,matematiksel işlemlerden sonra deneysel "h" değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Bu değerler literatürde mevcut korelasyonlardan Colburn Korrelasyonu ile hesaplanarak "h" değerleri karşılaştırılmış ve aralarında iyi bir uyum olduğu gözlenmiştir. Anahtar sözcüklenParameter estimation, Internal turbulent flow, Convection heat transfer,One dimensional fin model, Colburn Eqn., Nonlinear regression
SUMMARY DETERMINATION OF CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENTS OVER A FLAT PLATE SEZ AR Muhsin Hasan MSc in Chemical Eng. Supervisor: Ass. Prof. Dr. Firuz Balkan September 1997, 208 pages In this work, convection heat transfer coefficient of air, which is one of the most important parameters, from the engineering point of view and for the energy transfer applications, has been determined by using parameter estimation method under appropriate mathematical model and statistical approach, by using data taken during experimental work. In the experimens, a long thin copper plate was placed on the bottom surface of an isolated air duct and the plate was heated electrically from one end. Air was forced by a fan and the surface temperatures were recorded by 7 thermocouples. Assuming one dimensional fin model and processing the measured temperatures, the convective heat transfer coefficients were determined for 10 different air velocities between 0.6 m/sand9.1 m/s. It was observed that the distance between temperature sensors was very important for the determination of the convection heat transfer coefficient of air. According to a theoretical investigation done before inVI Ege Üniversitesi Chemical Engineering Dept. the optimum spacing "dopt" between thermocouples satisfies the relation z = mnd = 1.692. Where "m" is one of the parameters used in a well defined mathematical model, "n" is the number of sensors, "d" is the spacing between the sensors. It was aimed to show that the results of the experiments performed with different spacings ranging from 0.02 m, 0.03 m, 0.04 m, 0.05 m and several velocities are in agreement with the theoretMcal results. After selecting the mathematical model, the experimental data were processed by a nonlinear regression technique, parameters were estimated and experimental "h" values were determined. The experimental convection heat transfer coefficients, under internal turbulent flow conditions were then compared with those calculated from Colburn correlation and fairly good agreements were obtained. Keywords: Parameter estimation, Internal turbulent flow, Convection heat transfer, One dimensional fin model, Colburn Eqn., Nonlinear regression.
SUMMARY DETERMINATION OF CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENTS OVER A FLAT PLATE SEZ AR Muhsin Hasan MSc in Chemical Eng. Supervisor: Ass. Prof. Dr. Firuz Balkan September 1997, 208 pages In this work, convection heat transfer coefficient of air, which is one of the most important parameters, from the engineering point of view and for the energy transfer applications, has been determined by using parameter estimation method under appropriate mathematical model and statistical approach, by using data taken during experimental work. In the experimens, a long thin copper plate was placed on the bottom surface of an isolated air duct and the plate was heated electrically from one end. Air was forced by a fan and the surface temperatures were recorded by 7 thermocouples. Assuming one dimensional fin model and processing the measured temperatures, the convective heat transfer coefficients were determined for 10 different air velocities between 0.6 m/sand9.1 m/s. It was observed that the distance between temperature sensors was very important for the determination of the convection heat transfer coefficient of air. According to a theoretical investigation done before inVI Ege Üniversitesi Chemical Engineering Dept. the optimum spacing "dopt" between thermocouples satisfies the relation z = mnd = 1.692. Where "m" is one of the parameters used in a well defined mathematical model, "n" is the number of sensors, "d" is the spacing between the sensors. It was aimed to show that the results of the experiments performed with different spacings ranging from 0.02 m, 0.03 m, 0.04 m, 0.05 m and several velocities are in agreement with the theoretMcal results. After selecting the mathematical model, the experimental data were processed by a nonlinear regression technique, parameters were estimated and experimental "h" values were determined. The experimental convection heat transfer coefficients, under internal turbulent flow conditions were then compared with those calculated from Colburn correlation and fairly good agreements were obtained. Keywords: Parameter estimation, Internal turbulent flow, Convection heat transfer, One dimensional fin model, Colburn Eqn., Nonlinear regression.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya Mühendisliği, Chemical Engineering, Isı geçişi, Heat transfer, Parametre tahmini, Parameter estimation, İstatistiksel analiz, Statistical analysis