Hıyar turşularında kalitenin sağlaması için alınabilecek önlemler

Küçük Resim Yok



Dergi Başlığı

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Cilt Başlığı


Ege Üniversitesi

Erişim Hakkı



As a result, it was suggested that longer storing periods must be investigated and the effects of using different preservatives on the flavor must be considered in the researchs that will be done about the same subject. 79bir miktarda daha sert kaldığı belirlenmiştir. Kalsiyum iyonlarının sertlik korunumunda etkili olduğu, artan Ca++ iyonu konsantrasyonu ile birlikte sertliğin de artmakta olduğu saptanmıştır. Haşlama uygulamalarının sertliği geliştirici etkisi saptanmıştır. Haşlanma uygulanmamış örnekler bütün örnekler arasında en düşük sertlik değerlerine sahip olmuşlardır. Salamurada CaClg bulunmasında 80°C'de 5 dakika haşlanan örnekler en yüksek sertlik değerlerine sahip olmuştur. Haşlama suyunda CaClg bulunmasının sertlik üzerindeki etkisinin tuz oranına bağlı olduğu gözlenmiştir. 'A 9 tuz oranında haşlama suyunda CaClg bulunmasının sertlik geliştirici bir etkisi olmazken örnekler 'A ^.5 tuz içeren salamuralara alındıklarında ser tlik geliştiril eb i 1 m i şt i r. Haşlama sıcaklıklarının haşlama suyu özelliklerine bağlı olarak farklı etkileri olduğu saptanmıştır. 77°C'de yapılan haşlamalarda diğer sıcaklıklarda (70°C ve BO°C) yapılan haşlamalardan çoğunlukla daha iyi sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Duyusal analiz sonunda elde edilen sertlik sıralamaları Instron UTM ile elde edilen sertlik sıral ama 1 ar ıy la karşı 1 aştır ı lmıştır. Sertlik değerleri birbirine yakın olan örnekler söz konusu olduğunda farklı sonuçlar ortaya çıkmıştır. Duyusal analize alınan örnek sayısının düşük tutulması ile enstrümantal analizlerle duyusal analizler arasındaki farklılıklar azaltılabileceği düşünülmüştür. Ayrıca örnekler arasındaki homojenliğinde tam olarak sağlanması gerektiğine işaret edilmiştir. 75in brines. Bleanching treatments have positive effects on firmness. Examples that recevieved no bleanching have the lowest firmness compared with all the other examples. In the presence of CaCl g in brines, the highest firmness values was obtained at bleanching at 0O°C for 5 minutes. CaCl 2 in bleanching water was found to be effective on firmness, depending on the salt content of the brines. At '/. 9 salt concentrations CaClg in bleanching water has no effect on firmness but in the examples containing '/. 4.5 salt, firmness was improved. Bleanching temperatures showed some effects on firmness depending on the properties of bleanching water. Firmness obtained at bleanchig with 77°C was higher compared with bleanching with other temperatures <70°C and 80°C). Firmness ranks obtained by sensory analysis and Inştron UTM was compared. It was observed that, no correlation can be made when firmness values of the examples were close to each other. By 1 imitating the number that is to be analysed sensorly, those differences was thought to be eliminated. In addition to that, it was suggested that the homogenetion of examples must be supplied sufficiently. The bad flavors that thougth to be the result of using CaCl g was eliminated by the treatments used. It was pointed out that the advantages of using CaCl g must be urged to the processors once more and bleanching treatments must be analyzed economically and must be compared with other heating procedures such as pasteur i zat ion. 78
As a result, it was suggested that longer storing periods must be investigated and the effects of using different preservatives on the flavor must be considered in the researchs that will be done about the same subject. 79in brines. Bleanching treatments have positive effects on firmness. Examples that recevieved no bleanching have the lowest firmness compared with all the other examples. In the presence of CaCl g in brines, the highest firmness values was obtained at bleanching at 0O°C for 5 minutes. CaCl 2 in bleanching water was found to be effective on firmness, depending on the salt content of the brines. At '/. 9 salt concentrations CaClg in bleanching water has no effect on firmness but in the examples containing '/. 4.5 salt, firmness was improved. Bleanching temperatures showed some effects on firmness depending on the properties of bleanching water. Firmness obtained at bleanchig with 77°C was higher compared with bleanching with other temperatures <70°C and 80°C). Firmness ranks obtained by sensory analysis and Inştron UTM was compared. It was observed that, no correlation can be made when firmness values of the examples were close to each other. By 1 imitating the number that is to be analysed sensorly, those differences was thought to be eliminated. In addition to that, it was suggested that the homogenetion of examples must be supplied sufficiently. The bad flavors that thougth to be the result of using CaCl g was eliminated by the treatments used. It was pointed out that the advantages of using CaCl g must be urged to the processors once more and bleanching treatments must be analyzed economically and must be compared with other heating procedures such as pasteur i zat ion. 78As a result, it was suggested that longer storing periods must be investigated and the effects of using different preservatives on the flavor must be considered in the researchs that will be done about the same subject. 79


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Anahtar Kelimeler

Gıda Mühendisliği, Food Engineering, Hıyar turşusu, Cucumber pickle, Kalite, Quality, Turşu, Pickle


WoS Q Değeri

Scopus Q Değeri


