Alevi inanç sistemindeki ritüelik özel terimler
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Alevi inanç sistemi, Türk dili ve kültürünün önemli zenginliklerindendir. Geniş bir coğrafyaya yayılan inanç zümresi birçok ritüel ve inanç pratiğini de kendi dinamikleri ile Şekillendirmiştir. Bu sayede zengin bir ritüelik terim dünyası da Türk diline ve kültürüne kazandırılmıştır. Alevi inanç sistemine dair ritüelik terimlerin büyük bir çoğunluğu özellikle de inanç sisteminden kaynaklanan gizlilik sebebiyle görsel unsurlarla tespit edilememiştir. Son yıllarda tespit edilen terimleri de Aleviliğin tümüne genellendirme gibi bir hataya düşülmektedir. Oysaki bir köy içerisinde bile aynı terim farklı anlamlandırmalarla kullanılmaktadır. Bu sebeple bir yazma veya bir Şiirde geçen ritüelik bir terime yanlış anlamlar yüklenebilmektedir. Bu makalede Alevi inanç sisteminin sır ibadeti olarak kabul edilen musahip cemi ritüeli, dokuz ilde derlediğimiz malzeme paralelinde ritüel sırasına uygun olarak görsel unsurlarla desteklenerek açıklanacaktır. Açıklamalar yapılırken aynı inanç pratiğine verilen farklı terminolojik adlandırmalar da verilecektir.
The Alevi belief system is one of the important richnesses within Turkish language and culture. Spread over a far and wide geography, the community has also shaped many rituals and belief practices with its own dynamics. Thus, a world of numerous ritualistic terms is brought in Turkish language and culture. Due to the secrecy of the belief system, it has not been possible to ascertain the majority of the ritualistic terms by means of visual methods. In recent years, the overgeneralisation of the terms which have been ascertained seems to be a common mistake as well. However, a term sometimes has manifold meanings even in the same village. For this reason, false meanings might be attributed to a ritualistic term mentioned in a writing or poem. In this article the ritual of muhasip cemi, which is accepted as the secret prayer of the Alevi belief system, will be explained with materials collected from nine cities. The study will also be supported by visual elements that will be presented in an order similar to that of a ritual. Different terminological names attributed to the same belief practice will be given within the explanations as well.
The Alevi belief system is one of the important richnesses within Turkish language and culture. Spread over a far and wide geography, the community has also shaped many rituals and belief practices with its own dynamics. Thus, a world of numerous ritualistic terms is brought in Turkish language and culture. Due to the secrecy of the belief system, it has not been possible to ascertain the majority of the ritualistic terms by means of visual methods. In recent years, the overgeneralisation of the terms which have been ascertained seems to be a common mistake as well. However, a term sometimes has manifold meanings even in the same village. For this reason, false meanings might be attributed to a ritualistic term mentioned in a writing or poem. In this article the ritual of muhasip cemi, which is accepted as the secret prayer of the Alevi belief system, will be explained with materials collected from nine cities. The study will also be supported by visual elements that will be presented in an order similar to that of a ritual. Different terminological names attributed to the same belief practice will be given within the explanations as well.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sosyal Bilimler, Disiplinler Arası
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri