The Relationship between science and fiction in English science-fiction
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132 Türkçe Abstrakt Bu tez Bilim-Kurgu'yu edebi bir tur olarak incelemeyi amaçlamış, ve Bilim- Kurgu'yu belirleyen/ kısıtlayan belli unsurlar bulunmasına rağmen bu türün yanlızca ticari bir yönü bulunmadığını, aynı zamanda toplumsal bir değeri olduğunu saptamıştır. Bu araştırma iki bölüme ayrılmıştır. Birinci bölümde, öncelikle Bilim- Kurgu' nun tanımı yapılmış, kökeni araştırılmış ve anlatım tarzları incelenmiştir. Daha sonra, bu türün toplumsal işlevi tartışılmıştır. Birinci bölümde elde edilen verilerin ışığında, ikinci bölümde Aldous Huxley' in - bir Bilim-Kurgu klasiği sayılan - Brave New World? u ele alınmıştır. Bu romanda Bilim-Kurgu' nun belirli unsurları tespit edildikden sonra, Brave N&v World9 un tarihi boyutu değerlendirilmiştir
133 İngilizce Abstrakt My thesis looks at the literary genre of science fiction and finds that, while there are specific conventional elements which characterize and stamp it as a genre, this genre offers itself not only as a mere commercial type of literature but also as an instance of social practice. The survey is divided into two parts. In part A, I firstly try to define the genre, find its origins and describe its narratology. Then, I examine what the genre can functionally offer to society. In the light of part A, part B is particularly dedicated to the examination of Aldous Huxley's timely SF classic Brave New World. I first trace the conventional characteristics of the novel and then move to its analysis as a historical source.
133 İngilizce Abstrakt My thesis looks at the literary genre of science fiction and finds that, while there are specific conventional elements which characterize and stamp it as a genre, this genre offers itself not only as a mere commercial type of literature but also as an instance of social practice. The survey is divided into two parts. In part A, I firstly try to define the genre, find its origins and describe its narratology. Then, I examine what the genre can functionally offer to society. In the light of part A, part B is particularly dedicated to the examination of Aldous Huxley's timely SF classic Brave New World. I first trace the conventional characteristics of the novel and then move to its analysis as a historical source.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı, English Linguistics and Literature, Bilim, Science, Bilim-kurgu, Science-fiction, Kurgu, Fiction, Postmodernizm, Postmodernism, İngiliz edebiyatı, English literature