Bayraklı İlçesi ortaokul 7. sınıf öğrencilerinde yaşam kalitesinin değerlendirilmesi ve çok boyutlu yoksunlukla ilişkisinin belirlenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Giriş ve Amaç: Yaşam kalitesi; bireylerin yaşamlarını; kültür ve değerler sistemi içinde, amaçları, beklentileri, standartları ve endişeleri ile ilişkili olarak algılama şeklidir. Çocuklarda yaşam kalitesi; yaş, cinsiyet, ve sağlık durumu gibi temel özellikler yanı sıra çeşitli davranış özelliklerinden, aile yapısı ve sosyoekonomik durumdan etkilenir. Bu çalışmada; Bayraklı ortaokulları 7. Sınıf öğrencilerinde; sağlıkla ilgili yaşam kalitesini belirlemek ve ilişkili etmenleri saptamak, çok boyutlu yoksunluğu değerlendirmek ve yaşam kalitesi ile ilişkisini belirlemek amaçlanmaktadır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu kesitsel araştırma Ocak-Aralık 2016'da İzmir ili Bayraklı ilçesi ortaokullarında yürütülmüştür. Ortaokul 7. Sınıf öğrencilerinde (%50,9 prevalans, %95 GA, %5 standart hata, 2,25 desen etkisi ve %20 yedek) örneklem büyüklüğü 934'tür. Tabakalı küme örnekleme yöntemi ile 24 okuldaki 1284 öğrenciden 1090'ına ulaşılmıştır. Kapsayıcılık %84,9'dur. Yaşam kalitesinin ölçümünde KID-KINDL Sağlıkla İlgili Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Bağımsız değişkenler; Dahlgren'in Sağlığın Belirleyicileri Modeli üzerinden dört katmanda(çocuğun temel özellikleri, yaşam tarzı faktörleri, aile özellikleri, yaşam ve okul koşulları) incelenmiştir. Yoksunluk durumu; giyecek, beslenme, boş zaman aktiviteleri, sosyal olanaklar, eğitim kaynakları, bilgiye erişim, hane yoksunluğu ve sağlık hizmet erişimi üzerinden UNICEF'in 2012'deki Avrupa Çocuk Yoksunluğu İndeksi kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Student t, Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis H testleri ve çoklu lineer regresyon analizleri kullanılmıştır. Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Etik Kurulu ve İzmir İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğünden gerekli izinler alınmıştır. Bulgular: Yaş ortalaması 12,5±0,5, %51,5'i erkektir. Ebeveynlerin %51,6'sı lise ve üzeri eğitime sahiptir. Hanelerin %17,8'inin geliri giderinden az, %7,5'i yoksulluk sınırı altındadır. Yoksunluklar en fazla; hane (%38,0), sağlık erişimi (%24,9) ve boş zaman aktiviteleri (%11,4) boyutlarındadır. Çocukların %12,5'i ikiden fazla maddede yoksunluk yaşamaktadır. Yaşam kalitesi puan ortalaması 71,3±12,6 olup, en yüksek puanlar aile ve arkadaş; en düşük puanlar ise okul ve özsaygı alt boyutlarındadır. Lineer regresyon sonuçlarına göre yaşam kalitesi toplam puanı; kızlarda (2,0 puan), sağlık algısı kötüleştiğinde (6,9 p), okul başarı algısı düştüğünde (3,5 p), kendini kilolu algılayanlarda (2,2 p), uyku süresi 9 saatten kısa olanlarda (2,4 p), hane reisi işsiz olanlarda (7,8 p), harçlığını yetersiz bulanlarda (2,9 p), evinin dışında güvenle oynayacağı alan olmayanlarda (1,8 p), hanesinde yapısal sorun olanlarda (5,0 p), sağlık hizmet erişiminde yoksunluk yaşayanlarda (5,2 p) daha düşüktür. Sonuç: Öğrencilerin yaşam kalitesi en fazla hane reisinin işsizliği, sağlık algısının kötü olması ve sağlık hizmet erişiminde yoksunluk yaşanması ile ilişkilidir. Okul çağı çocukların izleminde, birinci basamak sağlık hizmetlerinin rolü korunma, erken tanı, tedavi ve izlem aşamalarının tümünde etkinleştirilmeli, kamusal hizmet sunan ağız ve diş sağlığı merkezleri de yaygınlaştırılmalıdır. İşsizlik dönemlerinde kamusal gelir güvencesinin sağlanması çocuk sağlığını da olumlu yönde etkileyecektir.
Introduction and aim: Quality of life is individuals' perception of their position in life, in the context of culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns. In children; in addition to basic features like age, sex and health status, individual lifestyle factors, family structure and socioeconomic status effect quality of life. The concept of "deprivation" has come to the forefront in socioeconomic evaluations in recent years. The study aims, to determine health related quality of life and the related factors, to evaluate the multidimensional deprivation and its relation to quality of life. Method: This cross-sectional study is conducted in the Bayraklı district of Izmir between January and December 2016. The sampling included 934, 7th grade middle school children (prevalence 50.9%, Cl 95%, SE %5, design effect 2.25 and with 20% replacement). By stratified clustered sampling from 24 schools 1090 students participated. Response rate was 84.9%. The KID-KINDL Health Related Quality of Life Scale was used. The independent variables were examined in four layers derived by using Dahlgren's Determinants of Health Model (basic characteristics of the child, lifestyle factors, family characteristics, life and school conditions). Deprivation status was evaluated through; clothing, nutrition, leisure activities, social facilities, educational resources, access to information, household deprivation and access to health care using the European Child Deprivation Index of UNICEF 2012. Student t, Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis H tests and multiple linear regression analyzes were used. Permissions were taken from Ege University Medical Faculty Hospital Ethics Committee and Izmir Provincial Directorate of National Education. Results: Mean age was 12.5±0.5, 51.5% were male. Parental educational status was high school or above in 51.6%. Among the households 17.8% had income lower than their expenditure and 7.5% of them had income below the poverty threshold. Deprivations were most prevalent at household level (38.0%), in health care access (24,9%) and for leisure time activities (11.4%). Among the children, 12.5% experienced two or more material deprivation. Mean quality of life score was 71.3±12.6 with the highest scores at family and friends and the lowest scores at school and self-esteem dimensions. According to linear regression results; the HRQoL scores decreased in girls (2.0 points), with lower health perception (6.9 p), with lower school achievement (3.5 p), with perceived owerweight (2.2 p), for those with sleep time <9 hours (2.4 p), with unemployed household head (7.8 p), with deficient pocket Money (2.9 p), for those lacking safe playground (1.8 p), with structural problems at house (5.0 p) and when there is inaccess to healthcare (5.2 p). Conclusion: Students HRQoL scores are mostly related with unemployment of household head, poor state of health perception and deprivation in access to health care. In the follow-up of school children, the role of primary health care should be promoted in all stages of prevention, early diagnosis, treatment and follow-up and oral and dental health centers offering public services should be expanded. Provision of public means for income security during unemployment periods will favor children's health.
Introduction and aim: Quality of life is individuals' perception of their position in life, in the context of culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns. In children; in addition to basic features like age, sex and health status, individual lifestyle factors, family structure and socioeconomic status effect quality of life. The concept of "deprivation" has come to the forefront in socioeconomic evaluations in recent years. The study aims, to determine health related quality of life and the related factors, to evaluate the multidimensional deprivation and its relation to quality of life. Method: This cross-sectional study is conducted in the Bayraklı district of Izmir between January and December 2016. The sampling included 934, 7th grade middle school children (prevalence 50.9%, Cl 95%, SE %5, design effect 2.25 and with 20% replacement). By stratified clustered sampling from 24 schools 1090 students participated. Response rate was 84.9%. The KID-KINDL Health Related Quality of Life Scale was used. The independent variables were examined in four layers derived by using Dahlgren's Determinants of Health Model (basic characteristics of the child, lifestyle factors, family characteristics, life and school conditions). Deprivation status was evaluated through; clothing, nutrition, leisure activities, social facilities, educational resources, access to information, household deprivation and access to health care using the European Child Deprivation Index of UNICEF 2012. Student t, Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis H tests and multiple linear regression analyzes were used. Permissions were taken from Ege University Medical Faculty Hospital Ethics Committee and Izmir Provincial Directorate of National Education. Results: Mean age was 12.5±0.5, 51.5% were male. Parental educational status was high school or above in 51.6%. Among the households 17.8% had income lower than their expenditure and 7.5% of them had income below the poverty threshold. Deprivations were most prevalent at household level (38.0%), in health care access (24,9%) and for leisure time activities (11.4%). Among the children, 12.5% experienced two or more material deprivation. Mean quality of life score was 71.3±12.6 with the highest scores at family and friends and the lowest scores at school and self-esteem dimensions. According to linear regression results; the HRQoL scores decreased in girls (2.0 points), with lower health perception (6.9 p), with lower school achievement (3.5 p), with perceived owerweight (2.2 p), for those with sleep time <9 hours (2.4 p), with unemployed household head (7.8 p), with deficient pocket Money (2.9 p), for those lacking safe playground (1.8 p), with structural problems at house (5.0 p) and when there is inaccess to healthcare (5.2 p). Conclusion: Students HRQoL scores are mostly related with unemployment of household head, poor state of health perception and deprivation in access to health care. In the follow-up of school children, the role of primary health care should be promoted in all stages of prevention, early diagnosis, treatment and follow-up and oral and dental health centers offering public services should be expanded. Provision of public means for income security during unemployment periods will favor children's health.