Tedarik zincir yönetim sisteminde yeni bir boyut; izlenebilirlik ve şeffaflık için blok zincir teknolojisinin kullanımı
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Tedarik zincir yönetimi sisteminde izlenebilirlik ve denetlenebilirlik sistemin en önemli temel yapılardır. Ayrıca, bu sistemlerde diğer önemli unsur ise güvendir ve mevcut merkezi sistemlerde üçüncü taraflara güven mecburidir. Tedarik zincirde sistem izlenebilirliği ve güvenliği için birçok mimari yapılmış olsa da bu mimarilerde güven, kullanıcı mahremiyeti, gerçek zamanlı bilgi ve zayıf izlenebilirlik gibi temel eksikliklere sahiptir. Bu tez çalışmasında, tedarik zincir izlenebilirliği için blokzincir-tabanlı mahremiyeti koruyan yeni bir çerçeve öneriyoruz. Mimarimiz, aktörler arasında mahremiyeti koruyan ve kriptografik protokoller ile kullanıcı dijital imza ve doğrulama entegre edilerek güvenlik sağlanmıştır. Ayrıca zincir dışı entegre sistemi ile performans sağlanarak yapılan testler sonucunda ölçeklenebilirlik için olumlu sonuçlar ortaya koyulmuştur. Dahası, kullanıcı isteğine bağlı olarak anonimlik ve izlenebilirlik arasında denge sağlanmıştır. Mimari ayrıca ilgili ürün kimliği ile tüm aşamalar şeffaf bir şekilde izlenebilir ve doğrulanabilir bir yapıya sahiptir
Traceability and auditability in the supply chain management system are the essential basic structures of the system. In addition, another vital element in these systems is trust, and trust in third parties is mandatory in existing centralized systems. Although many architectures have been built for system traceability and security in the supply chain, these architectures have fundamental deficiencies such as trust, user privacy, real-time information, and poor traceability. In this thesis, we propose a new blockchain-based framework that is privacy-preserving for supply chain traceability. The architecture has provided security by integrating user digital signature and authentication with cryptographic protocols, protecting privacy between actors. In addition, positive results for scalability were revealed as a result of the tests carried out by ensuring performance with the off-chain integrated system. Moreover, a balance has been achieved between anonymity and traceability based on user requests. The architecture also has a structure that can be monitored and verified transparently with the relevant product identity.
Traceability and auditability in the supply chain management system are the essential basic structures of the system. In addition, another vital element in these systems is trust, and trust in third parties is mandatory in existing centralized systems. Although many architectures have been built for system traceability and security in the supply chain, these architectures have fundamental deficiencies such as trust, user privacy, real-time information, and poor traceability. In this thesis, we propose a new blockchain-based framework that is privacy-preserving for supply chain traceability. The architecture has provided security by integrating user digital signature and authentication with cryptographic protocols, protecting privacy between actors. In addition, positive results for scalability were revealed as a result of the tests carried out by ensuring performance with the off-chain integrated system. Moreover, a balance has been achieved between anonymity and traceability based on user requests. The architecture also has a structure that can be monitored and verified transparently with the relevant product identity.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Bilim ve Teknoloji, Science and Technology, Matematik, Mathematics