Chelidonium Majus L. (Papaveraceae) bitkisinin alkaloitleri üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
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265 ÖZET Bu çalışmada yudurnuzda yabani olarak yetişen Chelidonium ma/us L bitkisinin alkaloit muhtevasının incelenmesi yanısıra bu bitkiden hazırlanan bir Herba Chelidonii droğu örneğinin D£B 9 a göre kalite kontrolleri yapılmıştır. Âynca hazırlanan Herba Chelidonii droğunun ana alkaloidi olan chelidonine'in miktannı tayin için iki değişik yöntem birbirine alternatif olarak uygulanmıştır. Droğun anatomik yapısının daha iyi tanımlanabilmesi amacıyla bitkiden hazırlanan alkol materyali üzerinde, mikroskobik incelemeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kalite kontrol çalışmaları amacıyla droğun alkaloitlerinin İ.T.K. ile teşhisi nem miktartayinl total kül miktan ve total alkaloit miktar tayini uygulanmıştır. Spektrofotometrik ve TLS yöntemi ile bitkinin ana alkaloidi olan chelidonine miktar tayininin uygulanması yanısıra bitkinin toprak üstü ve toprak altı kısımlan birarada ele alınarak, alkaloit içeriği açısından aynntılı olarak incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmaların sonucunda norsanguinarine, cheiidimerine, (±)-8-acetonyidihıydrosanguinarine, dir^rochelerythrine, 8-acetonyl-266 dihydrochelerythrine, (+)-chelidonine, dihydrosanguinarine, (±)-8-metho>y diliydrosanguinarina oxysanguinarine, (+)-homocheIidonine, chelamine, angoline adlı benzofenantridin alkaloitleri, protopin grubundan protopine adlı alkaloid ile, protoberberin grubundan stylopine ve N-methylstylopinium chloride elde edilerek yapılan spektroskopik analiz yöntemleri ile aydınlatılmıştır. Spirobenzazepin sınıfından bir alkaloit olan (-)-turkiyenine ile benzofenantridin sınıfına ait olan (+)-norchelidonine, doğa için yeni iki alkaloit olup, gerek izolasyonlan ve gerekse yapı aydınlatılmaları ilk kez bu çalışmada rapor edilmektedir
267 SUMMARY In this study, Chelidonium majusL growing wildly in our country, has been investigated for its alkaloidal content and quality control determinations of Herba Chelidonit prepared from this plant have also been conducted according to DAB 9. Microscopic investigations have been undertaken on alcoholic preparations of the plant in order to present a better description of the anatomical structure. Within the context of quality control experiments, determination of alkaloids in the plant by T.L.C., assays for humidily, ash and total alkaloidal contents have been studied. Along with the quantitative spectrophotometric and TLS determinations of chelidonine, the main alkaloid of this plant, the alkaloidal content of the combined aerial and underground parts have been subjected to a thorough investigation. As a result of our study, norsanguinarine, chelidimerine, (±)-8-acetonyl dihydrosanguinarine, dihydrochelerythrine, 8-acetonyl dihydrocheleiythrine, (+)-268 chelidonine, dihydrosanguinarine, (±)-8-methoxy dihydrosanguinarine, oxysanguinarine, (+)-hornochelidonine, chelarnine, angoline from the benzophenanthridine type alkaloids, prötopine from the protopine type alkaloids, stylopine and N-methyls1ylopinium chloride from the protoberberine type alkaloids were isolated from Chelidonium majusL and their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic analysis methods. (-)-Turkiyenine, a spirobenzazepine type alkaloid, and (+)-norchelidonine, a representative of the benzophenanthridines, are novel compounds, of which both isolation and structure elucidation are being reported for the first time in this study.
267 SUMMARY In this study, Chelidonium majusL growing wildly in our country, has been investigated for its alkaloidal content and quality control determinations of Herba Chelidonit prepared from this plant have also been conducted according to DAB 9. Microscopic investigations have been undertaken on alcoholic preparations of the plant in order to present a better description of the anatomical structure. Within the context of quality control experiments, determination of alkaloids in the plant by T.L.C., assays for humidily, ash and total alkaloidal contents have been studied. Along with the quantitative spectrophotometric and TLS determinations of chelidonine, the main alkaloid of this plant, the alkaloidal content of the combined aerial and underground parts have been subjected to a thorough investigation. As a result of our study, norsanguinarine, chelidimerine, (±)-8-acetonyl dihydrosanguinarine, dihydrochelerythrine, 8-acetonyl dihydrocheleiythrine, (+)-268 chelidonine, dihydrosanguinarine, (±)-8-methoxy dihydrosanguinarine, oxysanguinarine, (+)-hornochelidonine, chelarnine, angoline from the benzophenanthridine type alkaloids, prötopine from the protopine type alkaloids, stylopine and N-methyls1ylopinium chloride from the protoberberine type alkaloids were isolated from Chelidonium majusL and their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic analysis methods. (-)-Turkiyenine, a spirobenzazepine type alkaloid, and (+)-norchelidonine, a representative of the benzophenanthridines, are novel compounds, of which both isolation and structure elucidation are being reported for the first time in this study.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Eczacılık ve Farmakoloji, Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Alkaloidler, Alkaloids, Chelidonium majus L., Chelidonium majus L., Tıbbi bitkiler, Plants-medicinal