Gediz nehir sisteminde anyonik deterjan kirliliğinin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
44 7.ÖZET Bu çalışmada, evsel ve endüstriyel atıkların neden olduğu Gediz nehrindeki anyonik yüzey aktif madde kirliliği ile fosfat, nitrit, nitrat, amonyum ve silikat gibi besleyici element miktarlarına ait değişimlerin ve bu parametrelerin îzmir Körfezi'ne getirdiği kirlilik yüklerinin saptanması amaçlanmıştır. Gediz nehrin 'de seçilen 8 istasyondan Şubat 1991 -Ocak 1992 tarihleri arasında, aylık periyotlarla alınan yüzey suyu örneklerinin analizleri sonucunda, bazı parametrelerin yıl içindeki değişimlerinin aşağıdaki şekildedinAnyonik Y.A.M. 0.023-4.489 mg/1, Fosfat 0.016-4.054 mg/1, Nitrat 0.000-18.371 mg/1, Nitrit 0.000-0.500 mg/1, Amonyum 0.080-43.852 g/l, Silis 1.245-100.860 mg/l'dir. 8. istasyon verileri esas alınarak, Gediz nehrinin îzmir Körfezi'ne bir yılda boşalttığı yük miktarları ise, Anyonik YA.M. için 41.2 ton/yıl, Fosfat için 52.2 ton/yıl, N itrat için 173.1 ton/yıl, Nitrit için 6.0 ton/yıl, Amonyum için 587.8 ton/yıl ve Silikat için 4658 ton/yıl olarak bulunmuştur. Gediz nehrinin îzmir Körfezi'ne boşalttığı bu yük, diğer derelerin (Arap ve Melez deresi) getirdiği yüklere göre çok düşük kalmaktadır. Bu nedenle, îzmir Körfezi için Anyonik Y.A.M. yükü açısından henüz bir tehlike bulunmamasına karşın, nehrin bazı bölgelerindeki anyonik deterjan miktarının burada yaşayan canlılara toksik etki yapabilecek düzeylere ulaşmış olması dikkati çekmektedir
45 8. SUMMARY In this investigation the variations of concentrations of anionic surfactat and nutrients such as phosphate, nitrite, nitrate, amonium and silicate has been determined as well as their additional loading of the pollution of Izmir Bay. As the results of analyses of surface water samples taken from 8 station on Gediz River during Feb.1991-Jan.1992, the concentrations of anionic surfactant were changed between 0.023-4.489 mg/1, while phosphate, nitrate, nitrite, amonium and silicate were ranged between 0.016-4.054 mg/1, 0.000-18.371 mg/1, 0.000-0.500 mg/1, 0.080-43.853 mg/1 and 1.245-100.860 mg/1 respectively. The loading carried to Izmir Bay throught the Gediz River were estimated as 41.2 ton/year for anionic surfactant, 52.2 ton/year for phosphate, 173.1 ton/year for nitrate, 6.0 ton/year for nitrite, 587.8 ton/year for amonium, 4658 ton/year for silicate based upon the results obtained from 8 stations. The loading capacity of Gediz River seems to be lower than the other stream (Arap and Melez stream). Therefore, it can be concluded that the environmental impact of anionic surfactant carried through Gediz River may not be considered hazardous to Izmir Bay, altought the concentration of anionic surfactant has been raised enoght to be toxic to river life in some part of the river.
45 8. SUMMARY In this investigation the variations of concentrations of anionic surfactat and nutrients such as phosphate, nitrite, nitrate, amonium and silicate has been determined as well as their additional loading of the pollution of Izmir Bay. As the results of analyses of surface water samples taken from 8 station on Gediz River during Feb.1991-Jan.1992, the concentrations of anionic surfactant were changed between 0.023-4.489 mg/1, while phosphate, nitrate, nitrite, amonium and silicate were ranged between 0.016-4.054 mg/1, 0.000-18.371 mg/1, 0.000-0.500 mg/1, 0.080-43.853 mg/1 and 1.245-100.860 mg/1 respectively. The loading carried to Izmir Bay throught the Gediz River were estimated as 41.2 ton/year for anionic surfactant, 52.2 ton/year for phosphate, 173.1 ton/year for nitrate, 6.0 ton/year for nitrite, 587.8 ton/year for amonium, 4658 ton/year for silicate based upon the results obtained from 8 stations. The loading capacity of Gediz River seems to be lower than the other stream (Arap and Melez stream). Therefore, it can be concluded that the environmental impact of anionic surfactant carried through Gediz River may not be considered hazardous to Izmir Bay, altought the concentration of anionic surfactant has been raised enoght to be toxic to river life in some part of the river.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Çevre Mühendisliği, Environmental Engineering, Amonyum bileşikleri, Ammonium compounds, Besleyici maddeler, Nutrients, Fosfatlar, Phosphates, Gediz Nehri, Gediz River, Nitratlar, Nitrates, Nitritler, Nitrites, Silikat, Silicate, Su kirliliği, Water pollution, Yüzey aktif maddeleri, Surfactants, Çevre kirliliği, Environmental pollution