Karışık dişlenme döneminde üst çene genişletmesinin sınırları
Küçük Resim Yok
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Cilt Başlığı
Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Çalışmamızın amacı, karışık dişlenme döneminde, 3 farklı genişletme yönteminin kraniofasiyal kompleks üzerinde sagital, transversal ve vertikal boyutlardaki iskeletsel ve dissel sonuçları, kompl ikasyonları, problemleri, tedavi süreleri ve erken dönemde nuks eğilimlerinin kontrolü açılarından karşılaştırmaktı. Çalışmamızda karışık dişlenme döneminde olup, posteriorda tek veya çift taraflı çapraz kapanış gösteren bireyler tedavi edilmiştir. Bu bireyler, her biri 10 kişiden oluşan 3 gruba ayrılmıştır. 1. grup yavaş maksi İler genişletme amacıyla quad-helix apareyi ile, 2. grup yarı-hızlı maksi İler genişletme amacıyla hareketli vidalı plak ile ve 3. grup da hızlı maksi İler genişletme amacıyla Hyrax apareyi ile tedavi edilmiştir. Bu yöntemlerle tedavi edilen bireylerden genişletme öncesi, sonrası ve pekiştirme tedavisi sonrasında alınan lateral ve frontal sefalometrik filmler. oklüzal filmler ve ortodontik modeller üzerinde analizler yapılmış ve tedavi sonucu elde edilen dişsel ve iskeletsel değişimler karşılaştırmalı olarak irdelenmiştir. Genel olarak, tüm genişletme yöntemleriyle hem dişsel, hem de iskeletsel değişiklikler gözlenmiştir
SUMMARY The purpose of the present study was to compare 3 different expansion methods in the mixed dentition period in the senses of skeletal and dental results in sagittal, transversal and vertical planes, treatment periods, complications and relapse tendencies in early periods. In our study, patients with unilateral or bilateral posterior crossbite in the mixed dentition were treated. They were divided into 3 groups with 10 individuals in each. The 1st group was treated with quad-helix appliance for slow maxillary expansion, the 2nd with removable plates for semi-rapid maxillary expansion and the 3rd group with Hyrax appliance for rapid maxillary expansion. Lateral and frontal cephalometric films. occlusal films and orthodontic models were taken before and after expansion, and after retention with the same appliances. Cephalometric and model analyses were made on all the records taken. According to the analyses, skeletal and dental results were investigated. In general, both skeletal and dental changes were observed at the end of the treatments.
SUMMARY The purpose of the present study was to compare 3 different expansion methods in the mixed dentition period in the senses of skeletal and dental results in sagittal, transversal and vertical planes, treatment periods, complications and relapse tendencies in early periods. In our study, patients with unilateral or bilateral posterior crossbite in the mixed dentition were treated. They were divided into 3 groups with 10 individuals in each. The 1st group was treated with quad-helix appliance for slow maxillary expansion, the 2nd with removable plates for semi-rapid maxillary expansion and the 3rd group with Hyrax appliance for rapid maxillary expansion. Lateral and frontal cephalometric films. occlusal films and orthodontic models were taken before and after expansion, and after retention with the same appliances. Cephalometric and model analyses were made on all the records taken. According to the analyses, skeletal and dental results were investigated. In general, both skeletal and dental changes were observed at the end of the treatments.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry, Diş çıkarma, Dentition, Dişler, Teeth, Maksilla, Maxilla, Çene, Jaw