İzmir Kekiği (Origanum onites L.)'nde farklı su ve azot uygulamalarının verim ve kalite üzerine etkileri ile bunların fizyolojik denetimi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
İzmir kekiği (Origanum onites L.) bitkisine ait, Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü'nde geliştirilmiş olan çeşitlerin (Tayşi 2002, Ceylan 2002) materyal olarak kullanıldığı bu çalışma, 2011, 2012 ve 2013 yıllarında Bornova ekolojik koşullarında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada, farklı su ve azot uygulamalarının İzmir kekiği (Origanum onites L.)'nin verim, kalite özellikleri ile biyokimyasal parametreler üzerine etkileri belirlenmiştir. Su uygulamaları S1 (2.yıl S4'den 3 hafta, 3.yıl 30 gün sonra) S2 (2. yıl S4'den 2 hafta, 3. yıl 20 gün sonra), S3 (2. yıl S4'den 1 hafta, 3. yıl 10 gün sonra), S4 (toprak su potansiyeli -1 mpA'da seyretmesi esasına göre); azot uygulamaları ise, N0 (azotsuz), N8 (8kg/da azot) olarak saptanmıştır. Araştırmada, ilk yıl sonuçları değerlendirmeye alınmamıştır. Azot uygulamasının her iki çeşitte de, tek başına önemli bir etkisinin olmadığı, artan su uygulamalarıyla verim değerlerinin ve bitki boyunun her iki çeşitte de arttığı, klorofil içeriğinin 2. yıl her iki çeşitte, karotenoid içeriğinin ise, Ceylan 2002 çeşidinde 2. ve 3. yıllarda arttığı görülmüş, antioksidan kapasite, lipid peroksidaz ve toplam azot içeriğinde ise düzenli bir etki saptanmamıştır. Uçucu yağ oranının ise, Tayşi 2002 çeşidinde azaldığı, Ceylan 2002 çeşidinde ise arttığı görülmüştür. Ceylan 2002 çeşidinin uçucu yağının en önemli bileşenleri olan karvakrol oranı % 1.66-7.90, timol oranı % 29.49-78.07, Tayşi 2002 çeşidinin uçucu yağının en önemli bileşeni olan karvakrol oranı ise, % 42.18- 77.74 olarak bulunmuştur. Bornova ekolojik koşullarında, iyi sulanmış şartlarda, azotlu gübreleme yapmadan yüksek verim ve uçucu yağ kalitesi elde edilebilecek çeşit olarak Ceylan 2002 çeşidinin üretiminin yapılabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.
Different varieties of Izmir oregano (Origanum onites L.) (Tayşi 2002, Ceylan 2002) were grown at the Ege University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy. This study was conducted in 2011, 2012 and 2013 in Bornova ecological conditions. The effects of different water and nitrogen applications on yield, quality and biochemical parameters were determined in the study. The different water applications were labelled S1 (3 weeks after S4 in the 2nd year, 30 days after S4 in the 3rd year), S2 (2 weeks after S4 in the 2nd year, 20 days after S4 in the 3rd year), S3 (1 week after S4 in the 2nd year, 10 days after 3rd year), and S4 (based on the -1 mPA soil-water potential). The nitrogen applications were designated N0 (nitrogen free) and N8 (8 kg/da nitrogen). The results of the 1st year were not included in the study. It was found that nitrogen application had no effect on either type of oregano tested. With increased water application, yield value and plant length increased in both types. Chlorophyll contents increased in both types in the 2nd year while carotenoid contents increased in the 2nd and 3rd years in Ceylan 2002. No regular effect was determined for antioxidant capacity, lipid peroxidation and total nitrogen contents. Essential oil ratios increased in Tayşi 2002 but decreased in Ceylan 2002. Among the most important components of the essential oil of Ceylan 2002, carvacrol content was 1.66-7.90% and thymol content was 29.49-78.07%, while the most important component of Tayşi 2002 essential oil, carvacrol, was 42.18- 77.74%. It was concluded that Ceylan 2002 is more suitable for obtaining high yield and high quality essential oil with production in Bornova ecological conditions in well-watered conditions and without nitrogen fertilization.
Different varieties of Izmir oregano (Origanum onites L.) (Tayşi 2002, Ceylan 2002) were grown at the Ege University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy. This study was conducted in 2011, 2012 and 2013 in Bornova ecological conditions. The effects of different water and nitrogen applications on yield, quality and biochemical parameters were determined in the study. The different water applications were labelled S1 (3 weeks after S4 in the 2nd year, 30 days after S4 in the 3rd year), S2 (2 weeks after S4 in the 2nd year, 20 days after S4 in the 3rd year), S3 (1 week after S4 in the 2nd year, 10 days after 3rd year), and S4 (based on the -1 mPA soil-water potential). The nitrogen applications were designated N0 (nitrogen free) and N8 (8 kg/da nitrogen). The results of the 1st year were not included in the study. It was found that nitrogen application had no effect on either type of oregano tested. With increased water application, yield value and plant length increased in both types. Chlorophyll contents increased in both types in the 2nd year while carotenoid contents increased in the 2nd and 3rd years in Ceylan 2002. No regular effect was determined for antioxidant capacity, lipid peroxidation and total nitrogen contents. Essential oil ratios increased in Tayşi 2002 but decreased in Ceylan 2002. Among the most important components of the essential oil of Ceylan 2002, carvacrol content was 1.66-7.90% and thymol content was 29.49-78.07%, while the most important component of Tayşi 2002 essential oil, carvacrol, was 42.18- 77.74%. It was concluded that Ceylan 2002 is more suitable for obtaining high yield and high quality essential oil with production in Bornova ecological conditions in well-watered conditions and without nitrogen fertilization.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Origanum Onites L, Verim, Kalite, Antioksidan Kapasite, Yield, Quality, Antioxidant Capacity