Reaktif karbonil türlerinin (RECS), glikofitik Arabidopsis thaliana ve halofitik Eutrema parvulum'da antioksidan savunma sistemi ve reaktif oksijen türleri (ROS) sinyallemesi üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Metabolizmanın bir yan ürünü olan reaktif oksijen türleri (ROS)'nin üretimi abiyotik ve biyotik stresler sırasında bitki hücrelerinde büyük artışlar gösterir. Hücre zarlarındaki lipidlerin ROS'lar tarafından parçalanması sonucunda 4-hidroksi nonenal (HNE), 4-hidroksi-2-hekzenal (HHE), ve akrolein (ACR) gibi lipid peroksidasyonu ürünleri oluşur. Reaktif karbonil türleri (RCS) olarak isimlendirilen bu moleküllerin bitkilerdeki metabolizması ve stres sinyal iletimindeki rolleri çok az çalışılmıştır. Arabidopsis thaliana' da tuz stresi altında üretilen RCS'nin çevresel streslerin algılanması ve sinyal iletiminde önemli işlevler görebileceklerini göstermektedir. Elde edilen bu sınırlı bulgular glikofitik bitkilerden elde edilmiştir. Halofitik bitkilerin özgün fizyolojik, biyokimyasal ve moleküler mekanizmalara sahip oldukları dikkate alındığında, ROS gibi, RCS'nin de bu bitkilerde tuz stresi sinyalinin iletilmesi ve uygun yanıtların verilmesinde oynadıkları rollerin, glikofitik bitkilerle karşılaştırıldığında farklılık göstermesini beklemek mümkündür. Tuz stresi altında glikofitik ve halofitik bitkilerde RCS metabolizması ve sinyallemesinin çalışılması, RCS'nin bitkilerin tuz stresine toleranslarındaki rollerinin aydınlatılması ve yeni mekanizmaların ortaya çıkarılması açısından önem taşımaktadır
When plants are exposed to environmental stresses, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) increase due to imbalance in metabolic processes. Break-down of lipids in cell membranes by ROS causes production of lipid peroxidation products such as 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE), 4-hydroxy-2-hexenal (HHE), and acrolein (ACR) which are called as reactive carbonyl species (RCS). Although there is a vast amount of studies about LPO products in animals, studies in plants are limited, which mostly investigate their detoxification mechanisms and their damaging effects. These results suggest that production of RCS during abiotic stresses such as salinity can function in stress perception and signal transduction and also RCS signaling might take role in determining the fate of cell under stress. Previous works demonstrate that RCS and RCS related metabolism take role in salt stress response of plants. These findings were obtained from glycophytic plants. When it is considered that halophytic plants adapted to saline soils have physiological, biochemical and molecular adaptation mechanisms, it is logical to think that the roles of RCS might also be different from glycophytic plants and RCS might take signaling roles under salinity in halophytes. Investigating RCS metabolism and its signalling in glycophytes and halophytes is important for elucidation of new potential mechanisms that take role in salt stress tolerance.
When plants are exposed to environmental stresses, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) increase due to imbalance in metabolic processes. Break-down of lipids in cell membranes by ROS causes production of lipid peroxidation products such as 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE), 4-hydroxy-2-hexenal (HHE), and acrolein (ACR) which are called as reactive carbonyl species (RCS). Although there is a vast amount of studies about LPO products in animals, studies in plants are limited, which mostly investigate their detoxification mechanisms and their damaging effects. These results suggest that production of RCS during abiotic stresses such as salinity can function in stress perception and signal transduction and also RCS signaling might take role in determining the fate of cell under stress. Previous works demonstrate that RCS and RCS related metabolism take role in salt stress response of plants. These findings were obtained from glycophytic plants. When it is considered that halophytic plants adapted to saline soils have physiological, biochemical and molecular adaptation mechanisms, it is logical to think that the roles of RCS might also be different from glycophytic plants and RCS might take signaling roles under salinity in halophytes. Investigating RCS metabolism and its signalling in glycophytes and halophytes is important for elucidation of new potential mechanisms that take role in salt stress tolerance.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Botanik, Botany