Effects of age, gender, bolus volume and viscosity on acoustic signals of normal swallowing
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Amaç: Bu araştırmada normal yutma sırasında, yaş, cinsiyet, bolus miktarı ve bolus yoğunluğunun akustik sinyaller üzerine etkisinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Yaşları 3-85 arasında (n: 146) sağlıklı gönüllüler çalışmaya alındı. Katılımcılar yaşa göre; 3-5 yaş, 18-25 yaş, 70-85 yaş olacak şekilde gruplandı. Randomize olarak bolus miktarı ve yoğunluğuna göre, katılımcılar yutma serileri gerçekleştirdiler. Toplam 3056 yutma analiz edildi. Dört eylem karşılaştırıldı: akustik başlangıç, akustik pik, küçük inspiratuvar olmayan akımla ilişkili çıkış, akustik bitiş. Bulgular: Akustik başlama zamanı için, miktar, yoğunluk ve cinsiyet açısından en genç grupta anlamlı farklılık bulundu (p<0,05). En yaşlı grupta, akustik başlama zamanındaki değişkenlik diğer yaş gruplarından daha yüksekti (p<0,05). Akustik süre, erkeklerde belirgin olmak üzere, en yaşlı grupta en uzundu (p<0,05). Ayrıca, en yaşlı grup için, akustik bitiş zamanında miktar ve yoğunluk açısından anlamlı etki saptandı (p<0,05). Sonuç: Normal yutma sırasında, yaş, cinsiyet, bolus miktarı ve bolus yoğunluğunun akustik sinyaller üzerine etkisi ortaya konulmuştur.
Objective: the purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of age, gender, bolus volume and bolus viscosity on the acoustic signals of normal swallows. Materials and Methods: Healthy volunteers (n=146) ranging from 3 to 85 years of age participated in the investigation. Subjects were grouped by age: 3-5, 18-25 and 70-85 years of age. Subjects performed a series of swallows that were randomized according to volume and viscosity. A total of 3056 swallows were analyzed. Four temporal events were compared; acoustic onset, acoustic peak, acoustic spike associated with the small non-inspiratory flow, and acoustic offset. Results: in the youngest group, a significant effect was found for volume, viscosity and gender for the time of acoustic onset (p<0.01). in the oldest age group, the variability for acoustic onset was much higher than in the other age groups (p<0.01). the oldest group had a substantially longer acoustic duration, especially for men (p<0.01). Additionally, a significant effect for viscosity and volume for the time of acoustic offset was found in the oldest age group (p<0.01). Conclusion: During normal swallowing, it was determined the effects of age, gender, bolus volume, and bolus viscosity on the acoustic signals of normal swallow.
Objective: the purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of age, gender, bolus volume and bolus viscosity on the acoustic signals of normal swallows. Materials and Methods: Healthy volunteers (n=146) ranging from 3 to 85 years of age participated in the investigation. Subjects were grouped by age: 3-5, 18-25 and 70-85 years of age. Subjects performed a series of swallows that were randomized according to volume and viscosity. A total of 3056 swallows were analyzed. Four temporal events were compared; acoustic onset, acoustic peak, acoustic spike associated with the small non-inspiratory flow, and acoustic offset. Results: in the youngest group, a significant effect was found for volume, viscosity and gender for the time of acoustic onset (p<0.01). in the oldest age group, the variability for acoustic onset was much higher than in the other age groups (p<0.01). the oldest group had a substantially longer acoustic duration, especially for men (p<0.01). Additionally, a significant effect for viscosity and volume for the time of acoustic offset was found in the oldest age group (p<0.01). Conclusion: During normal swallowing, it was determined the effects of age, gender, bolus volume, and bolus viscosity on the acoustic signals of normal swallow.
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Türkiye Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi
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