Serebral arterlerin segmental dolikoektatik displazi'sinde radyolojik bulgular: Retrospektif bir çalışma
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
GİRİŞ VE AMAÇ: Serebral arterlerin segmental dolikoektatik displazileri nörogörüntülemede karşımıza çok nadir de olsa çıkmaktadır. Bu konu ile ilgili hem yerli hem yabancı literatürde yayın oldukça azdır. Bu nedenle çalışmamızda özellikle konjenital, gelişimsel olan bu anomali ve varyasyonlara ilgi çekmek, değişik modalite radyolojik bulgularını tanımak, klinik semptom, sendrom ile olası ilişkisini saptamak ve hastaları takip ve tedavi seçeneklerini değerlendirmeyi amacladık. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Çalışma retrospektif olarak tasarlanmış olup 2007-2018 tarihleri arasında kliniğimize başvuran, herhangi bir nedenle nörogörüntüleme yapılan hastaların serebral anjiyografik görüntüleri değerlendirildi. Konjenital tipte serebral arter segmental dolikoektatik displazisi olan 19 hasta tanımlandı. Tanımlanan bu hastalar sistemde olan diğer görüntüleri ile beraber tekrar gözden geçirildi ve segmental dolikoektatik arter displazilerin morfolojik dağılımı, eşlik eden mural kalsifikasyon, luminal genişleme, daralma, bu zeminde anevrizma oluşumu ve beyin parankim bulgularının varlığına bakıldı. Retrospektif, hastaların hastane bilgi sisteminde semptomları, aldığı tanıları irdelendi. BULGULAR: Olguların yaş ortalaması 31.8±5.3 yıl olduğu görüldü. Çalışmamızda kadın olguların daha fazla etkilendiği dikkat çekti (erkek/kadın oranı= 6:13). Tüm olgularda ortak klinik semptom baş ağrısı iken sadece bir olguda ilave olarak amorozis fugaks tipinde iskemik öykü mevcut idi. Hiç bir olguda subaraknoid kanama veya infarkt saptanmadı. Dolikoektatik arterial segmentlerde 19 olgunun 17'sinde cidar kalfikasyonu, 10'unda anevrizma, 7'inde luminal darlıklar saptandı. Uzun dönem takip edilen olgularda belirgin progresyon izlenmedi. SONUÇ: Konjenital tip serebral intrakranial dolikoektazi baş ağrısı ayırıcı tanısında yer alabilir. Genelde benign klinik seyirli olsa da zeminde izlenen çeşitli mural patolojilerden dolayı düzenli radyolojik takip gereklidir.
PURPOSE: Segmental dolicoectatic dysplasias of cerebral arteries are rarely seen in neuroimaging. Therefore, we aimed to draw attention to these congenital, developmental anomalies and recognize the different modality radiological findings, additionally determine the possible relationship with clinical symptoms, syndrome, and to evaluate patients' follow-up and treatment options. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospectively, congenital type of intracranial segmental dolichoectasia was identified in 19 patients at our institution between 2007-2018 through a review of cerebral angiographic results. All radiologic images were reviewed to determine the vascular morphologic disposition including dysplasia, mural calcification, lumen narrowing, ectasia, aneurysm formation in a given segment and parenchymal findings. Clinical data were collected from the medical records. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 31.8 ± 5.3 years. In our study, we had female predominance (male / female ratio = 6:13). The common clinical symptom was headache in all cases, while only one case had additional ischemic history of amorosis fugax type. There was no subarachnoid hemorrhage or infarction. Vessel wall calcification was detected in 17, aneurysm in 10, and luminal stenosis in 7 of 19 patients with dolicoectasia. There was no significant progression in long-term follow-up. CONCLUSION: Congenital type intracranial dolichoectasia should be considered in the differential diagnosis of headache. Although, usually benign clinical course, regular radiological follow-up is necessary due to various mural pathologies.
PURPOSE: Segmental dolicoectatic dysplasias of cerebral arteries are rarely seen in neuroimaging. Therefore, we aimed to draw attention to these congenital, developmental anomalies and recognize the different modality radiological findings, additionally determine the possible relationship with clinical symptoms, syndrome, and to evaluate patients' follow-up and treatment options. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospectively, congenital type of intracranial segmental dolichoectasia was identified in 19 patients at our institution between 2007-2018 through a review of cerebral angiographic results. All radiologic images were reviewed to determine the vascular morphologic disposition including dysplasia, mural calcification, lumen narrowing, ectasia, aneurysm formation in a given segment and parenchymal findings. Clinical data were collected from the medical records. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 31.8 ± 5.3 years. In our study, we had female predominance (male / female ratio = 6:13). The common clinical symptom was headache in all cases, while only one case had additional ischemic history of amorosis fugax type. There was no subarachnoid hemorrhage or infarction. Vessel wall calcification was detected in 17, aneurysm in 10, and luminal stenosis in 7 of 19 patients with dolicoectasia. There was no significant progression in long-term follow-up. CONCLUSION: Congenital type intracranial dolichoectasia should be considered in the differential diagnosis of headache. Although, usually benign clinical course, regular radiological follow-up is necessary due to various mural pathologies.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İntrakranial Dolikoektazi, Segmental Duyarlılık, Anjiyografi, Intracranial Dolichoectasia, Segmental Vulnerability, Angiography