Orta Karadeniz Bölgesi'nin (Sinop yarımadası kıyıları) fitoplankton kompozisyonu ve değişimini etkileyen faktörler
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Ağustos- 1995 ve Temmuz- 1996 periyodunda, Orta Karadeniz Türkiye littoral sularında (35° 08' 00'' ve 35° 09' 00" E, 41° 591 00" ve 42° Ol1 00» N) 55 |im göz açıklığına sahip plankton kepçesi ile toplanan 150 kalitatif ve Hidrobios örnekleme kabı ile toplanan 125 kantitatif örneğin incelenmesi sonucunda, 1 tür (% 0.55) Cyanophyceae, 83 taksa (% 46.1) Dinophyceae, 1 tür (% 0.55) Prymnesiophyceae, 5 taksa (% 2.8) Dictyochophyceae, 88 taksa (% 48.9) Bacillariophyceae, 1 tür (% 0.55) Euglenophyceae ve 1 tür (% 0.55) Acantharea olmak üzere toplam 180 taksa fitoplankton tespit edilmiştir. Örnekleme boyunca tespit edilen 7 taksonomik sınıftan Dinophyceae ve Bacillariophyceae sınıflarına ait türlerin diğer 5 taksonomik sınıfın türlerine göre kalitatif (% 95.0) ve kantitatif (% 95.8) bakımdan daha baskın oldukları görülmüştür. Pico- ve nano-plankton (Cyanophyceae ve Prymnesiophyceae) türlerinin hücre sayılan yıl boyunca genellikle yüksek olup, en düşük hücre sayısı 1.9 x 108 h I-1 ile Nisan ayında gözlenirken, en yüksek hücre sayısı 2.7 x 109 h I"1 ile Haziran ayında gözlenmiştir. Yüksek hücre sayılan aynı zamanda Ekim (1.5 x 109 h I-1) ve Aralık (1.8 x 109 h l"1) aylarında da gözlenmiştir. Örnekleme boyunca, yüzeyde diyatom ve dinoflagellat türlerinin ortalama hücre sayılarının en yüksek olduğu dönem Nisan (3.4 * 107 h T1) ve Temmuz (1.3 x io7h l"1) dönemi olurken, en düşük olduğu dönem Şubat (9.0 x 105 h l"1) dönemi olmuştur. Aylık ortalama hücre sayısı da 7.1 x 106 h I"1 olarak bulunmuştur. Örnekleme boyunca, diyatom kommunitelerinde sırasıyla P. delicatissima (9.0 x io7 h l"1) Nisanda, C. closterium (7.4 x ıo6 h l"1) Temmuzda, N. longissima (5.2 x 106 h l"1) ve C. danicum (2.7 x 106 h l"1) Ocak ayında, R. calcar-avis (1.7 x 106 h T1) ve P. pungens (1.2 x 106 h l"1) Temmuz sonu ve Ağustosda ve D. brightwelli (7.6 x 105 h l"1) Mart ayında en yoğun populasyonlarını oluşturmuşlardır.Diyatomların hem kalitatif hem kantitatif bakımdan azalmasıyla birlikte Pico-nanoplankton (Cyanophyceae ve Prymnesiophyceae) ve dinoflagellat türlerinin abundansları artmaktadır. Dinoflagellatlar Mart sonuna doğru artmaya başlar ve Temmuzda maksimum yoğunluklarına ulaşırlar, Ekim ayına doğru da tedrici olarak azalmaya başlar. İlkbahar ortası, yaz sonu ve kış ortasında aşırı üreme gösteren diyatom türlerine göre, dinoflagellat türlerinin aşırı üreme durumları ilkbahar sonu ve yaz ortasında kendini gösterir. Örnekleme boyunca oluşan dinoflagellat kommunitelerinde P. balticum (9.0 x io6 h I-1) ve P. compression (4.6 * 105 h 1"') Temmuzda, P. micans {12 * I O5 h l"1), P. minimum, P. aerolatum veP. longipes (2.0 * 105 h l"1) Ağustosda, P. aporum (9.6 * 105 h l"1) Aralık ayında, H. triquedra (6.2 * 105 h T1) ve P. depressum (4.0 * 104 h T1) Mart ayında, P. granii (4.8 x ıo5 h I"1) ve Scripsiella trochoidea (7.8 * 105 h I"1) Haziran ayında ve G. polyedra (4.4 *104 h f1) Temmuz sonu ve Ağustosda en yoğun dinoflagellat populasyonlarını oluştururlarken, Prymnesiophyceae türlerinden E. huxlei (5.9 x 106 h l-1) Temmuzda, Dictyochophyceae türlerinden O. octonaria (6.0 * 104 h l"1) Mart ayında yıl içindeki en yoğun populasyonlarını oluşturmuşlardır. Fitoplankton türlerinin oluşturdukları kommunitelerde diversite indeksleri incelendiğinde, Mart ayının düşük diversiteli bir kommuniteye geçişi gösterdiği görülmektedir. Nisan ve Mayıs arasında, kommunite yapısı, düşük diversiteden yüksek diversiteli olana doğru bir değişim gösterir. Kommunite değişim oram yaz sonu ve sonbahar başı arasında genellikle yüksek olmuştur. Gözlemlenen en düşük diversite 0.69 indeks katsayısı ile Nisan ayında oluşurken, en yüksek diversite 3.49 indeks katsayısı ile Haziran'da saptanmıştır. Bununla birlikte fitoplankton türlerinin oluşturdukları kommunite değişimi özellikle Ekim-Aralık arasında belirgindir. Fitoplankton tür sayısı yüksek olmasına rağmen, diversite varyasyonları temel olarak diyatomların % 8.5' i ve dinoflagellatların % 1 1 ' ini teşkil eden 8- 10 tür tarafından kontrol edilmektedir. Geriye kalan diğer türler ise diversite varyasyonlarında önemli bir etkiye sahip değildir. Araştırma boyunca ölçülen fiziko-kimyasal parametrelerden sıcaklık yüzey sularında 6.0 °C (Mart) ile 24.2 °C (Ağustos) arasında, Tuzluluk %0 16.4 (Mayıs) ile %0 18.0 arasında, pH 6.90 (Aralık) ile 8.91 (Mayıs) arasında, konduktivite 26.1 (Nisan) ile 29.8 mmhos cm"' (Mart) arasında, turbidite 0.0 (Haziran) ile 120 (Şubat) değerleri arasında, NO"2-N 0.0 ile 9.37 ug T1, NO"3-N 10.4 ile 70.8 ug f1, NHVN 36.0 ile 450 ug l"1 ve PO'VP 7.4 ile 74.3 ug T1 arasında değişim göstermiştir. Anahtar kelimeler: Karadeniz, Fitoplankton, Species, Diversite, Ekolojik faktörler
Between August- 1995 and July- 1996, as a result of 150 qualitative (with a 55 urn Plankton net) and 125 quantitative sampling (with Hydro-Bios Universal Series Water Sampler) in Turkish littoral waters of Black Sea (35° 08' 00" and 35° 091 00" E, 41° 59' 00" and 42° 01' 00" N), a total of 180 taxa were determined. From those taxa, 1 species (0.55 %) Cyanophyceae, 83 taxa (46.1 %) Dinophyceae (15 genera, 67 species, 14 varieties and 2 formas), 1 species (0.55 %) Prymnesiophyceae, 5 taxa (2.8 %) Dictyochophyceae (2 genera, 3 species and 2 varieties), 88 taxa (48.9 %) BacUlariophyceae (32 genera, 85 species, 2 varieties and 1 forma), 1 species (0.55 %) Euglenophyceae and 1 species (0.55 %) Acantharea were distinguished. Diatoms and dinoflagellates were more abundant both qualitatively (95.0 %) and quantitatively (95.8 %) than the other groups. Cell numbers of pico- and nano-plankton were generally high in surface water throughout the year (1.9 * 10 8 and 2.7 * IO9 cells l"1 in April and June, respectively). High cell numbers of 1.5 * 109and 1.8 x 109 cells T1 were also observed in November and December, respectively. Results showed that the mean of cell numbers of diatoms and dinoflagellates in surface waters was high in April (3.4 x io7 cells F1) and July (1.3 x 107 cells l_l), while was low in February (9.0 x io5 cells l"1). A montly average of cell number has been estimated as 7.1 x IO6 cells l-1 in surface waters. In the diatom communities, subsequent blooms were dominated by N. longissima (5.2 x IO6 cells 1"') and C. danicum (2.7 x IO6 cells P1) in January, D. brightwelli (7.6 x io6 cells l"1) in March, P.delicatissima (9.0 xio7 cells l"1) in April, C. closterium (7.4 x IO6 cells l"1) in July, R. calcar-avis (1.7 x IO6 cells F1) and P. pungens (1.2 x io6 cells 1_1) in late July and Mid-August.VII The declines of diatoms were followed by increases of pico- nanoplankton and dinoflagellates. Dinoflagellates began to increase in late-March, reached a maximum in Mid-July and gradually declined towards October. In contrast to the diatom, dinoflagellates dominated mid-spring, late summer and mid-winter populations, dinoflagellate blooms showed more pronounced in late spring and mid-summer. Subsequent blooms in the dinoflagellate communities were dominated by H. triquedra (6.2 * 105 cells F1) and P. depression ( 4.0 x 104 cells F1 ) in March, P. granii (4.8 x 105 cells F1) and S. trochoidea (7.8 x 105 cells l"1) in June, P. balticum (9.0 x 106 cells l"1) and P. compression (4.6 x 105 cells F1) in mid-july, G. polyedra (4.4 x 104 cells l"1) in late-july and August, P. micans (7.2 x 105 cells 1"'), P. minimum, P. aerolatum, P. longipes (2.0 x 105 cells F1) in mid-August and P. aporum (9.6 x 105 cells I"1) in December. The highest cell numbers of Prymnesiophyte E. huxlei (5.9 x 1 06 cells l"1) and Silicoflagellate O. octonaria (6.0 x io4 cells F1) were observed in mid-July and in March, respectively. The phytoplankton community diversity indices indicate that the variation during March reflects a transition to a community with lower diversity. Between April and May, the community structure changed from higher diversity toward a lower one. The rate of community change was generally high between late summer and early autumn. While observed lowest index of diversity coefficient (ISHW) was 0.69 bits in April, the observed peak was 3.49 bits in June. However, the community change of phytoplankton was evident between October and December. Despite the abundance of the species (in number), the variations of phytoplankton diversity have basically depended on 8.5 percent of diatoms and 11 percent of dinoflagellates. Thus, community diversity has been usually controlled by 8-10 species, and other taxa have been considered as accessory species that have not caused significant fluctuations in the phytoplankton' s biomas. During the investigations, temperature, salinity, pH, conductivity, turbidity, NO'2-N, NO"3-N, NHVN and PO"34-P variations ranged between 6.0 (in March) and 24.2 °C (in August), %0 16.4 (in May) and 18.0 (in August), 6.90 (in December) and 8.91 (in May), 26.1 (in April) and 29.8 mmhos cm"1 (in March), 0.0 (in June) and 120 (in February), 0.00 and 9.37 ug F1, 10.4 and 70.8 ug F1, 36.0 and 450 ug F1, 7.4 and 74.3 ug F1, respectively. Keywords ; Black Sea, Phytoplankton, Species, Diversity, Ecological factors
Between August- 1995 and July- 1996, as a result of 150 qualitative (with a 55 urn Plankton net) and 125 quantitative sampling (with Hydro-Bios Universal Series Water Sampler) in Turkish littoral waters of Black Sea (35° 08' 00" and 35° 091 00" E, 41° 59' 00" and 42° 01' 00" N), a total of 180 taxa were determined. From those taxa, 1 species (0.55 %) Cyanophyceae, 83 taxa (46.1 %) Dinophyceae (15 genera, 67 species, 14 varieties and 2 formas), 1 species (0.55 %) Prymnesiophyceae, 5 taxa (2.8 %) Dictyochophyceae (2 genera, 3 species and 2 varieties), 88 taxa (48.9 %) BacUlariophyceae (32 genera, 85 species, 2 varieties and 1 forma), 1 species (0.55 %) Euglenophyceae and 1 species (0.55 %) Acantharea were distinguished. Diatoms and dinoflagellates were more abundant both qualitatively (95.0 %) and quantitatively (95.8 %) than the other groups. Cell numbers of pico- and nano-plankton were generally high in surface water throughout the year (1.9 * 10 8 and 2.7 * IO9 cells l"1 in April and June, respectively). High cell numbers of 1.5 * 109and 1.8 x 109 cells T1 were also observed in November and December, respectively. Results showed that the mean of cell numbers of diatoms and dinoflagellates in surface waters was high in April (3.4 x io7 cells F1) and July (1.3 x 107 cells l_l), while was low in February (9.0 x io5 cells l"1). A montly average of cell number has been estimated as 7.1 x IO6 cells l-1 in surface waters. In the diatom communities, subsequent blooms were dominated by N. longissima (5.2 x IO6 cells 1"') and C. danicum (2.7 x IO6 cells P1) in January, D. brightwelli (7.6 x io6 cells l"1) in March, P.delicatissima (9.0 xio7 cells l"1) in April, C. closterium (7.4 x IO6 cells l"1) in July, R. calcar-avis (1.7 x IO6 cells F1) and P. pungens (1.2 x io6 cells 1_1) in late July and Mid-August.VII The declines of diatoms were followed by increases of pico- nanoplankton and dinoflagellates. Dinoflagellates began to increase in late-March, reached a maximum in Mid-July and gradually declined towards October. In contrast to the diatom, dinoflagellates dominated mid-spring, late summer and mid-winter populations, dinoflagellate blooms showed more pronounced in late spring and mid-summer. Subsequent blooms in the dinoflagellate communities were dominated by H. triquedra (6.2 * 105 cells F1) and P. depression ( 4.0 x 104 cells F1 ) in March, P. granii (4.8 x 105 cells F1) and S. trochoidea (7.8 x 105 cells l"1) in June, P. balticum (9.0 x 106 cells l"1) and P. compression (4.6 x 105 cells F1) in mid-july, G. polyedra (4.4 x 104 cells l"1) in late-july and August, P. micans (7.2 x 105 cells 1"'), P. minimum, P. aerolatum, P. longipes (2.0 x 105 cells F1) in mid-August and P. aporum (9.6 x 105 cells I"1) in December. The highest cell numbers of Prymnesiophyte E. huxlei (5.9 x 1 06 cells l"1) and Silicoflagellate O. octonaria (6.0 x io4 cells F1) were observed in mid-July and in March, respectively. The phytoplankton community diversity indices indicate that the variation during March reflects a transition to a community with lower diversity. Between April and May, the community structure changed from higher diversity toward a lower one. The rate of community change was generally high between late summer and early autumn. While observed lowest index of diversity coefficient (ISHW) was 0.69 bits in April, the observed peak was 3.49 bits in June. However, the community change of phytoplankton was evident between October and December. Despite the abundance of the species (in number), the variations of phytoplankton diversity have basically depended on 8.5 percent of diatoms and 11 percent of dinoflagellates. Thus, community diversity has been usually controlled by 8-10 species, and other taxa have been considered as accessory species that have not caused significant fluctuations in the phytoplankton' s biomas. During the investigations, temperature, salinity, pH, conductivity, turbidity, NO'2-N, NO"3-N, NHVN and PO"34-P variations ranged between 6.0 (in March) and 24.2 °C (in August), %0 16.4 (in May) and 18.0 (in August), 6.90 (in December) and 8.91 (in May), 26.1 (in April) and 29.8 mmhos cm"1 (in March), 0.0 (in June) and 120 (in February), 0.00 and 9.37 ug F1, 10.4 and 70.8 ug F1, 36.0 and 450 ug F1, 7.4 and 74.3 ug F1, respectively. Keywords ; Black Sea, Phytoplankton, Species, Diversity, Ecological factors
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Fitoplanktonlar, Phytoplanktons, Karadeniz bölgesi, Black Sea region, Sinop, Sinop