Phaffia rhodozyma NRRLY-10921 mayası ile astaksantin pigmentinin üretimi ile ilgili bir araştırma
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Ege Üniversitesi
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48 ÖZSî Araştırmamızda özellikle hayvan yemlerinde katkı maddesi olarak kullanılan astaksantinin üretimi için or ganizma olarak Phaf f ia rhodozyma NRRLY-10921 mayası vs temel ortanı olarakta şeker pancarı melası kullanılarak üretimi etkileyen çeşitli faktörler saptanmıştır- Bu çalışma 7 inokulum hazırlanması 5 fermentasyon safhası ve fermentasyon sonrası yapılan işlemler olsak üzere üç ayrı ana safhada yapılmıştır Fermantasyonlar 100 mililitrelik erlenmayer flask lerinde 72 saat süre ile 200 dev/dk, çalkalama hızında gerçekleştirilmiştir? fermentasyon tamamlandıktan sonra elde edilen hüc reler asit ile muamele edilmiş t 1-2 dakika kaynayan "bir su banyosunda ılık ısıya maruz bırakılmış' ve hışla soğu tulmuş sonra aseton ekstraksyonu yapılmıştır Asetondan petrol eterine geçirilen astaksantinin saflaştırılması i çin karışım* ince tabaka kromatografisi ile işleme tabi. tutulmuştur* ince tabakadan asetona transfer edilen astak santinin miktarı spektrofometrik olarak saptanmıştır* Bu çalışmada* en iyi melas şekeri konsantrasyonu $> 2 olarak bulunmuştur* azot kaynağı olarak pepton kulla nıldığında. 22WC sıcaklık ve pH 5" de en yüksek astaksan tin üretimi gerçekleştirilmiştir Ayrıca temel ortamda astaksantin üretimi için en uygun fermentasyon süresinin 52 saat olduğu saptanmıştır
İL O 5UHEEABY xn this study* in the production of astaxanthin, which used especially as feed additive 5 by using Phaffia rhodozyma NRELY-10921 yeast species as organism- and su gar beet molasses as basic medium, the different effecting factors of production were determined « This study was done in three stages as fallow : 1« The preparation of inoculum s 2e Fermentation and 3' The other processes fallowing fermentation*» The fermentations were done by using 100 ml erlen- mayer flasks with shaking at 200 rpm for 72 hours* Following; the fermentation» the yield of cells wrsre treated with acid and subjected to a mild heat tre atment in a boiling water bath for 1-2 minutes followed or rapid cooling t then aceton extraction- In the purifi cation of astaxanthin which was transferee from aceton to petroleum ether s the mixture was chromatographed by thin chromatography. After transferring astaxanthin band to aceton from TXC« the amount of astaxanthin were determi ned by spectre-photometric method* In the best su^ar concentration of mo lasses was found as 2 7-> The highest astxanthin product! ~ o on «as obtained at 22 C and pH 5, when pepton ;vas usea as nitrogen source, Onthe other hand, the best suitable fer mentation duration was found as 52 horus in the producti on of astaxanthin by using basic medium*
İL O 5UHEEABY xn this study* in the production of astaxanthin, which used especially as feed additive 5 by using Phaffia rhodozyma NRELY-10921 yeast species as organism- and su gar beet molasses as basic medium, the different effecting factors of production were determined « This study was done in three stages as fallow : 1« The preparation of inoculum s 2e Fermentation and 3' The other processes fallowing fermentation*» The fermentations were done by using 100 ml erlen- mayer flasks with shaking at 200 rpm for 72 hours* Following; the fermentation» the yield of cells wrsre treated with acid and subjected to a mild heat tre atment in a boiling water bath for 1-2 minutes followed or rapid cooling t then aceton extraction- In the purifi cation of astaxanthin which was transferee from aceton to petroleum ether s the mixture was chromatographed by thin chromatography. After transferring astaxanthin band to aceton from TXC« the amount of astaxanthin were determi ned by spectre-photometric method* In the best su^ar concentration of mo lasses was found as 2 7-> The highest astxanthin product! ~ o on «as obtained at 22 C and pH 5, when pepton ;vas usea as nitrogen source, Onthe other hand, the best suitable fer mentation duration was found as 52 horus in the producti on of astaxanthin by using basic medium*
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Astaksantin, Astaxanthin, Phaffia rhodozyma, Phaffia rhodozyma