Üç farklı Ni-Ti eğe sisteminin kanal tedavisinin yenilenmesindeki etkinliğinin bilgisayarlı mikro-tomografi ile değerlendirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Çalışmamızın amacı periodontal nedenlerle çekilmiş alt çene birinci büyük azı dişlerinin kök kanal tedavisinin yenilenmesinde üç farklı tasarımda Ni-Ti döner eğe sisteminin, enstrümantasyon süresi ve kök kanallarında kalan dolgu maddesi miktarı açısından değerlendirmek ve karşılaştırmaktır. Çalışmamızda periodontal nedenlerle çekilmiş 36 adet alt birinci molar diş, farklı döner eğelerin kullanıldığı 3 örnek grubuna dağıtılmıştır. Örneklere kök kanal tedavisi uygulanmış ve farklı Ni-Ti döner eğe sistemleri kullanılarak yeniden kanal tedavisi işlemleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tüm işlemler tek hekim tarafından gerçekleştirilmiştir. Örnekler K tipi el eğeleri ile şekillendirilip, soğuk lateral kompaksiyon tekniği ile dolduruldu ve birinci micro-CT görüntüleri elde edildi. Gruplara ProTaper Retreatment (Dentsply Maillefer; Ballaigues, İsviçre), MicroMega Remover (Coltene/Whaledent, AG, Altstätten, İsviçre) ve Vdw Rotate Ni-Ti (Vdw Dental, Münih, Almanya) döner eğe sistemleri kullanılarak yeniden kanal tedavisi prosedürleri uygulandı. Her grup için enstrümantasyon süresi kaydedildi ve ardından ikinci mikro-CT görüntüleri elde edildi. Görüntüler üç boyutlu modelleme tekniği ile değerlendirilerek kalan kanal dolgu maddesi miktarı değerlendirildi. En yüksek miktarda artık dolgu malzemesi ProTaper Retreatment grubunda gözlendi (P<0.05). Kalan dolgu malzemeleri açısından MicroMega Remover ve Vdw Rotate grupları arasında anlamlı bir fark gözlenmedi (P>0.05). Enstrümantasyon süresi, ProTaper Retreatment ve MicroMega Remover gruplarına kıyasla Vdw Rotate grubunda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ölçüde daha yüksekti (P<0.05). Anahtar kelimeler: Kanal tedavisinin yenilenmesi; Vdw Rotate; HyFlex Remover; ProTaper Retreatment; mikro-CT
The aim of the present study was to evaluate and compare the instrumentation time and efficiency of three different Ni-Ti systems in removal of root canal filling material in mandibular molar teeth using micro-computerized tomography (micro-CT). 36 mandibular first molars extracted for periodontal reasons were randomly divided into three groups (n=12) according to the selected retreatment system. Primary root canal treatment procedures were performed by a single operator. The root canals were prepared with K-files and filled using cold lateral compaction technique. The initial micro-CT images were obtained. Root canal treatment procedures were performed using ProTaper Retreatment (Dentsply Maillefer; Ballaigues, Switzerland), MicroMega Remover (Coltene/Whaledent AG, Altstätten, Switzerland) and Vdw Rotate Ni-Ti rotary file systems (Vdw Dental, Munich, Germany) respectively. Instrumentation time for each group was recorded. Second micro-CT images were obtained and the amount of remaining root canal filling material was evaluated using three-dimensional modeling technique. Instrumentation time was significantly higher in the Vdw Rotate group compared to ProTaper Retreatment and MicroMega Remover groups (P<0.05). Significantly highest amount of residual filling material was observed in the ProTaper Retreatment group (P<0.05). There was not any significant difference between the MicroMega Remover and the Vdw Rotate groups regarding the remaining filler materials (P>0.05). Key words: Retreatment; Vdw Rotate; HyFlex Remover; ProTaper Retreatment; micro-CT
The aim of the present study was to evaluate and compare the instrumentation time and efficiency of three different Ni-Ti systems in removal of root canal filling material in mandibular molar teeth using micro-computerized tomography (micro-CT). 36 mandibular first molars extracted for periodontal reasons were randomly divided into three groups (n=12) according to the selected retreatment system. Primary root canal treatment procedures were performed by a single operator. The root canals were prepared with K-files and filled using cold lateral compaction technique. The initial micro-CT images were obtained. Root canal treatment procedures were performed using ProTaper Retreatment (Dentsply Maillefer; Ballaigues, Switzerland), MicroMega Remover (Coltene/Whaledent AG, Altstätten, Switzerland) and Vdw Rotate Ni-Ti rotary file systems (Vdw Dental, Munich, Germany) respectively. Instrumentation time for each group was recorded. Second micro-CT images were obtained and the amount of remaining root canal filling material was evaluated using three-dimensional modeling technique. Instrumentation time was significantly higher in the Vdw Rotate group compared to ProTaper Retreatment and MicroMega Remover groups (P<0.05). Significantly highest amount of residual filling material was observed in the ProTaper Retreatment group (P<0.05). There was not any significant difference between the MicroMega Remover and the Vdw Rotate groups regarding the remaining filler materials (P>0.05). Key words: Retreatment; Vdw Rotate; HyFlex Remover; ProTaper Retreatment; micro-CT
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry, Kök kanal tedavisi, Root canal therapy