ATM Ağlarında yönlendirme ve çokludağıtım problemleri için yapay sinir ağı çözümleri
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
IV ÖZET ATM AĞLARINDA YÖNLENDİRME VE ÇOKLUDAĞ1TIM PROBLEMLERİ İÇİN YAPAY SİNİR AĞI ÇÖZÜMLERİ CİNSDİKİCİ, Muhammed Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi; DoçDr.Emrah Orhun Ağustos 1997, 92 sayfa Bu tezde ATM bilgisayar ağlarında ortaya çıkan yönlendirme (routing) ve çoklu dağıtım (multicasting) problemleriyle ilgilenilmiş ve bu problemlerin klasik çözümleri ve yapay sinir ağı çözümleri irdelenmiştir. Bilgisayar ağlarının mimarisi gözönüne alındığında ve hergün daha fazla ağa bağlanan bilgisayarların var olduğu düşünüldüğünde, kaynak bilgisayardan hedef bilgisayara doğru gönderilmek istenen paketlerin, hangi yol üzerinden daha kısa ve etkin biçimde yönlendirilmesi gerektiği gibi bir problemle karşı karşıya kalınmaktadır. Eğer ATM ağlarında ki noktadan noktaya (point to point) yapı dikkate alınırsa, tüm ağın analiz edilmesi klasik metodlarla yapılandırılamayacak kadar karmaşıktır. Çoklu dağıtım (multicasting) sürecide yapılandırılmak istenirse, problem daha da karmaşık bir hale gelmektedir. Bu noktada tezde, ATM'de karşılaşılan bağlantı kontrolü, trafik tahminlemesi, anahtarlarda kuyruk problemi, dinamik yönlendirme ve dinamik çoklu dağıtım problemlerinin çözümlerinin klasik algoritmaların yetersiz kalmaları nedeniyle, yapay sinir ağlarıyla çözümlendirilmesinden bahsedilmektedir. Bilgisayar ağlarının dinamik yapısına uyabilen, karar yetisine sahip, servis kalitesini düşürmeyen, kendi kendine öğrenebilme yeteneğine sahip yapay sinir ağlarının sunduğu çözümler tezde belirtilmiştir. Anahtar kelinden Yapay sinir ağı, ATM ağları, dinamik yük dağılımı, optimum yol, servis kalitesi, yönlendirme (routing), çoklu dağıtım(multicasting)
ABSTRACT NEURAL NETWORK BASED SOLUTIONS FOR ROUTING AND MULTICASTING PROBLEMS ON ATM NETWORKS CİNSDİKİCİ, Muhamraed MSc in Computer Engineering Department Supervisor; Doç.Dr.Emrah Orhun August 1997, 92 pages In this thesis, the ATM problems named as routing and multicasting are observed. Their solutions are discussed by classical approaches and by neural network models. According to the topology of computer networks and the number of computers on the network, a problem is come accrosed. This problem is called as routing and directly related with sending user packets from source to destination over the network with minimum cost. If the point to point architecture of ATM networks is thougth then it can easily be seen that the architecture is so complex to be solved for routing problems by classical methods. If multicasting is the aim on connections, than this complexity is getting more and more complex form. Classical approaches to dynamic problems are worse for performance of networks. For instance, call admission control, traffic prediction, head of line effect on switches, dynamic routing, dynamic multicasting are hard problems to be solved by classic algorithms. For that reason, these problems are.being solved by neural networks. In this thesis, neural networks are suggested and mentioned for the solutions to the problems faced on ATM networks. Because neural networks are adaptable to dynamic status of networks, are self- decision-maker, are good on keeping quality of servise(QOS) at optimum level. Keywords: Neural networks, ATM networks, dynamic traffic condition, routing, multicasting, optimal path, optimum multicasting tree, quality of service.
ABSTRACT NEURAL NETWORK BASED SOLUTIONS FOR ROUTING AND MULTICASTING PROBLEMS ON ATM NETWORKS CİNSDİKİCİ, Muhamraed MSc in Computer Engineering Department Supervisor; Doç.Dr.Emrah Orhun August 1997, 92 pages In this thesis, the ATM problems named as routing and multicasting are observed. Their solutions are discussed by classical approaches and by neural network models. According to the topology of computer networks and the number of computers on the network, a problem is come accrosed. This problem is called as routing and directly related with sending user packets from source to destination over the network with minimum cost. If the point to point architecture of ATM networks is thougth then it can easily be seen that the architecture is so complex to be solved for routing problems by classical methods. If multicasting is the aim on connections, than this complexity is getting more and more complex form. Classical approaches to dynamic problems are worse for performance of networks. For instance, call admission control, traffic prediction, head of line effect on switches, dynamic routing, dynamic multicasting are hard problems to be solved by classic algorithms. For that reason, these problems are.being solved by neural networks. In this thesis, neural networks are suggested and mentioned for the solutions to the problems faced on ATM networks. Because neural networks are adaptable to dynamic status of networks, are self- decision-maker, are good on keeping quality of servise(QOS) at optimum level. Keywords: Neural networks, ATM networks, dynamic traffic condition, routing, multicasting, optimal path, optimum multicasting tree, quality of service.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bilimleri-Bilgisayar ve Kontrol, Computer Engineering and Computer Science and Control, ATM ağları, ATM networks, Dağıtım problemleri, Distribution problems, Yapay sinir ağları, Artificial neural networks