Klazomenia'da Arkaik Dönem plastik vazolar
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Arkaik Dönem, Doğu Yunan üretimi plastik vazoların, üretim yerleri, kronolojileri ve kökenleri tartışmalı bir konudur. Klazomenai'de ele geçen plastik vazoların incelendiği bu çalışmada, ilk olarak bu konular için öneriler sunulması amaçlanmıştır. 7.yüzyıhn ikinci yansına ait, Kuzey İonia orientalizan üslubunda bezenmiş iki rhyton-askos ve Akropolisin Güney yamacındaki seramik atölyesinde ele geçen, diz çökmüş satyr ve yere uzanmış aslan formunda vazolara ait kalıp parçalan, Arkaik Dönemde güçlü bir seramik üreticisi olduğu bilinen Klazomenai'in, aynı zamanda plastik vazo da ürettiğini ortaya koymuştur. Aynca, kalıplan ele geçen iki vazo formunun Mısır ile olan yakın ilişkisi, Klazomenai'in, 7yüzyıldan itibaren bu bölge ile olan iletişimi ve etkileşimi için bir kanıt oluşturur. Klazomenai'de plastik vazoların çoğu, mezarlarda tarihlenebilir buluntular ile bir arada ele geçmiştir. Bu sayede, bu güne kadar kabul görmüş olan kronolojiler gözden geçirilebilmiş, görülen aksaklıklar üzerinde durulmuştur. Sadece birkaç örnek ile temsil edilen vazolara Klazomenai örnekleri de katılmış ve bazı vazolann tipolojileri yeniden oluşturulmuştur. Bilinen örneklerin genellikle mezar buluntusu olması, bu vazolara ölü kültü ile ilgili anlamlar verilmesine neden olmaktadır. Ancak, birçok Klazomenai örneğinin mezarlıklar dışında ele geçmiş olması bu fikri çürütmüş, anlam konusunda yeni fikirler ortaya konmuştur. Sonuç olarak, Klazomenai plastik vazolannın toplandığı bu çalışma, bu güne kadar öne sürülen fikirler ve yapılan çalışmalar yardımı ile bu tip vazolar belli bir sistem içinde, kapsamlı olarak ele alınmıştır
ABSTRACT The production centres, chronologies and origins of the East Greek plastic vases of Archaic period is a controversial subject. First of all, in this study it has been aimed to give some advices about the plastic vases which were found in Klazomenai. Two rhyton-askoi, decorated in North Ionian Orientalising style, were found in Akpinar nekropolis and the mould pieces which belong to the vases in the form of a kneeling satyr and a couchant lion were found in the ceramic workshop in the south slope of Akropolis, corûfîrm that Klazomenai being an important ceramic producer also produced plastic vases. Moreover, the similarities between the mould pieces of two vase forms and ones in Egypt become an evidence for the communication and interaction with this area since the 7th century B.C. Most of the plastic vases were found with the well-dated findings in tombs. In this way, the chronology still agreed to be correct, could be looked over and the problems which had been seen were dwelled on. The examples of Klazomenai were added to the vases which are represented with only a few examples and typology of some vases were formed again. Generally, known examples of the plastic vases are the tomb findings and this situation causes to give meanings to these vases about the funerary. However, many Klazomenian examples have been found in the settlement and that makes this idea invalid and new ideas were put forward about meaning. As a result, in this study where Klazomenian plastic vases collected, these types of vases are taken up systematically with the helps of studies which have been done and the ideas which have been put forward till now.
ABSTRACT The production centres, chronologies and origins of the East Greek plastic vases of Archaic period is a controversial subject. First of all, in this study it has been aimed to give some advices about the plastic vases which were found in Klazomenai. Two rhyton-askoi, decorated in North Ionian Orientalising style, were found in Akpinar nekropolis and the mould pieces which belong to the vases in the form of a kneeling satyr and a couchant lion were found in the ceramic workshop in the south slope of Akropolis, corûfîrm that Klazomenai being an important ceramic producer also produced plastic vases. Moreover, the similarities between the mould pieces of two vase forms and ones in Egypt become an evidence for the communication and interaction with this area since the 7th century B.C. Most of the plastic vases were found with the well-dated findings in tombs. In this way, the chronology still agreed to be correct, could be looked over and the problems which had been seen were dwelled on. The examples of Klazomenai were added to the vases which are represented with only a few examples and typology of some vases were formed again. Generally, known examples of the plastic vases are the tomb findings and this situation causes to give meanings to these vases about the funerary. However, many Klazomenian examples have been found in the settlement and that makes this idea invalid and new ideas were put forward about meaning. As a result, in this study where Klazomenian plastic vases collected, these types of vases are taken up systematically with the helps of studies which have been done and the ideas which have been put forward till now.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Arkeoloji, Archeology, Arkaik Dönem, Archaic Period, Klazomenai, Klazomenai, Plastik kaplar, Plastic pots, Vazo, Vase