Preparation of rotating gold-disk electrode and its modification by electropolymerization
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET DÖNER ALTIN - DİSK ELEKTROD HAZIRLANMASI VE ELEKTROPOLİMERİZASYONLA MODİFİKASYONU BAŞALP, Mehmet Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kimya Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Berrin YENİGÛL Ağustos 1999, sayfa Son yıllarda, özellikle elektroanalitik tekniklerin seçiciliğini ve duyarlılığını arttırmak üzere kimyasal olarak modifiye edilmiş elektrodlann kullanılmasına ilgi artmıştır. Elektropolimerizasyon; adsorpsiyon, carbon pastaya inkorporasyon, kovalent bağlanma gibi herhangi bir modifiye edici ajanı elektrod yüzeylerine immobilize etmede kullanılan yöntemlerden biridir. Potansiyel, zaman, monomer derişimi, destek elektrolitinin doğası gibi deney koşullarının kontrol altında tutulmasıyla biriken filmin kalınlık, yapı ve aktivitesi gibi özellikleri değiştirebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada DAB monomer olarak seçilmiştir ve kendi laboratuvanmızda geliştirdiğimiz döner altın-disk elektrotta elektropolimerizasyon ile modifikasyonu incelenmiştir. Çalışma koşullarında polimer filmin asidik ortamda elektroaktif olduğu gözlenmiştir. Anahtar sözcükler: Elektropolimerizasyon, modifikasyon
vn ABSTRACT PREPARATION OF ROTATING GOLD-DISK ELECTRODE AND ITS MODIFICATION BY ELECTROPOLYMERIZATION BAŞALP, Mehmet Master Thesis in Chemistry Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Berrin YENİGÜL August 1999, pages. In recent years, the interest in using chemically modified electrodes (CMEs) has increased, particularly to enhance the sensitivity and selectivity of electroanalytical techniques. Electropolymerization is one of the methods (along with adsorption, incorporation into a carbon paste, covalent attachment) used to immobilize a modifier onto an electrode surface. By judicious control of experimental variables, e.g., potential, time, concentration of monomer, nature of supporting electrolyte, etc., properties of the deposited film such as film thickness, structure, and activity can be varied. At present work, 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB) was choosen as monomer and its modification by electropolymerization on the rotating gold-disk electrode. Which was prepared in our lab was studied. Under the contions of this study, the polymer films were found to be electroactive in acidic solutions but not in neutral or basic solutions. Keywords: Electropolymerization, modification
vn ABSTRACT PREPARATION OF ROTATING GOLD-DISK ELECTRODE AND ITS MODIFICATION BY ELECTROPOLYMERIZATION BAŞALP, Mehmet Master Thesis in Chemistry Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Berrin YENİGÜL August 1999, pages. In recent years, the interest in using chemically modified electrodes (CMEs) has increased, particularly to enhance the sensitivity and selectivity of electroanalytical techniques. Electropolymerization is one of the methods (along with adsorption, incorporation into a carbon paste, covalent attachment) used to immobilize a modifier onto an electrode surface. By judicious control of experimental variables, e.g., potential, time, concentration of monomer, nature of supporting electrolyte, etc., properties of the deposited film such as film thickness, structure, and activity can be varied. At present work, 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB) was choosen as monomer and its modification by electropolymerization on the rotating gold-disk electrode. Which was prepared in our lab was studied. Under the contions of this study, the polymer films were found to be electroactive in acidic solutions but not in neutral or basic solutions. Keywords: Electropolymerization, modification
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry, Elektropolimerleşme, Electropolymerization, Modifikasyon, Modification